Mochochonono Academy Sports Department Statement Release.
If you are not confident in yourself, you're twice defeated in the race of life...
One Kasi. One Development ⚽
Soccer is viewed by many as major sporting event in the world. The game of football has resulted to skill development in many nations across the globe and has contributed in enriching individuals. Besides, sport in general and in particular have emerged as a single unifying factor even in moment of political, ethnic and socio - religious tension and feuds. Nations across the world have united behind this game. Football has bridged racial divide and brought people of other nation into a union of oneness.
Most youths are ready to defy some of the challenges prevailing in the world today such as unemployment and economic hardship which has reduced to the level of desperation. Most of them have given up hopes and have buried their talents and indulged in activities such as drug abuse, prostitution, gangsterism and banditry. It can not be argued that idleness breeds crime and other numerous malpractices that can only lead to the destruction of individuals and their communities.
In Mafube Local Municipality context, there are numerous challenges still predominant in most of its townships such as Frankfort, Villiers, Tweeling, Cornelia and townships around Mafube Local Municipality. This is because the desire and zeal to conquer and be number one has unfortunately not been matched with opportunities and facilities to nurture their skills and talents. It is in this context that Mochochonono Academy (PTY)LTD has created the Mochochonono Academy FC (M.A.F.C) in pursuing its zeal to transform the lives of the budding Mafube Local Municipality talents.
Why Mochochonono Academy FC?
The future of every country and its related society lies in the youth pop**ation. Investing in youths entails building a solid foundation for future leaders by maximizing their potentials. Mochochonono Academy FC has come to realize that in partnership with the communities as well as other stakeholders, young people can be given a chance of making it in life through sports. The founders and promoters at Mochochonono Academy FC equally believe that young people are rough diamond whom if well polished shall shine for the whole of humanity.
Our Request:
Football Boots, Soccer Kits, Cones, Shin Guards, Balls, First Aid Medical Facilities, Nets, and all other sports equipment and materials.
Club Manager
Leoma Mphuthi