Re Vera

Re Vera Brackenfell High School's newspaper


MENEER EN MEJUFFROU BRACKENFELL Here are the rest of the contestants! Julle wil nie hierdie geleentheid misloop nie🎟 .


Here are the rest of the contestants!

Julle wil nie hierdie geleentheid misloop nie🎟 .

MENEER EN MEJUFFROU BRACKENFELL Here are the next few contestants! "Disney" iets wat julle wil mis nie! Koop julle kaart...


Here are the next few contestants!

"Disney" iets wat julle wil mis nie! Koop julle kaartjies by Finansies🤸‍♂️.

MENEER EN MEJUFFROU BRACKENFELL 2024 Ladies and Gentlemen, here are the first eight finalists for Mr and Ms Brackenfell ...


Ladies and Gentlemen, here are the first eight finalists for Mr and Ms Brackenfell 2024!

Hierdie is slegs agt uit 24 deelnemers, maar koop gerus solank 'n kaartjie!

Sien julle Donderdag🐾.

Baie dankie aan elkeen van julle wat die ReVera ondersteun het deur roomys te koop🍦! We'll see you again next term😍.

Baie dankie aan elkeen van julle wat die ReVera ondersteun het deur roomys te koop🍦!

We'll see you again next term😍.

this is your reminder to bring money on Wednesday, because we're selling ice cream! ⛱️

this is your reminder to bring money on Wednesday, because we're selling ice cream! ⛱️

DANCE | DANSSharna Beukman, Grade 10, recently took part in the "a Future of Hope Dance Competition" -which they won. Th...


Sharna Beukman, Grade 10, recently took part in the "a Future of Hope Dance Competition" -which they won.

The Born Spartan Dance Crew also performed ahead Cape Town Festive lights switch on.

Well done, Sharna. We are very proud of you❤️💛💙.

MATRICS OF 2023So kom julle reis by Brakkieland tot 'n einde. Van die ReVera se kant af, hoop ons julle net die beste to...


So kom julle reis by Brakkieland tot 'n einde.
Van die ReVera se kant af, hoop ons julle net die beste toe vir julle toekoms💛💙❤.

Mag julle Brackenfell se naam hoog hou in die volgende hoofstuk van julle lewens!

RUGBY Jaydin Basson, in Graad 11A3, is onlangs opgeneem in die Patriot Rhinos Toerspan. Vanaf 27 September tot 7 Oktober...


Jaydin Basson, in Graad 11A3, is onlangs opgeneem in die Patriot Rhinos Toerspan.

Vanaf 27 September tot 7 Oktober sal Jaydin in Spanje wees waar sy span drie wedstryde gaan speel, waarna hulle na Frankryk toer om die wedstryd van die Springbokke teen Tonga te kyk.

Baie sterkte met hierdie toernooi Jaydin. Ons weet jy sal ons trots maak!

Only R5?! Buy yours in admin😉

Only R5?! Buy yours in admin😉

PAGEANTRY Abigail Coetzee, Grade 10, recently took part in the OMT Pageant Extravaganza and won the follow awards in the...


Abigail Coetzee, Grade 10, recently took part in the OMT Pageant Extravaganza and won the follow awards in the Teen Category (13 to 15 years old) :

Best ramp evening wear, best ramp casual wear, best dressed eveining wear, best dressed catwalk, best dressed casual wear, best verbal skills, most photogenic, most personality casual wear, best ramp catwalk as well as most personality.

Her title wins include:
Miss Cape Rose Winner
Miss Royal Dutchess Winner
Miss Glitz and Glam Winner
Miss Dazzling Dream Winner
Ultimate Overall Extravaganza Winner of 2023

Congrats on these amazing awards, Abigail. We're very proud of you!!

HOCKEY | HOKKIEOns hokkiespanne het onlangs teen Melkbosstrand Hoërskool sowel as Hoërskool Hermanus gespeel en hier is ...


Ons hokkiespanne het onlangs teen Melkbosstrand Hoërskool sowel as Hoërskool Hermanus gespeel en hier is hul uitslae:

Meisies vs Melkbosstrand (21 Julie)

O/16A wen 3-0
O/19A verloor 0-1

Meisies vs Hermanus (22 Julie

O/14A verloor 0-4
O/16A gelykop 1-1
O/16B verloor 0-1
O/19B verloor 0-2
O/19A verloor 0-2

Seuns vs Hermanus (22 Julie)

O/14A gelykop 2-2
O/16A wen 5-3
O/16B vs O/19B verloor 0-12
O/19A verloor 1-3

Wen of verloor, ons is trots op julle. Wel gedaan!

JEUGDAG | YOUTH DAY Werner Taljaard, Graad 12, was een van sewe leerders wat op Jeugdag 'n omproeper by BokRadio was. Hi...


Werner Taljaard, Graad 12, was een van sewe leerders wat op Jeugdag 'n omproeper by BokRadio was.

Hierdie sewe leerders het begin voorberei op 22 April, waar hulle bymekaar gekom het om mekaar te leer ken én om te hoor wat alles van hulle verwag word.

Op die 26ste Mei het hulle opleiding begin, waar die Bok-span hulle geleer het hoe om onderhoude op lug te voer, watter musiek gespeel moet word en hoe om stem toetse te doen.

Werner was vanaf 12:00 tot 15:00 op die HHH-show, waar hy 'n program voorberei het met presies wat om te sê en waaroor hy moes praat om luisteraars se aandag te trek. "Vir my was die nuus die stresvolste om te lees, want jy kan nie eintlik iets verkeerd lees nie. Dit het vir my gevoel asof ek 'n 3-uur lange mondeling moes skryf en leer." Mede-Brakkie, Carli Smit, was ook op lug, waar Werner 'n onderhoud met haar gevoer het oor prestasies in haar atletiekloopbaan en by haar gehoor hoe vandag se jeug ook hul drome kan bereik.

Sy gunsteling deel van hierdie proses was om sy passie vir praat met ander te deel. "My vriende weet ek's gewoonlik die een wat die meeste het om oor iets te sê of as ek iets het om te deel wil ek hulle dadelik vertel, maar die gevoel wat jy kry sodra jy die rooi lig in die studio sien, is 'n gevoel wat ek nie gou gaan vergeet nie. Die aantal boodskappe wat ek gekry het van mense wat soveel positiewe terugvoering oor die show gegee het, was die beste gevoel- om te weet al die ure se voorbereiding het uiteindelik afbetaal."

Werner, jy het vir Brakkieland trots gemaak!
Dankie vir hierdie ervaring🐾.

POETRY Brackenfell High school had its annual Youth day assembly on the 19th of June. Erin Cozett, Grade 10, shared a po...


Brackenfell High school had its annual Youth day assembly on the 19th of June. Erin Cozett, Grade 10, shared a poem she wrote herself:

Beginning, middle and end

Every great story has a beginning, middle and end but not necessarily in that order
We of course are all great stories, many a different chapter
We are the leaves on the branches of how our parents first met
They tell us we hold the future in the palm of our hand that if we reached out and only took a chance we might find THE MEANING OF LIFE in…like I don't know, inside of a dictionary or maybe on the inside of a Chappies

Every great story has a beginning,middle and end not necessarily in that order
But who tells your, who tells mine, those who died nearly 50 years ago on this very day, who tells theirs?
who sits back and looks back at the pine trees
Of our histories our destinies
We are the leaves on the branches of our own lives our ancestories
So it’s up to us to decide how our stories are told
And to no longer feel like there is a hold on the things we wish we could let go
And the things we know we cannot control
And yet..
We are proof of the ones who came before us
Every great story has a beginning, middle and end, not necessarily in that order
And now it is up to you to decide
How will you tell your story?

ATTENTION ALL BRAKKIESRe Vera sales have opened up, so we have an important announcement to make. If you pay your R5 in ...


Re Vera sales have opened up, so we have an important announcement to make.

If you pay your R5 in admin, you'll stand a chance to win one of two R200 McDonald's vouchers.

If you don't win one of these vouchers, buy a donut on Monday, 19 June. They'll be selling for R15 each or R25 for two.

DANCEMelanze le Roux in Grade 9, received her South African colours for Dance on Saturday the 22nd of April.Melanze is p...


Melanze le Roux in Grade 9, received her South African colours for Dance on Saturday the 22nd of April.

Melanze is part of the Made2Move dance studio in Brackenfell, and will represent South Africa at the 2023 Dance Star World Dance Masters in Croatia during May 2023. She will participate in the acrobatic, hip-hop and jazz contemporary categories.

We wish you all the best, Melanze!!

BRUGBOU || BRIDGE BUILDINGOn Saturday, the 15th of April, Brackenfell High School had it's first Interhouse Bridge Build...


On Saturday, the 15th of April, Brackenfell High School had it's first Interhouse Bridge Building Competition. A total of 25 teams entered the competition, but only one team walked away with the crown.

In third place with a ratio of 1000%: EMC.

In second place with a ratio of 1223%: No clue 2.0

And in first place with ratio of 1576%: Lego Blokkies!!

Congratulations to the winning teams, and thank you to everyone took part!!

A special thank you to our three judges: Anthony Oosthuizen, Mr. Nieuwoudt, and Billy Human.

ATTENTION BRAKKIES!! For the entire month of March 2023 from MONDAYS TO WEDNESDAYS, we are giving a 10% discount to ALL ...


For the entire month of March 2023 from MONDAYS TO WEDNESDAYS,
we are giving a 10% discount to ALL
Brackfenfell High School Students when you book a
Skincare Facial or a Face and Body Wax at Sorbet Cape Gate.

Securing a booking with us is so easy, and can be
done via Whatsapp on 0657324395.

When you have secured a booking, come to your appointment proudly wearing your Brackenfell High School uniform or school sport uniform to show your Student Affiliation with the school.


MNR EN MEJ BRACKENFELLDon't miss the Brakkie Cruiseship this Thursday at Brackenfell High school😎. Tickets are available...


Don't miss the Brakkie Cruiseship this Thursday at Brackenfell High school😎.

Tickets are available at the financial office for R40 and if you want a VIP ticket, go to Mrs Herbst in room 133🤩.

See you there!



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