Vezi Mntungwa giving an introduction presentation on the works of iNtwana Yase Kasi at Stellenbosch University. During the Arts and Culture Heritage Day event last year. A huge shoutout to the South African Students Congress for including us in their event and see the value of our work as a beacon for inspiration and hope.
#HeritageDay2024 ##musicentrepreneur #artsandculture
Unkel Teddy , Siboniso Reggie Ngunda , Ndumiso Sibiya
photocreds: Keithan Sfiso
Dr Dave Copeland masterclass on the art of lighting in performance arts
Reclaim the city ! At the Cissie Gool housing complex in Cape Town where residents have taken an organised approach to turning an old hospital into a home. Don’t keep quite in the face of injustice, it may not be you today but tomorrow it may just well be. #activism #unpopularopinion #landreform #SpeakUp #exploremore #explorepage
A proud moment for iNtwana Yase Kasi (Vezi Mntungwa) given a platform to help with the curation of the art exhibition at the South African National Arts Museum. #artexhibition #artgallery #creativeagency
Ones greatest investment is educating and up-skilling one’s self. That creates a foundation for like minds to band together and transmit the lessons to a whole new generation. #intwanayasekasi #impactweek
amajita recording at E.M.I Studios - Ndumiso Sibiya , Vezi Mntungwa ,
Blessed to have witnessed this amazing performance ! You guys out did yourselves.