2224SoundMindz is a lifestyle centred around art with music at its core. Built on values of teamwork and combining of talents for maximum expression of the creativity. We do audio production, video production, marketing, distribution and promotion of musical arts. The 2224 Stands for 2Day 2Morrow 2Getha 4rever, A Concept created by Co Founder and CEO of 2224SoundMindz, King Labash who is also a lo
ng time songwriter and perfoming artiste. It stresses on the concept of One Love, purity in art and teamwork towards the ultimate goal of art which is healing and happiness. SoundMindz Is A Concept created by XfectaSoundMindz, Co Founder, Composer and Music Producer at 2224SoundMindz. The philosophy is based on responsibility with art, and pushing its boundaries beyond the usual. The two concepts Make 2224SoundMindz based on the shared values.