Kathu Gazette

Kathu Gazette Kathu Gazette
Mining Community Newspaper in Kathu
Northern Cape The first Kathu Gazette newspaper appeared on 08 July 2006.

A new issue is out for the week!Make sure to subscribe to get full access to the Kathu Gazette every week right here: ht...

A new issue is out for the week!
Make sure to subscribe to get full access to the Kathu Gazette every week right here: https://nkmedia.co.za/login/

KATHUYoung rider clinches national challengeErika ViljoenNine year old Anke Rossouw from Kathu and her horse, Nya compet...

Young rider clinches national challenge
Erika Viljoen

Nine year old Anke Rossouw from Kathu and her horse, Nya competed in the Free State, North West and Northern Cape legs of the 2024 South African National Dressage (DSA) Challenge, held at the Kimberley Equestrian Centre, on 13 July 2024.
Anke competed in the Pony Prelim class against riders almost twice her age, but the pair stood their ground and walked away as champions. Anke and Nya received the national highest score in this class.
This is huge accomplishment, especially for Anke at such a tender age. “Anke is very dedicated to her sport and to Nya and commits wholeheartedly to the hours of planning and practice that go into preparing for such a prestigious event, always under the watchful eye and direction of their coach, Theresa Jacobs,” her mother said. “We are extremely grateful, especially to Theresa, who’s experience, leadership and encouragement motivate Anke to become the best rider she can be.”
The DSA Challenge, which began over 25 years ago, originated as a platform for competitors to compete on a national basis without having to travel out of their province.Every year two National Panel dressage judges are invited by each province to judge their horses, ponies and riders at the national status competitions.
Anke and Nya are going to take a well deserved rest for the next few weeks and then begin to prepare for the Northern Cape championship, which will be held during October 2024. The ultimate goal is to compete in the South African Youth Champions competition during June 2025, which is a multi-discipline, national equestrian show that brings South Africa's top young riders together.
Kathu Gazette is very proud of Anke and Nya and wish them all of the best for the future.

Photo Sport Anke 2: Anke Rossouw wears her winning rosette with pride.
Photo Sport Anke 3: Anke with her horse, Nya and her coach, Theresa Jacobs.

POSTMASBURGEvery child deserves a   for a brighter futureSmartStart is a national social franchise that provides quality...

Every child deserves a for a brighter future

SmartStart is a national social franchise that provides quality early learning to children aged three to five years. During a collaborative Parental Engagement Dialogue session SmartStart, in collaboration with its implementing partners Nali’bali, Flourish and Lesedi Solar Park Trust, gathered with local parents at AFM House of Grace in Newtown, Postmasburg to discuss child protection and parental rights and responsibilities.
The dialogue session themed, Every child deserves a for a brighter future provided the opportunity for attendees to engage with SmartStart and stakeholders on how to give every child the power to succeed.
Flourish host, Ebenice Groenewald, educated caregivers on the importance of positive and empowering antenatal and postnatal experiences for the holistic development and well-being of children.
Ms Groenewald informed caregivers about pregnancy and mom and baby classes offered by Flourish which are tailored to provide mothers with companionship, self-love and self-care tips, positive ways to bond with children and the importance of love and play for the holistic development of children.
Brongene Cloete, Social Worker and Lesedi Solar Park Trustee, delivered a keynote address exploring re-parenting strategies with caregivers. She explained the link between past unresolved personal childhood trauma, with the present role as a caregiver that could have a significant impact on childrearing.
During her address, Ms Cloete shared the practical re-parenting skills with caregivers, like the acknowledgment of pain of your inner child, the validation of your inner child, practicing loving self-discipline with yourself and rediscovering your childlike wonder.
In an effort to portray the impact of domestic violence and sexual abuse on the development of the child, SmartStarters delivered a captivating and relatable dramatised role play depicting the manifestations and consequences of these traumatic events on the social functioning and wellbeing of a child.
“The role play was aimed at providing a perspective on how domestic violence and sexual abuse impacts the holistic wellbeing of a child,” said Danzel Rademan, SmartStart club coach.
To date, Postmasburg has a total of 22 licenced and trained SmartStarters who deliver a high quality, standardised daily programme in Newtown, Boichoko, Maranteng, and Groenwater.
For more information on SmartStart and the importance of early learning, visit www.smartstart.org.za For more information on Flourish mom and baby classes, contact the Flourish host, Ebenice Groenewald at the Postmasburg Clinic or on 078 0959462 or at
[email protected]

Smart Start Photo 4: Enthusiastic participants attending the dialogue session hosted

POSTMASBURGDiere Forum Postmasburg benodig hulpCiska HuttonDie Diere Forum Postmasburg is ‘n nie-winsgewende organisasie...

Diere Forum Postmasburg benodig hulp
Ciska Hutton
Die Diere Forum Postmasburg is ‘n nie-winsgewende organisasie wat sedert 2016 ‘n veilige hawe bied vir straathonde en katte asook beseerde en mishandelde diere. Die Diere Forum Postmasburg help jaarlik ongeveer 200 honde en laat doen ook sterilisasies, soos hul fondse dit toelaat, maar is afhanklik van die publiek en plaaslike besighede se donasies om hul deure oop te hou.
Besighede soos Pick&Pay, Zincover, KLK, Spar en Alcor spring gereeld in en help waar nodig. Lede van die gemeenskap, soos Surietha van Tonder wat gereeld gratis van die honde skeer, is ook baie betrokke by die DBV.
Wilma Botha van Zyl en Estelle Labuschagne, wat al verskeie jare aan die stuur van sake is by die Diere Forum Postmasburg, bevestig egter dat daar altyd ‘n tekort aan fondse is, aangesien die hoeveelheid siek, honger en hawelose honde en katte jaarliks toeneem en die Diere Forum die enigste toevlugsoord is vir hierdie behoeftige diere.
Hulle het al verskeie fondsinsamelingsprojekte gehou, soos byvoorbeeld die stalletjie by die ouetehuis se markdag, waar hulle T-hemde met die slagspreuk “Adopt…don’t shop” verkoop het. Hulle het ook al met kosverkope probeer fondse insamel, maar kry nie altyd borge wat bereid is om die bestanddele te skenk nie. Die AGS-Kerk Postmasburg het saam met Milky Queens ingespring en ‘n fliek-aand gereël om te kyk of hulle nie miskien kos vir die honde en katte kan invorder nie. Die fliek wat hulle gewys het se naam was Finding Normal. Milky Queens het die doughnuts geborg en volgens die organiseerders was dit redelik suksesvol al was daar nie baie belangstelling nie.
Aangesien die Diere Forum moet steun op die goehartigheid van vrywilligers en nie kan bekostig om permanente werknemers in diens te neem nie, kan dié organisasie ook nie altyd optimaal funksioneer nie. Die diere moet op ‘n daaglikse basis gevoer word, die infrastuktuur in stand gehou word en wanneer diere aangeneem word, moet hulle gesteriliseer word.
Lede van die gemeenskap kan op verskeie maniere betrokke raak, deur byvoorbeeld die Diere Forum en hul missie te bemark op digitale platforms of op ‘n gereelde basis tyd te spandeer met die honde en katte by die Diere Forum. Vriende kan mekaar uitdaag om elkeen maandeliks ‘n R100 by te dra tot die forum se enorme uitgawes of elkeen maandeliks ‘n sak hondepille te skenk en sodoende verseker dat die hawelose en beseerde diere van Postamsburg en omgewing versorg word. Kom ons vat hande en ondersteun vir Wilma en Estelle in hierdie diens wat hulle uitsluitlik vir die liefde van die saak doen. Kontak hulle gerus vir enige navrae of indien iemand ‘n skenking wil maak en volg hulle op facebook by Postmasburg Diere Forum.
Wilma Botha van Zyl - 082 447 0215. Estelle Labuschagne - 083 609 2587
Foto DBV 1: Daar is ‘n groot behoefte aan vrywilligers wat bereid is om tyd te spandeer met die honde en katte by die Diere Forum te Postmasburg.

Foto DBV 2: “Adopt, don’t shop”

Foto DBV 3: Ondersteun die Postamsburg Diere Forum met donasies in die vorm van kontant of kos.

A runner from NC tracing the footprints of an Icon.Lukhanyo Ziphethe is an avid long-distance runner, who started his ru...

A runner from NC tracing the footprints of an Icon.

Lukhanyo Ziphethe is an avid long-distance runner, who started his running journey in 2017 and has developed a great passion for running over the years. He has been affiliated with the Kuruman Running Club (KRC) for all these years, during which he participated in various local and national running events, earning numerous accolades which include three bronze medals for both the Two Oceans marathon and Comrades marathon in 2022, 2023 and 2024.
He is very excited to have been chosen as one of 12 participants representing various provinces of South Africa in the 4th edition of the 400km Iconic challenge from 14 to 21 July 2024. It is a great honour and privilege that he was selected as the sole representative for the Northern Cape, after a gruelling selection process. This will be an 8-day challenge starting at Fort Hare University in Alice, continuing through places such as Komani, Cofimvaba, Ngcobo, Clarkebury and Mvezo and will end at the Nelson Mandela Museum in Mthatha. This is a unique tourism and heritage route where participants will trace Nelson Mandela’s footprints from where he was born, grew up, went to school and was finally laid to rest. They will also have an opportunity to touch the birth places of other South African iconic freedom fighters namely Chris Hani, Walter Sisulu, Dr. A.B. Xuma, Mama Albertina Sisulu, King Sabata Dalindyebo and General Bantu Holomisa.
The challenge is broken down into running blocks of approximately 42.2km each day for the first 7days and 103km on the 8th day. It will also be a unique opportunity to celebrate Mandela Day on 18 July 2024 within the vicinity of Madiba’s homestead.
The challenge is organized by ‘The Icons Journey Marathon Foundation’ where the main objective is to raise funds to effect social change in the communities in need. The beneficiaries of the funds will be school kids from nominated schools in rural areas and townships, where they will be provided with school shoes and uniforms, sport kits, sport equipment and facilities.
Additionally on 21 July 2024 the Icons journey marathon will be hosting a multi-sporting event in Mthatha, Eastern Cape. This event includes hiking, cycling and running of various distances.
The Icon’s Journey Marathon vision was inspired by President Nelson Mandela’s journey, growing up in the rural villages of the former Transkei homeland to becoming a global icon.
You may support Lukhanyo by donating on the Back-A-Buddy platform. Here is the QR code for the donation website.

Kuruman running club correspondence

Photo 1: Lukhanyo, winning his first bronze medal during the 2022 Comrades marathon.

Photo 2: Lukhanyo in action during one of the many running events he participated in.

Kathu Gazette celebrates 18th anniversaryFrom modest beginnings in 2006, this mother and daughter duo grew into a dynami...

Kathu Gazette celebrates 18th anniversary

From modest beginnings in 2006, this mother and daughter duo grew into a dynamic team, now consisting of journalists, graphic designers and administrative personnel. The main focus however, always remains on serving the surrounding mining towns and villages with relevant mining, political and community news.
The Kathu Gazette wants to thank the public as well as every organisation and business who contribute to the Kathu Gazette for their support these past 18 years.
Our birthday wish is to continue to serve the mining community with successful media coverage for years to come.
The Kathu Gazette invites all non-government organisations (NGO), non-profit organisations (NPO), community-based organisations (CBO), sports clubs, schools and churches within the distribution area to send us information about your weekly or monthly activities or any event worthy of media coverage to [email protected] or contact us at 053 7232000.

KIMBERLEYVice-chancellor hosts chief Jantjie and delegationVictor MulangisiThe Sol Plaatjie University Vice-Chancellor a...

Vice-chancellor hosts chief Jantjie and delegation
Victor Mulangisi
The Sol Plaatjie University Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Professor Andrew Crouch, hosted a luncheon on July 2, 2024, with distinguished guests from the Ba-Ga-Jantjie Traditional Council, led by Kgosikgolo, Tumo Jantjie. This engagement aimed to create a transformative collaboration between SPU and the Ba-Ga-Jantjie Traditional Council.
The discussions, according to the chief, centred around joint outreach programmes by the University to address educational needs within the community and how to extend the footprint of the University in the Kuruman area. On the part of the chief, his delegation also sought how the University could support the upcoming Luka Jantjie Heritage Festival.
In an interview with the chief, he expressed, “This was the second meeting. The deliberations led to an undertaking to sign a Memorandum of Understanding that would govern future collaborative efforts. It is this kind of reciprocity, this mutual respect, that should be optimised. It has been there but in small packets. Chiefs and universities can inculcate and bring a proper understanding of the interconnectedness between learning institutions and traditional leaders”.
The positive hosting of the chief and his delegation was a step in the right direction. The University aims to first widen its student enrolment horizon by attracting traditional leaders. You invite the mother, and the child will follow.
The chief also felt obliged to engage the University in its pursuit of cultural activities, which will take place in September. The chief is a blood descendant of the highly espoused late chief Luka Jantjie.
While the University has taken the initiative to encourage local learners to become students of the institution, it is equally incumbent upon local schools to provide the requisite information to learners about the importance of university education in this era. This commitment to the local community is a responsibility we take seriously.
The truth is that both school authorities and traditional leaders must play a pivotal role in support of the Vice-Chancellor in his welcoming overture to our chief. We believe the memorandum of understanding between the University and Chief Jantjie and his delegation will illuminate more ideas for preserving our various ethnicities and cultures.


📢 Belangrike kennisgewing vir alle ouers en leerders! 📢 Dit is noodsaaklik vir almal by Hoërskool Kathu High School om te lees en op hoogte te bly!


🎭 Don't Miss Out on This Event! 🎭

Frank Opperman, better known as "Ouboet" from Orkney Snork nie, will be performing his famous "One Man Show" Reunion at Hoërskool Kathu High School on 31st July 2024 at 18:30!

Feeling cold? No worries! Besides Frank's warm sense of humor, we'll ensure you're cozy and comfortable in our school hall.

Tickets are available at our office. Book in advance to avoid disappointment!

🎭Maak seker jy mis nie uit op hierdie geleentheid nie!! 🎭

Frank Opperman, of beter bekend as Ouboet van Orkney Snork nie, gaan op die 31ste Julie 2024 om 18:30 by ons kom optree met sy bekende "One man Show"... Reünie!!!

Koue? Nee wat, geen probleem! Behalwe vir Frank se warm humorsin, gaan ons seker maak julle is snoesig en warm in ons skoolsaal.

Kaartjies sal beskikbaar wees by ons kantoor. Maak seker jy bespreek vooruit om teleurstelling te voorkom.


Rietbok Street

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 16:00
Thursday 08:00 - 16:00
Friday 08:00 - 13:00






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