
4930fm"yeyabantu". 100% new dynamic upcoming community radio broadcasting in 3 languages Xhosa,English and Afrikaans.

Founders: Unathi Myoyo,Mphumzi Nzuzo,Nomfuneko Salaze and Aphiwe Hletyiwe will broadcast AMAHLATHI.




Dangatye - Elinye Ilanga



Bay FM Community Radio Station is seeking journalism graduates who are looking to gain experience in the media and specifically, the radio industry. This is not a paid position but a volunteer program. If you are interested in our volunteer programme, send your cv and relevant documents to [email protected] by Monday, 14 August 2023.
BayFM! Our Community! Your Radio!


How to start a Community Radio Station 📻

A community radio station is a small, not-for-profit radio station or channel that provides local residents with information in the most culturally relevant formats and languages.

There are a number of steps that need to be taken in order to ensure that the radio station is able to operate effectively and efficiently. The first step is to obtain a broadcasting license from Independent Communications Authority of South Africa(ICASA).

This license will allow the radio station to operate legally. The next step is to find a suitable location for the radio station. The station should be situated in an area that has a good potential for listenership. Once the station is up and running, it is important to promote it to the local community. This can be done through advertising and by holding events.

A community broadcasting license grants non-profit organizations the opportunity to serve a community’s broadcasting needs for a maximum of four years. A radio station can cost between R450 000 and R 1.5 million to set up.



Level up your music game by signing up to get your music on digital platforms for free.
All ages and genres accepted.

To apply, scan the QR code below or send a Whatsapp to 069 113 2615.

Closing date for submissions is 21 June 2023.



Things you should never borrow from some one or give out

1. ⌚ - Watch affect your fortune and luck.
2. Brooms - Lust of Good Fortune 🔮and wealth
3. Salt 🧂- financial crisis
4. Jewelry- transfer negative energy of a person
5. footwear- transfer bad fortune 🔮 of a person.
6. Comb- harms the health and luck of a person
7. Cloths spoils the luck of a person

Be very careful never borrow this things to any one. And for most of you that are collecting used cloths from people, be very very careful.
God bless you


A lady worked at a meat distribution factory.
One day, when she finished with her work
schedule, she went into the meat cold room
(Freezer) to inspect something, but in a
moment of misfortune, the door closed and
she was locked inside with no help in sight.
Although she screamed and knocked with
all her might, her cries went unheard as no
one could hear her. Most of the workers had
already gone, and outside the cold room it's
impossible to hear what was going on
Five hours later, whilst she was at the verge
of death, the security guard of the factory
eventually opened the door.
She was miraculously saved from dying that
When she later asked the security guard
how he had come to open the door, which
wasn't his usual work routine.
His explanation: "I've been working in this
factory for 35 years, hundreds of workers
come in and out every day, but you're one of
the few who greet me in the morning and
say goodbye to me every night when leaving
after work. Many treat me as if I'm invisible.
Today, as you reported for work, like all
other days, you greeted me in your simple
manner 'Hello'. But this evening after
working hours, I curiously observed that I
had not heard your "Bye, see you
Hence, I decided to check around the
factory. I look forward to your 'hi' and 'bye'
every day because they remind me that I am
By not hearing your farewell today, I knew
something had happened. That's why I was
searching every where for you."
Be humble, love and respect those around
you. Try to have an impact on people who
cross your path every day, you never know
what tomorrow will bring..

Stay Blessed.

Sunday copied.


Life hacks:

1. Don’t lend money to your family. Give it

2. Never shake a hand while sitting down.

3. Stop telling people more than they need to know.

4. Never eat the last piece of something you didn't buy.

5. Don't throw your friend under the bus to impress someone.

6. Never insult the cooking when you are the guest.

7. Don't use the urinal next to an occupied one.

8. Don't take out your phone during a conversation.

9. Never take credit for work you didn't do.

10. Listen, nod, and most of all make eye contact.

11. Don't make fun of your friend in front of his kids.

12. Never let emotions overpower you.

13. Never beg for a relationship

14. Dress well no matter what the occasion

15. Never kick a man when he is already down

Please add more….



Grade 12 (NQF level 4);
No experience required as successful candidates will be trained as Traffic Wardens

Link to apply


The Importance of a Head Gasket in Your Car Engine: Signs You Need a Replacement

I. What is a Head Gasket?
- A head gasket is a thin, durable material placed between the engine block and the cylinder head in an internal combustion engine.
- It forms a seal that prevents the mixing of coolant, oil, and fuel with the engine's combustion chamber.
- Typically made of multi-layered steel, composite materials, or elastomer, the head gasket must withstand high temperatures and pressures.

II. The Importance of a Head Gasket in a Car Engine:
- Sealing: The primary function of a head gasket is to seal the combustion chamber, preventing the leakage of gases, coolant, and oil. This enables efficient engine performance and maintains the integrity of various engine components.
- Compression: The head gasket ensures the proper compression of fuel and air within the combustion chamber, allowing for optimal combustion and power generation.
- Heat Transfer: It assists in the transfer of heat from the engine's combustion process to the cooling system, preventing overheating and potential engine damage.
- Engine Functionality: The head gasket contributes to the overall stability and smooth operation of the engine, ensuring all components work together harmoniously.

III. Signs You Need a New Head Gasket:
1. Overheating: If your engine constantly runs hot and exceeds normal temperature limits, it could indicate a faulty head gasket that is allowing coolant to mix with the combustion chamber.
2. White Exhaust Smoke: A head gasket failure can lead to coolant entering the combustion chamber, resulting in white exhaust smoke. This is a clear sign that coolant is being burned along with fuel.
3. Engine Misfires: A damaged head gasket can cause compression loss, leading to engine misfires, rough idling, or a noticeable decrease in power.
4. Coolant and Oil Contamination: Inspect the engine oil and coolant for signs of contamination. A milky appearance in the oil or the presence of oil in the coolant reservoir may indicate a head gasket problem.
5. Loss of Compression: If there is a loss of compression between cylinders, the head gasket may be failing, leading to poor engine performance, decreased fuel efficiency, and potential damage to other engine components.

The head gasket plays a crucial role in the functioning of a car engine. It ensures the proper sealing, compression, and heat transfer necessary for efficient performance. Recognizing the signs of a failing head gasket, such as overheating, white exhaust smoke, engine misfires, coolant and oil contamination, or loss of compression, is essential. If you suspect a head gasket issue, it is advisable to consult a professional mechanic promptly to prevent further damage and ensure the longevity of your engine.

Join us on Telegram: https://t.me/auto_veteran


Retrofitting a gas system, such as a natural gas or Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) conversion, to a petrol engine is a decision that requires careful consideration.
Let's explore some key factors to help you make an informed choice:
1. You'll need to purchase the gas conversion kit, which typically includes components like fuel injectors, gas tanks, pressure regulators, and control systems.
Additionally, professional installation and certification may be required, adding to the overall cost.
2. It's essential to evaluate your driving habits and mileage requirements.
Gas systems are generally more cost-effective for vehicles that cover a high number of miles annually.
If you drive a considerable amount of distance regularly, the potential fuel savings from using gas might justify the retrofitting costs over time.
3.Consider the availability of gas stations offering the type of gas you intend to use.
Natural gas and LPG stations may not be as available as petrol stations in some areas, limiting your refueling options.
Ensure that you have convenient access to the required gas fuel to avoid any inconvenience or range anxiety.
4. Gas systems can have environmental benefits due to reduced emissions compared to petrol engines.
Natural gas, in particular, produces lower levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other pollutants.
If reducing your carbon footprint is a priority, retrofitting a gas system could align with your sustainability goals.
5. Gas systems can potentially affect the performance and power output of the engine.
While modern gas conversion kits are designed to minimize any adverse effects, it's important to note that gas fuels have different combustion characteristics than petrol.
The engine's power output might be slightly lower, and you may experience a slight reduction in acceleration and overall performance.
6. Retrofitting a gas system may impact your vehicle's warranty and insurance coverage.
It's crucial to check with your vehicle manufacturer and insurance provider to understand any potential implications and ensure compliance with their policies.
It's advisable to gather detailed information, consult with automotive experts or conversion specialists, and weigh the pros and cons before making a final decision.
..let's keep on the fast lane.


A P0010 code means that the camshaft position actuator circuit for bank 1 is open or shorted. This can cause a misfire, loss of power, and poor fuel economy. The symptoms of a P0010 code may include:


Bob Marley was once asked if there was a perfect woman. He replies:

“Who cares about perfection?
Even the moon is not perfect, it is full of craters.

The sea is incredibly beautiful, but salty and dark in the depths.

The sky is always infinite, but often cloudy.

So, everything that is beautiful isn't perfect, it's special.

Therefore, every woman can be special to someone.

Stop being "perfect", but try to be free and live, doing what you love, not wanting to impress others”

What a legend 🫶🏻💪


Q&A: What could cause my vehicle to pull to one side?

- Uneven tire pressure: Variances in tire pressure between the left and right tires can result in uneven traction and cause the vehicle to pull to the side with lower tire pressure.
- Wheel misalignment: Improper alignment of the wheels can cause the vehicle to veer to one side. This misalignment can be caused by hitting potholes, curbs, or other road hazards.
- Uneven tire wear: Unequal tire wear, such as worn tread on one side, can lead to imbalanced grip on the road and result in the vehicle pulling to that particular side.
- Brake issues: Uneven brake pad wear or a malfunctioning brake caliper can cause unequal braking force, leading to the vehicle pulling to one side when braking.
- Suspension problems: Damaged or worn-out suspension components, such as springs or shock absorbers, can disrupt the vehicle's balance and cause it to drift to one side.
- Steering system issues: Problems with the steering system, including a misaligned steering wheel or a faulty steering mechanism, can cause the vehicle to drift or pull to one side.
- Differential tire pressure: A significant difference in tire pressure between the front and rear tires can affect the vehicle's stability and result in pulling to one side.
- Road conditions: Sloped or crowned roads, where the surface is higher in the middle, can cause the vehicle to naturally drift towards the lower side.

Join us on Telegram: https://t.me/auto_veteran


Q&A: How can I determine if my shocks or struts need replacement?

- Perform a bounce test: Push down firmly on each corner of the vehicle and release. If the vehicle continues to bounce excessively or oscillate, it may indicate worn shocks or struts.
- Inspect for fluid leaks: Check for any signs of fluid leaking from the shocks or struts. Fluid leakage is a clear indicator of a problem and may require replacement.
- Check for visible damage: Inspect the shocks or struts for any visible damage such as dents, dings, or corrosion. Damage can affect their performance and may necessitate replacement.
- Examine tire wear patterns: Uneven tire wear, especially cupping or scalloping, can be a sign of worn shocks or struts. If the tires show abnormal wear, it is recommended to have the suspension system inspected.
- Listen for unusual noises: Pay attention to any unusual noises coming from the suspension while driving over bumps or rough roads. Clunking, knocking, or rattling sounds can indicate a problem with the shocks or struts.
- Consider the mileage and age: Shocks and struts generally have a lifespan of 50,000 to 100,000 miles, depending on driving conditions. If your vehicle has reached this mileage or is several years old, it may be time to consider replacement.

Join us on Telegram: https://t.me/auto_veteran


When your car's air conditioning system starts blowing warm air instead of cold air, it can be a frustrating experience. As an automotive expert, I understand that this issue can stem from various factors that affect the cooling process. Identifying the root cause is crucial in order to restore the optimal performance of the system and provide you with the refreshing coolness you expect. Let's delve into the potential reasons behind this warm air dilemma and explore the solutions to get your car's air conditioning back on track.

1. Insufficient Refrigerant: The most common reason for warm air from the air conditioning system is a low refrigerant level. The refrigerant is responsible for cooling the air, and if it is low or leaking, the system won't be able to produce cold air. A refrigerant leak should be located and repaired, and the system should be recharged with the appropriate amount of refrigerant.

2. Faulty Compressor: The compressor is a vital component of the air conditioning system that pressurizes the refrigerant and circulates it through the system. If the compressor is faulty or not functioning correctly, it may not be able to properly cool the air. Repairing or replacing the compressor may be necessary.

3. Malfunctioning Condenser: The condenser is responsible for removing heat from the refrigerant and dissipating it into the air. If the condenser is damaged or not functioning properly, it can hinder the cooling process and result in warm air blowing from the vents. Repairing or replacing the condenser may be required.

4. Blocked or Restricted Airflow: If there is a restriction in the airflow through the evaporator, such as a clogged cabin air filter or a blockage in the air ducts, it can impede the cooling process and cause warm air to be blown into the cabin. Regularly replacing the cabin air filter and ensuring the air ducts are clear can help maintain proper airflow.

5. Electrical Issues: Problems with electrical components, such as a faulty relay, switch, or wiring, can disrupt the operation of the air conditioning system and prevent it from producing cold air. Conducting a thorough inspection of the electrical system and addressing any issues found can help resolve the problem.

6. Malfunctioning Temperature Control: If the temperature control unit or thermostat is malfunctioning, it may not send the correct signals to the air conditioning system, resulting in warm air being blown instead of cold air. Repairing or replacing the temperature control unit may be necessary.

7. Blower Fan Problems: A malfunctioning blower fan that fails to circulate air properly through the system can impact the cooling process. Checking the blower fan for any issues, such as a faulty motor or debris obstruction, and addressing them accordingly can help restore cold air flow.

8. System Contamination: Contaminants, such as dirt, debris, or moisture, can enter the air conditioning system and interfere with its performance. A thorough system cleaning and evacuation may be required to remove any contaminants and restore proper cooling.

Join us on Telegram: https://t.me/auto_veteran


Constant Velocity Joint And How Its Important.

The constant velocity (CV) joint is a crucial component of a vehicle's drive shaft, which transmits power from the engine to the wheels. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what CV joints are, how they work, and why they're important for the proper functioning of a vehicle.
Read more: https://is.gd/5wj1hy


Long Street


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