ABA-NTU are the only Nation Lost. My Black people what curse fell upon us?
Eish, ya neh!!!. The only disfunctional nation amongst all. I mean the only one without a collective structure in anything positive or negative politically, economically, culturally and socially. Even within the intra-structural negative structures of hatred and crime against one another, we still see criminals turning against each other when it's time to share, we still see haters turning against each other when one succeeds at anything amongst themselves. It's bad. Maybe we are truly the Nation that the Lord of Isreal mentions to that "Until you are ready to know me once again, and practice the customs of your own people which I the Lord had established for you. To give Ceazar what belongs to Ceazar. You shall remain scattered like slaves to foreign nations and like lost sheep, and your Glory possessd by strangers". What makes me wonder if this is not us is because of realistic examples from our daily lives. For example, a drug addict or alcoholic who is led to addiction due to his rebellious behavior, son to a very wealthy man, fails to run the business his father left him. But see how he transforms and levels the business once he is rehabilitated and returns to his clear thoughts of who he is. Aseh!