Traditional wedding!
This is how things are getting done by singing and dancing before feasting and drinking sorghum beer in some huge calabashes!
(woza weekend!) As usual weekends turns out to be an activities hub ranging from weddings parties down to traditional ceremonies to name but a few so let focus on tradition healing by now a male healer is called ( inyanga) while a female healer is.a sangoma both share one platform of healing the only difference is their gender! The ceremonies starts. from the graduation of junior healers also known as( itwasa) up to the qualified celebrations routine which includes a beating of drums / clapping lof hands/ singing and feet stumping known as they perform sangoma dance heldi Ng ( ishoba/ letchoba).made from a cow tail end converted from a short stick ! From such.ceremonies patrons are served huge amounts of sorghum beer and cow or goat meat endlessly throughout.the weekend day and night where fortune.or badluck including all sort of curses and luck are predicted (shayani bo ! Siyavuma ! Makhosi!
Woza weekend! We all know that when coming to the point of approaching weekend we mean a lot! Let alone different activities taking places in our lovely Mzansi shores! For now beside focusing on all sorts of Entertainment's that's taking place we.cant go by forgetting our entertainers known as bomajaivana in our Kasi lingo who do tperfom their dancing skills throughout the weekend we are having this youngsters in our shores hayi bo not forgetting to say thanks the almighty about the few drops of rain we received recently that means hunger and thirst a thing of the if you find yourself mingling with this weekend.entertainers please.advice them to choose the right venue to perform not like our friend do it right in the parking lot! Cause safety comes first ! Anyway have a blessed weekend full of fun and enjoyment our advice is always simple ( let's do it but not overdoing it over weekends) by not forgetting that mblue Monday sing.the blue blues on Monday blues! Bathathe weekend .! Nam ndiyay funa into yam!
(blue Monday sing the blue blues on Monday blues) morning everyone we hope you really had a funtastique weekend ! So this day has finally arrived our blue day hopefully all of us are coping well at our different engagements! No tiredness no hang over no heavy head s on our bed pillows this morning we hope all is well! Hopefully no one is asking for a (skuif) or picking stompies dropped by passerbys on pavements let alone those rushing in droves to water taps in order to quinch their endless thirsts now and then ! Hopefully noone is complaining about heat as it's sunny skies in many parts of Mzansi !let alone those who chose to slaughter a pig as they are still.on weekend mood trying to refresh their bodies with Monday booze!. By so doing find think it's only you alone who's absconded there is a lot more like our friend on the video ! Halaaaala blue Monday!
Woza weekend ! We all know that most weekends are full of entertainment and excitements while to others brings sorrow ! But at the meantime let's focus on the excitement brought by most weekends ! Feasts / parties / weddings and ofcaurse some traditional ceremonies which takes place almost every weekend around Mzansi let alone meat and refreshments are served in bulk ! Music lovers revelers enjoy all kind of singing and dancing ! We.all love weekends unlike Mondays whio brings tiredness to everyone but nevertheless let us enjoy our weekends in bulk too!
(woza weekend) we love weekend s cause it bring many things in our lives ranging from joy or sorrow but at the meantime we focus on the joy it usually bring to some fun lovers so view share follow! See you there soon!