I love myself, for all the times when no one loved me‼️
I respect myself, for all the times when no one respected me‼️
I accept myself, for all the times people have judged me‼️
Hugs, for all the hugs I missed‼️
I support myself, for so many hard moments that I spent alone‼️
I stand up, thinking how many times I fell‼️
I applaud myself, how many times I woke up‼️
I smile, for the moments when I cried‼️
But most of all, I forgive myself for thinking that everything I had, I really needed.
Now I know that it is not so, and that in me was that Love, that Respect, that Acceptance, that Hug and that Kiss; that Support that always uplifted me, and that Applause from my own hands, that returned their Smile to me.
Yes, the one I needed the most was always Me and it took me years to realize that‼️
Years that were hard as they passed but that today become easier. Because today I came Home.
Today I’m in me.