Hobgoblin / ボギー | Svalka 2016
From the EP "Vänner" (To be released 20/04/2024).
Black Metal infamously begins in Norway in the 1990's with murder, arson and su***de, to name a few gruesome facts (well worth looking into, we can recommend the book "Blod Eld Död: En Svensk Metalhistoria" by Ika Johannesson).
The idea behind 'Hobgoblin' was to create a sound/space resembling 'the sound' of the early Scandinavian Black Metal scene, and to make a hommage of sorts to those that came before us. The final result however, turned into something more akin to an atmospheric noise-drone.
Svalka is reminiscence of what has been; days that will never return and a handshake with the corporeal death. Svalka is nostalgia and a collection of tiny, giant journeys of the mind.
The atmosphere of Hobgoblin aims to bring you into the mood of an angsty, rebellious teen looking for (and finding) a vibe that allows them to be shrouded in an impenetrable veil of difficult darkness. A veil that – regardless of its real world connotations – gives them space to breathe.
'Hobgoblin' is best listened to on headphones.
Filmed in Olseröd & Folkestorp & on Segesholmsvägen.
Written by Blomdahl & Larsson 2016.
Produced by .
Performed by Svalka.
Watch the video here:
Hobgoblin / ボギー | Svalka 2016From the EP "Vänner" (To be released 20/04/2024).Black Metal infamously begins in Norway in the 1990's with murder, arson and su...