Poetic soul. Geaven De POET.

Poetic soul. Geaven De POET. I’ve literally felt my soul tell a lie…
When I said, “I’m okay”!.
-Chetty GP


In this quiet era;
In the stillness of my world,
I am embraced by traces of your existence.
What I wouldn’t give just to have a moment of your presence;
The serene of your smile,
Oh! How you had the greatest of smiles…
A smile that illuminated and paved the path of my existence.
It is said some lives are linked together across time,
Connected by an ancient calling that echoes through the ages.
I see you in every little thing I do;
Thus makes you seem so close…
But when the lingering reality steps in,
I am brutally awakened by the last image engraved in my soul of the day we returned you to the earth.
Though it hurts now,
I know your love will see us through - Mashigo_Phathlane.
You fought your fight and conquered.
By: Chetty GP


I can perfectly recall and recollect the night I took my last lively breath;
So vividly one would reckon it’s happening in real time.
I mean one’s got to know death is part of life;
But if you ask me…
Death had no business meddling in ours.
Your existence was always what helped keep my darkness bound;
But since you - ascended,
I gradually feel the chains loosening.
It’s like I’d eventually wake from the slumber,…
Only to find my demons awaiting my awakening.
For what it’s worth I tried the light, but the darkness just makes much more sense lately.
By: Chetty GP


My Demons are blue!.
In a chaotic world that’s said to be normal,
But the Demons in me are thriving.
Suddenly the darkness makes much more sense than the light.
It is said,…
That’s it’s easy to forgive a child who’s afraid of the dark, than to see an old men cower in it.
Well regardless it and I have become intertwined in a sense that I found my peace in it.
I bet those who oppose my logic are a some of those who believes light travels faster than darkness;
But truth is no matter how fast light might be,…
It always finds darkness has been there waiting.
So to the depths of that darkness I shall let myself sink to the very bottom of it,
For I believe that from the very bottom of one’s nature - one can truly see the light of they ever gaze towards it.
I am that which I am; crafted in the likeness of my grief.
I shall dwell in this sublime world of darkness for as long as I need to come out on top…
For like a phoenix I shall be revived by the ashes.
By: Chetty GP


I Have Indeed Truly Became A Motherless Child!.


Majestic Being
The greatest of all the beings I’ve ever known, for me it was just you…
To me you was a mom, a dad, a grandma, a grandfather;
You were all these and more,
But most of all you were Hope.
You were this great being that always rayed down, Love-Joy-& Hope.
Think of you I’m flooded by all the beautifully great memories we’ve crafted in our time together…
(which was my whole life)
I know yours was greatly lived life;
Hence you are missed so dearly,
Perhaps that’s why the universe deemed it was time for you to ascend to the realm of the angels - because that you have always been… Angelic.
I will love you always N.A Mashigo.
I guess what hurts the most is that you now resides in a realm I can’t phantom.
Nonetheless… You have always been the Greatest.
Mashigo Mtau Miela…
By : Chetty GP


Flooding eyes.
I just want you to come home,
I don’t care what people are saying.
I have never been one to shed tears, but lately I’ve lost control of the waters in my eyes.
Feeling the warmth of each tear on my chics;
It’s like I’m losing you all over again, the warmth carried in every drop…
Flows with beautifully bittersweet memories.
I’ve always had people reference others as their pillars of strength;
But for me that’s an understatement,
‘Cause for me you represented what my life is and means…
Saying goodbye to you when you shook your head “No”
When I asked if you were coming home …
Took a massive toll on my soul,
I’m constantly in pain.
I’m not trying to hold on to it;
But all the lovely memories that come flooding my head…
Reminds me that; that was, but shall never be 😢.
By: Chetty GP


Broken Compass!.
You’ve always been my magic;
Now that you’re gone,…
So is my mona!.
Everyone be saying such gets better with time;
I guess I missed it,
Cause it feels like the whole world is laughing and the joke eludes me.
Accepting the loss means having to accept that I’ve traded my sanity for madness;
For all my life you’ve been my sense of direction,
My compass to be exact.
Lately this little life feels like a phantom projection of my Astro being.
I keep searching for hope or something remotely close to resemble such;
But at the bottom of what’s left of my sanity,…
I know that hope was you…
Life has ALWAYS been you,
My world took a chaotic turn when we laid you to final resting place in this senseless world you left me in.
I don’t care what the world thinks or say;
‘Cause I Would rather be here with you,
Than having to go on without you…
U phomole ka matla Bophahamo ba hau u tla ratoa ka mehla le ho hloloheloa haholo
By:Chetty GP


Nobody Can Equal You!.
You are by far the GREATEST person I’ve ever known, it is safe to say you are an Angel.
You loved me when no one would, you took me in when all left.
You embraced me, loved me, cherished me.
Even when my parents forgot about me.
You took me in and built your life around me,
So I wouldn’t feel the void my parents left.
You single handedly filled the gapping hole in my heart;
You made life better,
Honestly I couldn’t have asked for anything better.
Even if I could be given a chance to start over;
I’ll choose you every lifetime,
Throughout all eternity.
You’re my joy, my hope, my everything.
I love you Grandma [N.A Mashigo]
Chetty GP


World Shattered.
Suddenly my view of the world just shifted,
Never would have thought that when I saw you smiling that day was the last of it.
Hearing about your passing really took a toll on me;
I feel I’m constantly spiralling down the path of chaos,
Though if you ask me chaos is the only thing I understand lately.
You were my whole world, my whole world was you.
I’m suddenly caught in limbo;
Half the time I am not aware of myself,
Feels like I’d just wake up and hear your sweet melodic voice again.
I can’t say “Gone too soon”…
But I sure wish I could take back to when it was just me and you;
Looking back now my soul confirms that those were the greatest of my life,
You gave me the best life that no one could ever hope to hold a candle to.
I would rather be with you, than having to face the sorrow of letting you go.
Everybody is saying to let you go; so you find rest…
But the question never answered is…
“How do you let go of what’s always been your anchor to life?”
Each tear that falls from my face carries the weight of every moment of you, your love.
I love you forever Altha,
For you was a mother, father, grand and most of all you chose me when no one did!.
I’m hurt and in pain all the time.
I never knew love would hurt so much.
By:GP Chetty


I think I ought to put the pen down for good...
And let this be my last piece!.


My Purest Soul
It is said that some lives are linked across time,
Connected by an ancient calling that echoes through the ages.
Yours was and is a life that will continue echoing through the hands of time.
It is said that those we truly love; last forever,
But forever isn’t that long; if you ask me.
It was never gravity that held me up right,
It was you…
My gigantic grandma…[Mtau]
I thought giants were meant to be forever.
Your memory is so evasively vivid;
That I see traces of you- your love all around me,
But I guess this is what they meant by “forever”.
This is by far the most hardest and painful- Goodbye I ever had to say…
Yet again - Such is life…
Raised me with an iron hand and a strong willed love.
A love that now, as a father and a man, I've learned
to refine as I raise my own children.
And Yes We are but here for just a fragment of time of our true being,
But your being is rather a continuous beacon-ing ray of hope.
For even from the beyond…
Your embrace is still felt just the same.
Your presence is still felt just as in the best days we shared together,
Mashigo- MTau…
By:Chetty GP


"There's no better feeling than knowing you are hated by so many, but none have the balls to do something about it!."


I’m stuck in a limbos state of perpetual chaos;
Nothing good ever feels right,
It’s like my soul longs for the chaos.
Whenever something good does comes around;
My mind just takes a turn down the evasive road;
Got me feeling like a helpless toad,
But somehow I got this lingering sensation that I just might turn up a sage.
The world doesn’t move towards destruction; but towards order,
So it’s safe to say…
The Truth Is The Only Safe Ground To Stand Upon.
After all it is said that it’s better to fail trying, than fail to try”.
By: GP Chetty


It’s a beautiful fantabulous night,
For a dance under the moonlight.
Well at least It was, So I thought…
Till the stranger walked in a casted you a glance,
Then out of the side of your shoulder you involuntarily casted a stance;
The kind that reflexes your muscles memory,
But that wasn’t what broke me,
What did was when she said - “I could have loved you”.
I agree you weren’t the one I loved first,
But you could have been my last.
And knowing that much;
Kinda huts the nail home,
To top it off - my mind still remembers the bittersweet feeling of your skin and bones against mine.
Your departure was the kind that never required any “Goodbyes”
And yet somehow I know we’ll never say hello again!.
By: Chetty GP


It is said that some lives are linked together across time, connected by an ancient calling that echoes through the ages!.


Jacob Banks


I am only found in the darkness that you fear


Eyes like that of an exaggerated animated figure,
Eyes so bright as it were two emerald being shone upon by the setting sun.
There the dawning agony of my soul became keener;
She use to call me sunshine,
But each time she did I felt so dark.
Heart became immersed in a perpetual state of crippling limbo.
That’s when the residential demon began to take shape;
For the first time I began to feel at home in the darkness I’ve always dreaded,
It’s like they say…
“at the things you hated as a kid,
Begin to make sense as you grow”.
I believe it’s high time I gave in to voices in my head…
I mean after all insanity is never thought,
But we are all born capable of it!.


Tamed, beaten and pinned.
Such is the nature of this cruel memories I bare the wait of;
A memory so vividly painful,
One would swear is stuck in limbo.
We are thought that time heals;
But never how to deal with the lamenting mementos we bear witness to,…
It’s like the whole is laughing and you are the joke.
Like a great character once said…
“Wake up to reality there’s nothing beautiful in this crescent world”.
After all there’s more pain in love than there is in hate!.


I’m open to title suggestions..,

I remember when my eyes stopped to see;
But started to glisten,
That was when I first glanced your way.
And when you spoke…
My ears stopped to hear,
But started to listen.
It is said that eyes are the window of the soul,
But girl it’s like you stretched out your hand to touch mine as if you were reaching to pick a flower.
Then you suddenly up and left,
But that didn’t…
That was until you said “You could have laved”…
I still remember your crooked words like the latter of my palm.
I know you weren’t my first nor favourite, but you have been my last!.
By: GP Chetty


The LONELIEST people are the KINDEST ;
The MOST DAMAGED people are the WISEST.
All because they DON'T WISH to SEE anyone else SUFFER
The way they Did!.


I can feel the sweetest park of my soul darkening,
As if I’m being submerged in conflicting chaos.
Though that very chaos at times seems to be the very essence of my flame.
At times it’s just flicker of light,
But it then changes to a raging inferno;
The very light that can bring about a glimmer of hope,
Is also the kind that burns should you get to close.
As the times progress if seems easier to just let myself be engulfed by the chaos…
After all chaos is at times used to create order in civil societies.
I’m neither bad nor good I’m just a wondering chaotic figure.
Though with each word I transcribe;
My heart begin to ooze and flow into the paper dimension,
There the figure of my soul feels violated…
But yet there’s still something soothing to be found in the midst of chaos.
Sometimes the path to victory,
Begins in surrender.
By: Chetty GP


I can feel the sour taste of a melancholic flavour swell down my spine;
And somehow I find it comforting,
Just as stories of betrayal are!.
I trust the darkness more than I do the light,
For the darkness brings out the true nature of all of us,
People tend to express more in secret than they do in public.
As I transcribe this;
I can hear my demons whispering in my left ear,
And as much as I try to ignore the noise.
I can hear my soul resonating with the whisper.
It feels just like the childhood dream that was always so vividly clear,
The demons voice echoes throughout the very nature of my being.
And each I gaze at the mirror it’s like it ain’t my physic reflection I see,
But that of the beast that dwells beneath.
Should I embrace,
I wonder!.
By: Chetty GP


Evasive Poetry.
I lay in a state of perpetual chaos;
In an era embedded across time,
My crimson eyes catches a glance;
Through-out the ages.
It is said that some lives are linked across time,
Connected by an ancient calling that echoes through the ages…
My soul is detached from the very foundations of my soul.
I can sense the soul being pulled in every contorted directions.
They say eyes are the windows to the soul,
But I guess mine are just a gaping hole laking into total the darkness engraved in chaos.
What if my connection to the darkness takes light;
Would you still be here,
After you’ve had a run with my demons…
For I danced with the devil once!.
You’re like the redemption I couldn’t reach;
But now that you’re here,
I pray you stay!.
By: Chetty GP




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