Kaycee DSTV SERVICES [0659729998] is a reputable company specializing in DStv installations and home entertainment systems. Our experienced technicians provide professional services tailored to your needs and budget. We prioritize customer satisfaction, offering quick, reliable same-day installations. Our services include DStv installations, signal repairs, extra view setups, TV mounting, relocation, and more. We are committed to open communication, equal treatment of all customers, and taking responsibility for our work. Trust us for affordable, reliable, and efficient DStv solutions.
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�Dstv Installations
�Dstv Extra View Connections
�Dstv Relocation
�Dstv Tripple View Connections
�Dstv Extra Points
�TV Wall Mountings (All Inches)
�Supply of all Dstv materials
Open View Decoder Installations (OVHD)
�Cctv Cameras Installations (HD)
�Gate motor automation
�Electric fence Installations
�Network Cables Available
�PO Switch, Access Point Routers Available
�WiFi Network Access Points Specialist
�Expertise In Solar Energy And Inverter Backup Systems Installations ��
�3kva Inverter
�Lithium Battery
�Canadian Panels, Jinko Panels
(Inbox for special prices)
�5kva Hybrid Inverter
�48v 4.5kw Lithium Battery
�Canadian Pannels/Jinko Panels
�Automatic Change Over Switch
(inbox for special prices)
�Call/Whatsapp Solomon on.......
Email �
�Dstv Installations
�Dstv Extra View Connections
�Dstv Relocation
�Dstv Extra Points
�TV Wall Mountings (All Inches)
�Supply of all Dstv materials
Open View Decoder Installations (OVHD)
�Cctv Cameras Installations (HD)
�Network Cables Available
�PO Switch, Access Point Routers Available
�WiFi Network Access Points Specialist
�Call/Whatsapp Solomon @ 078 647 1168
Need a reference from existing client about my service ? I can provide you with their details. �
Spice up your home entertainment and enjoy clarity of vision Get your DStv set up just right with our installers.
Experience quality entertainment at your fingertips
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Spice up your home entertainment and enjoy clarity of vision, Get your DStv set up just right with our installers
Experience quality entertainment at your fingertips
DM 💭 | Call 🤙 | message 💬| WhatsApp 💭 | 0647962985 #dstvinstallers #TV
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Kay 0786471168
Spice up your home entertainment and enjoy clarity of vision, Get your DStv set up just right with our installers
Experience quality entertainment at your fingertips
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