
Newszm This can save citizens time and reduce the need for in-person visits to government offices.

Improving government performance through the use of technology is essential to ensure that government services are efficient, effective, and accessible to all citizens. Here are some ways technology can help improve government performance:

Digital Services: Governments can use technology to offer digital services, such as online application processes, electronic payment systems, and virtual custo

mer service. Data Analytics: Governments can use data analytics to analyze large amounts of data to identify trends and patterns, and make informed decisions. This can help to improve government performance by enabling governments to target resources more effectively and improve service delivery. Open Data: Governments can use open data to provide citizens with access to government data in a transparent and easily accessible manner. This can enable citizens to participate more fully in government decision-making and hold the government accountable. Mobile Technology: Governments can use mobile technology to improve service delivery by providing citizens with access to government services and information through their mobile devices. Social Media: Governments can use social media to engage with citizens, promote transparency, and provide real-time updates on government services and activities. Overall, the use of technology and service delivery can improve government performance by making government services more efficient, effective, and accessible to all citizens. However, it is important that governments also consider the ethical and privacy implications of using technology and ensure that all citizens have equal access to government services.


My wife disrespects me, she said she would leave me with a mark – Divorce-seeking hubby

SHE doesn’t respect me, and when she starts talking, she wants to come out like she is the man of the house, lamented 38-year-old Blessed Makasa, while pleading with the court to end his one year eight-months marriage with 32-year-old Loveness Chindano.
Besides the disrespect, Makasa told senior Local Court Magistrate Bertha Zulu that not only does his wife threaten to take his life, but she has also been mistreating his 14-year-old son, claims Chindano rebutted.
Chindano wondered why Makasa proceeded to file for divorce when he has been eating the food she prepares without any fear and also been intimate with her as recent as four days before court appearance…


So even today you are indoors but you want Marriage?


Your word of encouragement to these who have been left out ku 2023 Teachers recruitment.


I have seen people happy with kids that got ama 6,7,8, points Congratulations to them. Those of you with kids that got ama 15 plus points you will be shocked those are the kids that will survive in society and make it. Apparently society doesn't care about POINTS BUT PRACTICAL PERFORMANCE. A child with 20 points might turn out to be more successful than one who got 6 points
Do not make your child feel bad or horrible because they did not get 5,6,7 or 8 points NOOOOOOOO.. Encourage them, motivate them that LIFE IS NO LONGER ABOUT POINTS BUT HUSTLING
Some of us did very well in school with Pure Sciences and thought we would be Doctors. We studied Accounts, Psychology, Philosophy.. But today our talents pay more than our papers. Up to now those paper just gather dust because our talents are way better.
Chellah Tukuta


Revolutionizing Healthcare in Zambia: Unleashing the Power of Real-Time Monitoring and Big Data Analytics

Despite significant investments by the Zambian government in healthcare, there remains an urgent need for further improvement. To address this, it is crucial to adopt real-time tracking and monitoring of hospital operations, enabling a comprehensive understanding of the patient journey. By closely monitoring critical metrics such as waiting times, bed space availability, re-admission rates, diagnostic procedures, and treatment plans, we can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of our healthcare system. This article explores the immense potential of harnessing advanced technologies like big data analytics and machine learning to drive substantial improvements in Zambia's healthcare landscape.

Real-Time Monitoring for an Enhanced Patient Journey:
Implementing real-time monitoring systems empowers us to track and analyze various facets of the patient journey. This includes the ability to monitor the number of patients being attended to in real-time, enabling timely interventions and reducing waiting times. Furthermore, through vigilant resource allocation monitoring, we can identify wasteful expenditures and optimize resource utilization, ultimately leading to better patient experiences and improved outcomes.

Enhancing Diagnosis and Treatment:
Big data analytics and machine learning hold transformative potential for enhancing disease diagnosis accuracy. By leveraging machine learning algorithms on radiological images, we can significantly improve diagnostic precision and efficiency, paving the way for better treatment outcomes. Moreover, analyzing extensive datasets equips healthcare providers with invaluable insights for descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analyses. These insights enable informed clinical decision-making and the optimization of treatment plans, further enhancing patient care.

Learning from Successful Examples:
Prominent healthcare systems such as the National Health Service (NHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have already harnessed the power of big data analytics, showcasing remarkable improvements in patient care, operational efficiency, and health policy decision-making. As Zambia aspires to lead the way in healthcare innovation across Africa, it is imperative that we embrace big data analytics and machine learning proactively, not lagging behind but taking the lead in transforming our healthcare system.

To achieve significant advancements in our healthcare system, we must wholeheartedly embrace the utilization of big data analytics and machine learning. Real-time monitoring of hospital operations, coupled with comprehensive analysis of patient data, holds the key to unlocking improved patient outcomes, resource optimization, and informed decision-making. By taking proactive steps to leverage these transformative technologies, Zambia can position itself as a frontrunner in healthcare innovation in Africa. Let us seize this golden opportunity to enhance the quality, accessibility, and effectiveness of healthcare, ensuring a brighter and healthier future for all Zambians.

Hakainde HichilemaNews DiggersMukosha Funga NjengaUSAID ZambiaUSAID ZambiaUK in ZambiaU.S. Embassy ZambiaEuropean Union in ZambiaBBC News AfricaDW Africa


Harnessing Remote Sensing and Satellite Imagery: Revolutionizing Crop Yield Estimation in Zambia

The utilization of remote sensing and satellite imagery holds immense potential in transforming agricultural practices and ensuring food security in Zambia. These advanced technologies offer detailed insights into crucial factors influencing crop growth, surpassing the limitations of traditional ground-based assessments. By embracing remote sensing and satellite imagery, farmers can benefit from real-time monitoring, early detection of stressors, and accurate yield estimations, leading to enhanced productivity and improved resource management. The integration of these tools with machine learning and big data analytics further empowers decision-making and optimizes resource allocation, extending their advantages beyond maize crops to the entire agricultural value chain.

Accurate Crop Yield Estimation:
Remote sensing and satellite imagery provide valuable information on key factors influencing crop growth, such as vegetation indices, soil moisture levels, and temperature variations. By capturing high-resolution images from space, these technologies enable comprehensive monitoring and analysis of crop conditions, surpassing the limitations of ground-based assessments. This detailed data enhances the accuracy of crop yield estimation, enabling farmers to make informed decisions regarding planting dates, fertilizer application rates, and yield forecasting. The ability to precisely monitor crop health in real-time and detect potential stressors at an early stage empowers farmers to implement targeted interventions, such as precision irrigation, nutrient management, and pest control measures, minimizing risks and maximizing yield potential.

Robust Models and Informed Decision-Making:
By combining remote sensing and satellite imagery with machine learning algorithms and big data analytics, robust models can be developed for accurate yield estimations. These models analyze historical data, integrate real-time satellite imagery, and incorporate environmental variables, allowing for accurate predictions of crop yields at various spatial scales. This predictive capability provides farmers with valuable insights, enabling them to optimize resource allocation, plan production more effectively, and make informed decisions. The integration of these advanced technologies fosters a data-driven approach to agriculture, improving productivity and ensuring long-term sustainability.

Beyond Maize: Enhancing the Agricultural Value Chain:
While the benefits of remote sensing and satellite imagery are particularly evident for maize crops, their application extends beyond a single commodity. These technologies can be adopted for other agricultural commodities in Zambia, providing comprehensive insights into the entire agricultural system. By optimizing resource allocation and strengthening the agricultural value chain, these tools contribute to the sustainable development of the sector. The integration of remote sensing and satellite imagery enables evidence-based policy decisions, enhances the efficiency of the value chain, and supports the nation's food security goals.

Investment in Research, Infrastructure, and Capacity Building:
To fully harness the potential of remote sensing and satellite imagery, investment in research, infrastructure development, and capacity building is crucial. This investment would promote technological advancements, strengthen data collection and analysis capabilities, and provide training opportunities for farmers and researchers. By empowering stakeholders with the necessary skills and resources, Zambia can unlock the full potential of these tools, driving sustainable agricultural development, and ensuring long-term food security.

The utilization of remote sensing and satellite imagery holds immense potential in revolutionizing crop yield estimation and transforming agricultural practices in Zambia. These advanced technologies enable real-time monitoring, early detection of stressors, and accurate yield estimations, improving productivity and resource management. By integrating these tools with machine learning and big data analytics, informed decision-making is facilitated, benefitting the entire agricultural value chain. Investment in research, infrastructure, and capacity building is vital to fully realize the potential of these technologies and pave the way for a prosperous and sustainable agricultural sector in Zambia. Embracing remote sensing and satellite imagery is a transformative shift towards a data-driven approach that enhances productivity, resilience against climate variability, and ensures long-term food security for the nation.

Hakainde HichilemaUSAID ZambiaEuropean Union in ZambiaUK in ZambiaU.S. Embassy ZambiaWorld Bank AfricaWorld BankNews DiggersBBC News AfricaDW Africa


In today's rapidly changing world, reliable and secure identification is essential to access vital government and financial services. However, Zambia's current paper-based National Registration Card (NRC) system has become outdated and inefficient. To address this challenge, migrating to a digital identity system using MOSIP (Modular Open Source Identity Platform) is a crucial step towards improving the accuracy and efficiency of government services, promoting financial inclusion, and fostering local economic growth. MOSIP provides a modern and customizable solution that can cater to Zambia's specific requirements.

Streamlining Life Events and Enhancing Service Delivery:
A key advantage of transitioning to a digital identity system with MOSIP is the centralization of recording an individual's life events, such as births, marriages, divorces, and deaths. This consolidation ensures accurate and efficient service delivery while simultaneously reducing the risks associated with fraud and corruption. MOSIP's utilization of open-source technology and adherence to standards eliminates concerns related to vendor lock-in, enabling seamless system customization and integration with other government platforms.

Empowering Financial Inclusion:
Digital identity solutions powered by MOSIP play a pivotal role in promoting financial inclusion in Zambia. By providing citizens with a secure and reliable means of identification, individuals gain easier access to crucial financial services, including banking and insurance. Consequently, this can lead to reduced costs for loan applications and improved access to credit, ultimately supporting local businesses and driving economic growth.

Fostering Local Economic Growth:
Embracing MOSIP for the migration to a digital identity system in Zambia entails close collaboration with local Zambian companies. This cooperative approach ensures that the investments made in the project remain within the local economy, stimulating economic growth, creating employment opportunities, and cultivating a thriving business environment.

Regional Integration and Seamless Travel:
Adopting a common digital identity system across the African continent can encourage the implementation of country-to-country initiatives, potentially eliminating the need for passports within Africa. MOSIP's successful implementations and planned deployments in countries like Madagascar, the Philippines, Morocco, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Ethiopia, Republic of Guinea, Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso, and Togolese Republic highlight its potential to facilitate seamless travel and business transactions across national borders.

The migration of Zambia's NRC to a digital identity system using MOSIP represents a critical milestone in the nation's journey towards improved government services, financial inclusion, and local economic growth. The benefits of this transition extend beyond streamlining life events and avoiding vendor lock-in. They encompass empowering citizens with secure identification, bolstering financial services, supporting local enterprises, and potentially driving regional integration across Africa. By adopting MOSIP, Zambia can serve as a shining example for other African countries, setting the stage for broader economic development and regional collaboration. The advancement of Zambia's future is within reach through the power of digital identity and MOSIP.

Hakainde HichilemaU.S. Embassy ZambiaEuropean Union in ZambiaUK in ZambiaU.S. Embassy ZambiaUSAID ZambiaNews DiggersBBC News AfricaDW AfricaWorld Bank

If there were a country resembling paradise, it would undoubtedly be Zambia 🇿🇲, a true delight. 😍

If there were a country resembling paradise, it would undoubtedly be Zambia 🇿🇲, a true delight. 😍

Trident Country Club 😍Kalumbila, North Western Province 🇿🇲

Trident Country Club 😍
Kalumbila, North Western Province 🇿🇲

Riverview Wellness center Chikankata🇿🇲

Riverview Wellness center


His Excellency President Hakainde Hichilema,

The Presidency,
Lusaka, Zambia.

Subject: Proposal to Migrate Zambia's National Registration Card to Digital Identity Using MOSIP

Dear Mr. President,

I am writing to propose the migration of Zambia's National Registration Card (NRC) to a digital identity system using MOSIP, the Modular Open Source Identity Platform. In today's digital age, having a secure and reliable form of identification is essential for accessing government services, financial institutions, and other essential services.

By migrating the NRC to digital identity using MOSIP, Zambia can enjoy several benefits. Firstly, the ability to record an individual's life events from birth to death, including marriage, divorce, and death, can be centralized in one system, ensuring accurate and efficient delivery of services while preventing fraud and corruption.

MOSIP is built on open-source technology and standards, which eliminates the risk of vendor lock-in. This approach allows the system to be customized to suit Zambia's unique needs, making it easier to integrate with other government systems.

Furthermore, digital identity solutions can facilitate financial inclusion in Zambia. The system can provide citizens with secure and reliable identification to access financial services such as banking and insurance. Additionally, by migrating to digital identity, the cost of loan applications can be reduced, and access to credit can be improved.

Implementing digital identity using MOSIP means working with a local Zambian company, ensuring that the money spent on the project stays in the local economy. This can promote economic growth, support local businesses, and create jobs.

In conclusion, migrating the NRC to digital identity using MOSIP offers several benefits, such as recording life events, avoiding vendor lock-in, and promoting financial inclusion. A digital identity solution can provide secure, reliable identification to citizens and improve the accuracy and efficiency of government services. Additionally, implementing a common digital identity system across the continent can encourage country-to-country implementation and help eliminate the need for a passport within Africa, making it easier for Africans to travel and conduct business across national borders.

Examples of countries that have implemented or are planning to implement MOSIP include Madagascar, Philippines, Morocco, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Ethiopia, Republic of Guinea, Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso, and Togolese Republic.

I strongly recommend the adoption of MOSIP for digital identity in Zambia, and I am willing to provide further details on this proposal.

Thank you for considering this proposal, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Neosoft Team

Hakainde HichilemaNews DiggersEuropean Union in ZambiaUSAID ZambiaU.S. Embassy ZambiaUK in ZambiaWorld Bank AfricaWorld BankInternational Monetary FundIMF AfricaBBC News AfricaCNN AFRICACNN AfricaSADCAfrican UnionDW AfricaThe White HouseState House - ZambiaZNBC Today


Improving Food Security in Zambia through Remote Sensing and Precision Agriculture

Zambia is a country that is highly dependent on agriculture for its economic growth and development. However, the country is facing several challenges that are impacting its ability to produce sufficient food to meet the needs of its population. Climate change, population growth, and other factors are putting increasing pressure on the country's agricultural sector, and there is a growing need for innovative solutions to improve food security.

In response to these challenges, we are proposing a project that aims to improve food security in Zambia through the use of remote sensing, satellite imagery, and precision agriculture. The project will focus on increasing crop yields and promoting sustainable agricultural practices through the use of soil type mapping, monitoring drought conditions, and accounting for every piece of land in Zambia.

Soil type mapping is a critical component of precision agriculture, and we plan to employ it in Zambia to identify variations in soil type and characteristics across farmland. The mapping process will help farmers to understand their soil conditions and make informed decisions about planting crops, applying fertilizers, and irrigation management. By accounting for every piece of land in Zambia, we can identify areas that are not being used optimally or that may be underutilized. We can also determine land use changes over time and understand how they are impacting crop yields and food security.

Remote sensing and satellite imagery will be used to monitor drought conditions in Zambia. Early detection of drought conditions is crucial for minimizing crop losses and supporting farmers. The data obtained from remote sensing and satellite imagery will help us to identify the severity and extent of the drought, assess crop losses, and provide information on the best interventions to support farmers.

Crop yield per hectare will also be used as a tool for understanding how agriculture practices are affecting yield. With this information, we can make informed decisions about which farming practices to promote, including the use of improved seeds, soil management practices, and conservation agriculture techniques. All of these efforts will contribute to improving food security in Zambia by ensuring sustainable agriculture practices and increasing crop yields.

We believe that this project has the potential to make a significant impact on food security in Zambia, and we would be honored to work with the Zambian government and other stakeholders to make it a success. By working together, we can help to promote sustainable agricultural practices and ensure that all Zambians have access to sufficient and nutritious food.

Hakainde HichilemaU.S. Embassy ZambiaUSAID ZambiaEuropean Union in ZambiaUK in ZambiaInternational Monetary FundIMF AfricaSADCWorld Bank AfricaWorld Bank


In Zambia, water security and food security are essential for sustainable development as the country heavily relies on agriculture, while water resources are under stress due to climate change and population growth. Remote sensing observation and monitoring can be a valuable tool to manage and assess water resources and improve food security in the face of these challenges.

One of the important applications of remote sensing is monitoring water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, which can provide continuous and frequent measurements of water surface area, water level, and water quality parameters. These data can be utilized to track changes in water resources over time, identify areas of high demand and potential shortages, and support decision-making in water management and planning.

Another crucial application of remote sensing for water security and food security is drought monitoring. With the aid of satellite imagery and remote sensing data, real-time detection and monitoring of drought conditions can be made possible, allowing decision-makers to implement appropriate interventions to mitigate the effects of drought, such as water conservation practices, reducing water use in agriculture, and providing relief to affected communities.

To ensure effective interventions, remote sensing observations must be complemented with on-the-ground data and local knowledge. The involvement of local communities and stakeholders can also promote ownership and sustainability of interventions by tailoring them to meet specific community needs and conditions.

In conclusion, remote sensing observation and monitoring can significantly contribute to ensuring water security and food security in Zambia by providing timely and accurate information to support decision-making and interventions against the challenges of climate change, population growth, and other factors that affect water and food resources.

Hakainde HichilemaU.S. Embassy ZambiaUSAID ZambiaUK in ZambiaEuropean Union-Zambia Business ClubEuropean Union in Zambia


Transparency and accountability are vital components of any healthcare system, and drug distribution is no exception. Without proper tracking mechanisms, there is a risk that drugs could be diverted or stolen, leading to shortages, inefficiencies, and harm to patients. Therefore, it is essential that we establish a comprehensive drug tracking system to ensure the smooth and efficient flow of medicines from the central warehouse to the patients who need them.

To achieve this, we need to keep a record of the number of drugs leaving the central warehouse, the number of drugs that have reached the hospitals, and the number of drugs that have been dispensed to patients. By comparing these numbers, we can identify any discrepancies and take action to address any issues that may arise. A robust drug tracking system can also help to ensure that drugs are being distributed fairly and efficiently, regardless of where patients are located.

However, this level of tracking and analysis cannot be achieved through manual methods alone. We need to use software as a service and big data analytics to pinpoint the exact location of drugs in the distribution chain. These tools can provide real-time insights into drug movement, allowing us to respond quickly to any issues that arise. Moreover, by identifying patterns and trends, we can improve our forecasting and supply chain management, ensuring that we always have adequate stock of essential medicines.

Implementing such a system will not only improve patient outcomes but also prevent any pilferage of drugs by health workers. This is a serious issue that can compromise patient safety and erode public trust in the healthcare system. By having a transparent and accountable drug tracking system in place, we can detect and deter any unlawful behavior and protect the integrity of the healthcare system.

In conclusion, I strongly urge you to consider implementing a robust drug tracking system in our healthcare system. This is a critical step towards ensuring transparency, accountability, and patient safety. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Hakainde HichilemaNews DiggersMukosha Funga NjengaSean E. Tembo


Dear Mr. Mutati,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you today to propose some initiatives that could help to promote financial inclusion, increase access to credit, and create a more competitive, innovative, and transparent financial sector in Zambia.

As you know, Banking as a Service (BaaS) is a transformative banking model that has gained traction worldwide. It involves traditional banks partnering with fintech companies or other non-banking entities to offer banking services to underserved areas. By supporting BaaS, the Zambian government can facilitate the expansion of access to banking services beyond traditional bank branches and enable small businesses and individuals to transact electronically with very low transaction fees. This will increase financial inclusion, making it easier for people to access financial services and carry out transactions without having to visit a physical bank.

Open Banking is another innovative initiative that promotes the sharing of financial data between banks and other financial institutions. By enabling this data sharing, consumers can gain access to a wider range of financial services and products, and financial institutions can enhance their ability to serve customers effectively. Open Finance takes the concept of Open Banking further by including the sharing of data from other financial institutions such as insurance companies and investment firms. By supporting Open Banking and Open Finance, the Zambian government can foster competition, improve the customer experience, increase access to credit, enhance financial inclusion, and promote transparency in the financial industry.

Embedded Finance is yet another game-changing initiative that involves the integration of financial services into non-financial products and services. This innovative approach to financial service delivery has the potential to transform the financial industry by promoting financial inclusion and increasing access to credit for individuals and small businesses. By supporting Embedded Finance, the Zambian government can help to create a more competitive, innovative, and transparent financial sector that benefits all Zambians.

By supporting initiatives such as Banking as a Service, Open Banking, Open Finance, and Embedded Finance, the Zambian government can help promote financial inclusion, increase access to credit, and create a more competitive, innovative, and transparent financial sector that benefits all Zambians. These initiatives have the potential to revolutionize the financial industry and promote economic growth and development in Zambia.

I hope you find this proposal informative and persuasive. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Neosoft Team Hakainde HichilemaBank of ZambiaNews Diggers


In today's fast-paced digital age, having a comprehensive and secure digital identity is essential. Unfortunately, many people in Zambia still lack this critical component of modern life. To address this issue, we would like to introduce MOSIP, an open-source and modular identity platform that can help the Zambian government implement a secure digital ID system.

MOSIP is designed to provide Zambians with a comprehensive digital identity that accurately tracks their life events, such as birth, marriage, and death. This will enable easy access to various benefits, such as financial inclusion, streamlined government services, and reduced costs of doing business. A digital identity will allow citizens to easily open bank accounts and apply for loans. Moreover, the digital identity wallet can store other important digital documents like verified grade 12 certificates, title deeds, vehicle licenses, and more.

One of the major benefits of MOSIP is that it is an open-source platform, which means there is no need to pay any license fees or royalties to foreign companies. This makes it a cost-effective and sustainable solution that is accessible to all Zambians.

Deploying MOSIP through a Zambian company can also help to build capacity in the private sector, similar to the success achieved by Estonia. This will ensure that the money stays within the economy, contributing to sustainable economic growth.

MOSIP has already been successfully implemented in many countries, including Madagascar, the Philippines, Morocco, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, and Burkina Faso. These countries have benefited greatly from MOSIP's proven success, and we believe that Zambia can also enjoy these benefits.

The process of applying for a digital identity using MOSIP in Zambia is easy. Citizens can book an appointment online through the government portal, visit the registration center on the scheduled date and time, and have their biometrics captured and identity verified. After completing the registration process, citizens will receive a unique digital identity.

MOSIP's secure and reliable platform can help Zambia achieve its development goals by providing more efficient and effective services to its citizens. Moreover, it will improve accountability and transparency, reducing the risk of fraud and corruption.

In conclusion, we encourage the Zambian government to consider implementing MOSIP as soon as possible. We believe that MOSIP can play a significant role in supporting the development of the country and improving the lives of its citizens. By embracing MOSIP, Zambia can take a major step towards a brighter and more prosperous future.

Hakainde HichilemaMukosha Funga NjengaNews Diggers




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