Attention to tales from within, to narration torn from vividly chequered imprecision, to fragments of pure air, snatches of urgency, tentative dirges, and to bright traces, silences and depths, that together enable a mapping both published and unpublished creativity. a m i r a n i r e c o r d s
awakens curiosity, reveals the light in fragments and observes the richness of mingling. Its collection
of exchanges and risky juxtapositions will catalogue, and like little flags on a map, clarify the emergence of underlying intentions. A network that vibrates in twists and turns. An acute listening that first pinpoints the elements and then understands the whole. a m i r a n i r e c o r d s
intent is to create a series of connections between artistic endeavour in Italy and the world at large, both domains that are often constrained by rigid boundaries.The production plan for Year 1 consists 4 or 5 projects (see our website news for details) which will circle outwards from a common centre. As they seek to increase opportunities for collaboration, the projects will ascertain intentions, with a premium on sincerity and creative innovation. a m i r a n i r e c o r d s
wants to reinvest its proceeds in new projects - a self-perpetuating cycle of unearthing and releasing unpublished materials from musicians and artists whose personal quests are unique in both method and objective. Interaction between languages, deeper relations between text and music, images and sound-art and telluric instrumental and vocal improvisations.Each production will be treated with due and utmost attention to detail: sound quality, graphics, conceptual truth. The production is a concept of the artist's journey, a document of his time. a m i r a n i r e c o r d s
wants to retail itself through reciprocal arrangements with other production units. State of the art retailing would of course be very welcome, but the primary feature of networks that we initiate or create is that they will be closely knit.