What is the cure for capitalism?
The unevenness of the state’s capacity to respond to Covid-19 highlights a long-term failure of neoliberal to sustain public health and life. Largely, due to the state’s commitment to neoliberal agenda and the demotion of public welfare in favor of privatization.
Public meeting.
Can Precarious workers be organised
This is an international struggle
Covid 19 and the Global Struggle between life & profits
🎥Live online meeting hosted by The International Socialist Tendency. Speakers include:
• Iannis Delatolas, Marx21 US
• Baba Aye, editor Socialist Worker (Nigeria) and Co-Convenor Coalition for Revolution (CORE).
• Christine Buchholz, Die Linke MP and supporter of marx21 (Germany)
• Joseph Choonara, Socialist Workers Party (Britain) and editor of International Socialism.
Covid-19 has affected nearly every part of the planet. Countries such as the US and Britain have seen tens of thousands of deaths already. The full effect on the countries of the Global South has yet to be seen. While government responses have differed throughout the world, the general tendency has been one of complacency and of putting profits before the lives of the population.
In many contexts, people from black and minority ethnic backgrounds have died in disproportionate numbers. The virus has highlighted the racism that exists in society as well as the oppression faced by women, disabled people and the elderly—and the precarious situation for refugees. The first explosion it has produced is the rising in the United States against the murder of George Floyd.
The global economic crisis in the wake of the pandemic and the huge numbers of people expected to lose their jobs will likely lead to fresh confrontations between workers and the ruling class.
The pandemic has raised new challenges for revolutionaries. We have had limited opportunities to organise protests on the streets. Yet it has also exposed the fragility of the capitalist system and led people around the world to question whether a better world is possible.
This meeting will bring together socialists from all over the world to discuss how to respond .
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