I'm so EXCITED to announce we've partnered with our local The Faith Project and Kids Feeding Kids!
✅️DONATIONS will need to be in by OCT 9th!
🚛Allison and her team will be leaving Friday the 11th!
To make this possible,
we will need to collect and gather ASAP!
Thank you to all of those who have already donated!❤️
I'm so EXCITED to announce we've partnered with our local The Faith Project and Kids Feeding Kids s!
✅️DONATIONS will need to be in by OCT 9th!
🚛Allison and her team will be leaving Friday the 11th!
To make this possible,
we will need to collect and gather ASAP!
Thank you to all of those who have already donated!❤️
I've been hearing the Lord speak to many in so many ways!
Sunday night at three in the morning I heard Him say,
Silent the heart, for your God is calling.
There has been so much devastation our states have been living.
People who are suffering left and right, stranded, discouraged, and ultimately grieving their losses.
Our brothers and sisters have been clinging on to hope and outside help for days.
I cannot even being to imagine what that must feel like to be facing their reality.
My hurts hurts and yearns to help.
The Lord works in mysterious ways, after hearing His direction the next two days I see my beautiful mama friends Denver Jernigan Photography and K White Photographs working tirelessly to meet the needs of our communities who have taken such a hit over the last few months from storms.
I know there are so many taking care of our communities and doing the unthinkable.
I have partnered up with a crew in Georgia and North Carolina who will be taking supplies from outside and distributing them to those in need.
My goal is to focus on children and babies, who are in desperate need of diapers, baby food, clothes, medicine, snacks,
and much more.
We will be gathering donations of any kind for the next 2 weeks.
Donation pick ups:
Live Oak
Dade City
If your heart is whispering to help, I ask that you listen to that call.
Every person who donates, they will go into a raffle for a no-cost family session!
¡He estado escuchando al Señor hablar a muchos de muchas maneras!
El domingo por la noche a las tres de la mañana lo escuché decir,
Silencia el corazón, porque tu Dios está llamando.
Ha habido tanta devastación que nuestros estados han estado viviendo.
Personas que están sufriendo a diestra y derecha, varadas, desanimadas y, en última instancia, de luto por sus pérdidas.
Nuestros hermanos y hermanas se han aferrado a la esperanza y a la ayuda externa durante días.
Ni siquiera puedo imaginar cómo debe sentirse enfrentarse a su realidad.
Mis dolores duelen y anhela ayudar.
El Señor trabaja de maneras misteriosas, después de escuchar Su dirección los próximos dos días veo a mi hermosa mamá, amigas, Denver Jernigan Photography y K White Photographs trabajando incansablemente para satisfacer las necesidades de nuestras comunidades que han recibido un golpe en los últimos meses por causa de las tormentas.
Sé que hay muchos cuidando de nuestras comunidades y haciendo lo impensable.
Me he asociado con un equipo en Georgia y Carolina del Norte que tomará suministros del exterior y los distribuirá a los necesitados.
Mi objetivo es enfocarme en los niños y bebés, que necesitan desesperadamente pañales, comida para bebés, ropa, medicinas, bocadillos, y mucho más.
Reuniremos donaciones de cualquier tipo durante las próximas 2 semanas.
Las donaciones se recogerán en:
Live Oak
Dade City
Si tu corazón está susurrando para ayudar, te pido que escuches esa llamada.
¡Cada persona que done, entrará en una rifa para una sesión familiar sin costo!