Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven

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Gothika poetry - Celtic  Raven This is a Gothic Poetry page..all works are original and subject to copyright....of Celtic Raven....please enjoy reading my works.....thank you.....

Swan-song ...Tempus fugit ..neath wings darkest. Perfumery O yearnings elevate and entice,  existence doth beckon eterna...

Swan-song ...

Tempus fugit ..neath wings darkest. Perfumery O yearnings elevate and entice, existence doth beckon eternal damnation. Yet stay thy hand , one who doth strike a toll ...doth summon afore Shadow's bound and darest pierce nocturnal veil ...
Glimpse deepest recesses a labyrinth doth confuund the must shatter mercilessly...
Thence shall thine own loneliness be cast upon demonic reflection...grotesque yet captivating within an innocents heart ..knowset ye not bewitching call ...
Neath Lunar's tearful gaze. ...mine own breath doth dance upon chill of night ..
Ti's first moment hath my corporeal regress , enlightened, ney illuminations walk within phantasm mists , haunting silhouette now doth walk aimlessly unto gallows wake , where upon masked one doth offer Key O Evermore doth I bow mine own head , await they blade aghast of moment ..suddenly doth my heart pound life , blood doth course my veins...rivers Crimson doth awaken me , Lunar bids farewell, silent repose twards Solar , I am able to gaze last , dawn doth grace mu cheek ...tears stream , for am I no more ...

Fly child .Raging storm laden skies hath gathered ,in myriads of mood driven peeks. Mountainous climbs doth they dwarf t...

Fly child .

Raging storm laden skies hath gathered ,in myriads of mood driven peeks. Mountainous climbs doth they dwarf thee tera ..
Heaven's revenge upon thee , thy sounds of shrieking phantom upon the Night.

Beneath thy resting place ,within coldest purchase of skeletal remains , doth thy spirit darkest seek release ..
Braketh thee thy bo***ge, thy torments slavery endure .

Ti's thence mayhap fleeting moments afore moonlight hath bid fairest night unto clouded shrouds , gown of tears worn in eloquence and majesty adorned thee ..

Be thee afraid not , for hands doth lift thee upon thy wing , and cast thee unto the skies above .
Knoweth little one, thou canst fly .So the Fly Child Fly ....

Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven 2023 .

Ravens doth they knowest simply art they meant to be Ravens..Darkness doth enshroud moonlit skies. Storm builds heading ...

Ravens doth they knowest simply art they meant to be Ravens..
Darkness doth enshroud moonlit skies. Storm builds heading towards a crescendo tortured screams manically unleashed ..
Shadowed spectre doth it watch through accursed eyes, a world in chaos ,and evil fury fills the hearts of the masses. ..monument unto eternity it doth shatter mercilessly in contempt of creation ..
Ravens doth they draw upon Ravens ,verily they gather, pray what can they know , secrets of desires forbidden mayhap , what garish nightmare spells doth their call ..
The whims, the wants, the yearnings of tattered souls ..bedraggled of their shame ..
Ravens doth they simply fly with Ravens. Upon the wing highest , taste the accrid stench of rotting ,and decaying co**ses of mankind, the spite ,the jealousy, the phantom aroma of hopelessness acausts the air ..
Ravens doth they simply reside upon broken bough as .. Ravens ..
No mage ,no enchantment, but macabre beauteous Nocturne creature .

Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven 2023


Good morning everyone, I shall be painting yet even more canvases in shades of darkness , but firstly I must tell you that I have indeed created and compiled a book of poetry ..under the name David Raven. But I will be changing it to Tyler Hathaway Its called as you might expect The Vampyrica verses .. and is available through Amazon in three days time . Its a compilation of over 100 works if any of my friends are interested in supporting it please, I would be so grateful...
In shadows dark your friend Raven

Passion's Echoes Candle doth it  flicker ominous anticipation .Cries of pain  or yet mayhap passions unbridled doth echo...

Passion's Echoes

Candle doth it flicker ominous anticipation .
Cries of pain or yet mayhap passions unbridled doth echo haunting, yet melodic torment.
Shouldst thou desires thine heart's pleasures, breathless wonder upon whims of thy soft flesh.

Seest I thy innocent essence , finest strands of the doth shimmer and dance divinely in repose.
Oh perhaps candle's tears doth place fevered caresse against thine own accursed mortality ,
Lusts of thy beating heart dearest one.

Thence and thence again, mayest thy wants yearn for glancing weave , the leathered tongue of thy serpent doth tease thee .
Thereto layeth thine own loneliness afore me ,that I might create beauteous grotesque of thee, and carve eternal damnation upon thee .

Oh harken thence unto thy Darkness, and enshroud thine own will ,consigned eremore thy skin ,that thou shall knoweth fiery breath upon thy cheek .
Dance upon the blade I bid thee , cast Crimson Rose of thine own image before me ..
Reborn of the seductor, knowest paradise and pain immortalised...

Grace thee sentient upon this altar , free of thy worldly cares , shed thee tears of Ruby .
For I shall wax lyrical upon thee ,even as thy wounds doth weep softest tears.
Whilst raven doth glide across thee ..silently ..
Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven 2023 ..

Risen Wretched one , bedraggled, enslaved in chains of mine own abandonment .Ney , thy shadowed spectre, thou shalt ner ...


Wretched one , bedraggled, enslaved in chains of mine own abandonment .
Ney , thy shadowed spectre, thou shalt ner imprison me .
Ti's so that even limpid pool shimmer , catch not mine own reflection , even when thy crystalline caress mayest summon me to gaze upon thy depths.
Verily thence doth I cry out and proclaim, thy calling thou ti's sweetest song, thou canst ner steer mine own course , for ti's set afore time mayhap .
Silken sheen of sails doth entrance perfumed breezes soft , hushed of whisper , thy journeys voyage across starlit heavens..
Mine own wings, darkest abide ,for yearning longest epoch inglorious reign ,hath I dreamt deeply mine own soulless creature take flight ..

Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven 2023

Black ..Baleful glare of daylight's cruelest and most harsh presence ,unkind afore mine own eyes ,hath it surrendered ,m...

Black ..

Baleful glare of daylight's cruelest and most harsh presence ,unkind afore mine own eyes ,hath it surrendered ,mayhap in reluctance or perchance obeyence ,and now doth I walk abroad .

Mine own heart blackened hath it ceased of beating , that resounding throb of miseries untold ,lo one doth breaketh promises as one doth shatter thy dreams .
Thereto layeth upon me blackest muse, thine own loneliness and curse..

Oh forthright demonic presence hath long since bowed afore this shadowed spectre beyond starlight.
Black doth pass oe'r me Burdensome one .
Awaken mine own co**se from thy slumbers neath pestilence of this poisoned earth.

Moonlight doth she regail me , enrich thy tattered soulless creature , doth I beseech thee.
Harken thence unto shrillest voice, the psalm of Sanginue haunt thee, ever deepest.
Knoweth thy hunger as mine own ,and posess the night eremore ..

Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven 2023

The churches..Hands bloodied and nails broken ,the binds that tie would seem an aptly fitting description .One runs into...

The churches..

Hands bloodied and nails broken ,the binds that tie would seem an aptly fitting description .
One runs into another , a blackened stream cascading into the fountain of hypocrisy ..
The one struggles against the shackles ,they cut deeply into the mind and scars of eternity herald the sound of Religion ..

One denomination ,or demon in the nations shuffles aimlessly with false conviction , idolatrous in their man-made comprehension of Worship , though perhaps they know this ,and yet are blinded by ignorance. .
Even as the bloated coffers overflow with the supposed forgiveness debt ...none will feed the poor ..moreover they grumble over a morsel given in charity .

One beheld of the other , one behind another, the hammer walks in uniform elect ,but they will never see it fall upon their feet, even if they too are crushed and bloodied.
The guilt flows from the communion and the bread stale upon their tongues , believing they are right with whom ,certainly not God ...

Babylon's w***e with seven arms drapes herself wantonly over the blood soaked rivers of the cursed Revelation , she leers at the world as the mountain crumbles into the polluted oceans of man made greed ..
And the churches do nothing , nothing can be done for those who hold nothing in their hearts ..

Angel warriors sharpen swords ,they strike iron upon iron , sparks and flame spew from the furnace , sliver, gold , bronze , lead the remnants of the self righteous barrons of the Word , tainted with falsehoods and perversions ..
The Angels strike down the false prophets, and sever the churches until they are crushed under their own weight of judgement. ..

Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven 2023

Darkwing..Seest thee not messenger, for ti's perched as though Gargoylian curse didst enslave and cast its lot upon Heav...


Seest thee not messenger, for ti's perched as though Gargoylian curse didst enslave and cast its lot upon Heavenly heights far beyond thy storm ..
Beheld thine own loneliness, many doth lay claim of evil omen ganist thee ..yet knoweth they not thy sublime beauty.
Abode within mountainous reaches for none shalt scale unto thy places secluded 'o' dark majesty ..
Ti's thence a truth foretold of thee , hitherto sharpened claw and beak ..that thou doth taketh heroes fallen 'o' battles waged upon many thrones .
Cast thee thy crowns ,afore thy shadow of thy wings, be ye not crestfallen Darkness .
Though unseen hands doth forge thee exist if only to beseech warrior that blade doth open 'Vallhala and grace thee sentient worthiness ..
Thou doth perch upon Odin ..Hugin and thy brother Munin ..granteth thee ere'more ..

Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven 2023

'Embrace'Garb of Velvet sheen swathed 'o' .Darkest desires , tresses doth cascade, fountainous about thy  shoulder Melod...


Garb of Velvet sheen swathed 'o' .Darkest desires , tresses doth cascade, fountainous about thy shoulder
Melodic , rhythmc , droplets of rain doth trail .
Sodden vision betwixt kindred , shivers gainst chill of Night..
Silence , ner a sound, but lo save thence of singular crystalline gemstone , descending unto her feet .. cracking of fire which flame doth dance in wild abandon ..
Haunting melancholia a sickness, ney thence simplest, purest porcelain ., beauteous Ah but yes of course, host of many dreams unfurled , though t'were to gaze upon Luna herself .
'Come hither dearest creature , warm thyself .
Carest ye not that thy flesh ti's frozen ' hearing mine own heart inviting unknownst, yet knoweth I thee .
Feverish intent thence rest upon my brow , my lips doth langur , Oh for sooth art thou temptation sweetest yet darkest addiction ..
Thine eyes , Oh most deepest , verily wouldst I surrender , drown mine ownself , become lost , darest I bathe within their labyrinth .
Firelight doth illuminate thee , thy Darkness doth enshroud me , yet truthfully I knowest not of any fear , though mayhap knoweth thou art mine own deliverance.
Briefest respite, for in that moment escapeth I that spell...though t'were reluctance which didst cause mine own pondering..
Trembling , t'were I to , darest I, mine own fingertip to stroke thy face ..Yes , I doth confess , I must .
For am I drawn ,mine own spirit longs for thine to entwine .
Icy cheek doth burn gainst mine own hand , coldest fire , flame doth it captivate ..thence draw mine own blood in tidal chaos.
Beseech thee doth I, crave thee my heart doth plea in earnest .hunger of thy presence.
Pouring finest Brandy Wine , I make offering afore altar of thy lips of Scarelt hue ..for truly they behold beauteous intoxication that doth cause bloom's fade , for envy wouldst they. .
Draw thence ere closest entrancement, let mine own lips knoweth thine ,harken thence unto shrillest voice , for my heart doth pine. .
Smile doth play softly upon monument of marblesque eternitues , canst our moment be betrothed, awaited hath I so longest ...
Heaven hath granted audience, for thy lips , Oh how they doth press
Helpless thence am i , cast into parodies of promises forbidden , pleasures beyond reason. .
Whilst heart doth pound in fevered lust , pierce shadow's bound embrace thy fang presses deepest , seeketh thee mine own essence , at last thou hast discovered me , and I doth beckon for mine ownself ..
Succubus night thou hath laid claim upon mine own soul , for thou doth hold eternity. ..within thine own hands ..

Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven 2023 ©️

Immortal Insanity  Candle didst flicker singing  in captivating entrancement , tarry ye not ye shadowy haunts ,for ti's ...

Immortal Insanity

Candle didst flicker singing in captivating entrancement , tarry ye not ye shadowy haunts ,for ti's clear that those who doth dwell in dark recesses must away ..
Lest doth they wither , even dagger like fingertip , shouldst it dare reach farthest upon outstretched arm knoweth it no claim of nor rite , save that of Raven's piercing eye ...
Quill doth quiver ,gainst the hand of scribe ,toil and tears doth wrack bough of this vessel , storm gathers neath broken flesh, torments and seductions to mayhap quell and console .
Canst one dareth , pon breath bated longest, even whence doubt doth weigh burdensome, stillness descend a respite sought , again canst one knoweth mystery eternal or thereto damnation .
Poet didst pour own blood within well , whence feathered scribe didst quench fiery anger.
Ti's life's essence he doth draw pon his own insanities , knoweth thee Shadowed Spirit , messenger , secret of Evermore , wilt thou impart thy words, thy spell ..
Raven didst bow , and doth consent, knowest ye not frail poet , follow thine own heart blackened yet gifted one , thou art Immortal through thine own ink and blood...
Seest thee not thine own words immortalised, ti's thence thy birthing anew...
The poet didst weep sorrowful and mournful recant , mayhap mine own foolishness whilst daemonic garish grotesque didst stare at mine own tormented reflection..
Insanity doth entwine with briefest sanity , strike thee accord ,one doth imprison another .yet neither shalt claim Victor...
Knoweth I now , immortality hath been within mine own hand ...

Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven 2023©️

Muse Dearest ..Pray telleth unto me,  whilst we two doth share our hearts,  doth thou love me Muse Dearest .Why ti's the...

Muse Dearest ..

Pray telleth unto me, whilst we two doth share our hearts, doth thou love me Muse Dearest .
Why ti's thence thou doth afford me comforts most whence am alone afore Candle's flicker ..
Wherefore art thy reasons thou doth discover sanctuary of thine own loneliness .
When thou doth taketh my hand , and caresse mine own essence within thine , a marriage and bonding of Sculptor and Stone, of Artist and Pallete and of Author and Quill...,the keys unlock a thousand kingdoms held within creation's own hands .
But doth thou love me Muse Deaerst , spirit me away upon thy winged mysteries , lands that hath yet to knoweth timeless wonders .
Ferry my heart across silvered streams , that doth pay graceful homage unto silken skies..adorned of midnight's liquid ghostly phantasm. For goest thence wither thy whims doth guide me ..
But once and again , doth thou love me Muse Dearest , fire mine own spirit and draw blade gainst my flesh if thou must knoweth my innermost self , for knoweth ye this , that as we two doth place ourselves before mercies of decadence with one another , and create and conjurings with such beauty that to cease one's breath upon their lips.
I gift unto thee Shadows and Candle , and Quill ,but of all kindreds in universal chorus , I gift unto thee my Heart...for verily and truthfully Muse Dearest I love thee ..

Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven ..2023.©️

Turvy Topsy ..Ti's night or perhaps ti's actually day ..skies below cast monochrome maligned smiles,  behind clouds blac...

Turvy Topsy ..

Ti's night or perhaps ti's actually day ..skies below cast monochrome maligned smiles, behind clouds blackened ,laden with happiness and even laughter dare I spake its way.
Moondark, majesty adorned of shadows, that are cast against her ever present beauty ..they dance in tormented statuesque movement .
Earth sways in rhythm, of Dusk, rolling in ebb and flow ,while oceans await it's embrace once more, then as a close lover,reluctantly it follows the rule ..and rolls away, consolation that waters edge will await ..
Tree bough gathers it's bounty ,and claim purchase unto fruits that dared to escape its grasp..
A man nearby in far away fields , stands atop of a seat , puts off his hat and outside in, he undresses for the morning ..
Uttering a single sentence , for none to hear maybe. .an audience gathers, a single clap to applaud the many ..
Silent echoes ensnare the wordless .covers closed , spine refuses binding.
Parchment overflows with empty stories , they must be unread, they yearn not to be heard ..
The artist's brush strokes the air , canvas colourless says everything yet whispers nothing. .the picture, unstill lifeless, promises everything. ..if you can't see it ..
Momentum imperfectly freezes , the pendulum rocks fro and to ..tock follows tick ..but neither first nor last are possible.
Unconfusion ties the mind in loosened bonds , the musings of madness make sense , as the Turvy become the Topsy , and Blick becomes Whate.....

Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven 2023

Heart of Spades , Club of Diamonds. Oh Beating breast ,deafening thunderous pounding momentum , resounding, incarceratio...

Heart of Spades , Club of Diamonds.

Oh Beating breast ,deafening thunderous pounding momentum , resounding, incarceration of numbered monument, whence upon wager King beset fortune lost mayhap I only fleeting .yet a lifetimes of dreams torn asunder
Blackness , Shadow's ward hence doth quench fiery vision , and angelic deliverance ensnared betwixt opposing entities surreal. How long wilt thou enslave the Queen ,even when she doth appease thy hand.
Guardsmen ,three circles combine thy form , surround , ney fortify boundaries, ti's now akin of all thee sentient ambience , with thy presence unmoved .
Glistening Knave doth beckon pardon , for ti's encrusted with pain and miseries, yet doth shine and glimmers in fascination before one's eyes.
Gambler doth hold rhythm, and clasp the glass , baleful glare made known unto the table , silvered iron doth it await patiently and ball and shot host thy name ..should ye dare show thy face ...And the Joker sheds a tear ..

Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven

Shades of black. .Whomsoever doth perchance upon my scribe , knowest thence the hand which hath drawn parchment and ther...

Shades of black. .

Whomsoever doth perchance upon my scribe , knowest thence the hand which hath drawn parchment and thereto impress upon thine own nakedness.
Nakedness ,Ah ti's the rub of many ,vulnerable unto nothingness, yet thou seest naught of mercies beckoned in silent cries .
Tis proclaimed albeit in hesitance ,ye even though a masterpiece hath long yearned it's creator's touch .just to be claimed ..
Who thence doth harken unto myriad darkness, whence its hand doth beseech thy companionship. .fear me not ..
Familiar didst that very moment , summon and reflect upon wondrous spectre beyond starlight. .
Oh for that captivating smile, that knowest thee ,but not just thyself ..therein lay crushed enigma ..
Verily hath I waxed lyrical while the hours drift one of another ,casting voyages of discovery within one's soul .
Yet glimpse this darkness I bid thee Sweetest Nocturnes, for hath I caste thee unto incantation forged of Nevernore ..

Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven 2023 ©️

FrankenHeart .Huddle they in collusion. Imagination's embers glow  Crimson and Scarlet brocade doth awaken of creator's ...

FrankenHeart .

Huddle they in collusion. Imagination's embers glow Crimson and Scarlet brocade doth awaken of creator's deepest slumbers.
Cacophony of emotions, Oh to be drawn unto thy furnace.
Whence upon day mayhap dance upon the Nocturnal hauntings even as the Clock doth chime appointed hour, shattering silences enshrouded of musty cobwebs, that doth adorn thy shadowy muse .
Oh but to courteously bow afore thy well , feathered scribe doth thirst for midnight's liquid caresses. Paying thee homage unto silken
parchment ,eagerly and with bated breath anticipating that 'Oh so perfect first moment .
Therefore doth darkest poets author romance 'o' such sweetest sorrows.
Foretell doth they by written hand the creation of unfrequented beauty.
Seek they to entice thy wisdom, for Haggard crone doth wager upon mortal coils.
Mayest they breathe life within unwilling flesh , the tempest doth gather angrily , and mighty voice shall fragment the Heaven's veil .
The poets doth dance ,sing of thy victory ,for flesh was sewn and soul enslaved , whilst word be placed afore thy grail once more .
Lightning doth strike thee , blinding and yet captivating .
Ti's Alive ,Alive thy cry doth render, Monster knowest thee thyself ,the poets step forth without fear, to avail thee thy tale of immortal caresse.
Creature ,look upon this earth, fragile host slain for thee and thy bidding.
Cometh thee walk abroad though storm doth rage above , and though doth shed a single tear .

Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven


Fantastic feedback today , a meeting of dark passions and creativity. .thank you ..

Forth .Tolling Bell,  why torment me so , for dulcid tone doth resound,  and with each mournful cry I weep  ,yet impriso...

Forth .

Tolling Bell, why torment me so , for dulcid tone doth resound, and with each mournful cry I weep ,yet imprisoned of this immortal frame..
Oh truly then ,pray hear my plea even above thy peeling haunted chimes .
For ransom of Royal Court and riches wouldst I trade with thee for but even single most stolen moment ,to step from beneath Shadow's hands ,cast they eternal magicka incantation .
Sealed by pact of twin soul , bloodstained lips didst invite and in truth enslave me from mine own true self .
Fervent desires to create ,to let my cold hand become that of Raven's wings darkest ,yet merely glance and wax lyrical upon the wing .
Such beauty then didst I envisage within looking glass, I allow myself consigned eremore , to gaze only upon nocturnal heavens .
Summer's bid I not to intoxicate me of thy fragrant bloom, steal away mine eyes from baleful glare ,
Winter doth enshroud me , a single rose of midnight opals, frozen within eons hath remained in my tears, once didst I love without reason, without end , but my lady was slain afore mine eyes ...knoweth I heartbreak ..and desperate insanity, didst I conjure..
Foolish was I , a mere infant stumbling across parchment whilst candle's illuminance offered me a path .
Knowest I not , that mine own heart blackened was searching for something beyond the light of day , an immortal caresse that doth cost one's soul .
Come forth dearest poets step ye from seclusion come forth without fear or cruel judgement
Be not afraid , verily doth I hear thine own cries .
And beseech thee Harken unto our hearts we too long to dance again..

Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven

Sin da Hella ..Wherefore art my dreams , t'were though unseen hands didst lay envious claim upon them .Oh thence must I ...

Sin da Hella ..

Wherefore art my dreams , t'were though unseen hands didst lay envious claim upon them .
Oh thence must I concede mine own regretfully defeat .
Ney mayhap fleeting moments didst pass in silent majesty Oh doth my heart break .
Yet I find myself prisoner , incarcerated of fate's cruel devises.
Gown of tears, doth adorn me look, thence gaze upon me not , withered torn fingers that once didst delight with musings sweetest song .
Oh for those stolen inglorious moments , whence upon didst I traverse the stage, and even cause the departed to glide across starlit heavens .
See this tiara ,it's lustre hath become tarnished , diamonds lay crushed neath ashes..Some day mayhap .yet knoweth not I..
Yearn doth I, and beckon through hateful eye , for Haggard crone , offer me comfort , that none canst comprehend
Gladlest wouldst I carve thee eternal damnation upon siblings..for t'was their disgust of me , that doth fuel passions unbridled for vengeful entities upon their throats .to come forth ..with Ruby jewelled temptress .
Venomous apple perchance ,laced of bitter sweet oblivion , wouldst I with beguiling smile offer unto them ...knowest thence my scheming heart doth laugh ..
A promise of kinship thence would I without guilt sn**ch away thereto .
No charming Prince doth I cry unto, but instead I smash crystal slipper unto shards of lost hopes , draw blood upon them , those two who doth preen and poise ,most ugliness afore their own blond jealousy .
Sin da Hella , blackest afore the night doth bequeathe Hell eternal unto thy flesh.
Glutton the fruit forbidden for ti's encrusted with pain and miseries ..and dhall haunt thee even in immortal Tales.
Drink ye unto thine own demise ,sever thy.toes , carest not I, but watch thy bloodied foot struggle
Thou art fooled ,now Woodsman doth slaughter thee , hitherto sharpened blade decapitation of thee doth afford me delights. .spectacle , spareth thence wolfen one whom doth chase scarlet ..for his crime doth pale in comparison. ..
For now doth siblings lay neath me , broken ashened promise ,one doth bleed with severed foot unto demise ,whilst the other doth wander aimless bereft of thy head ...
My sword doth claim thee both ...and damn thee eremore ...Faerie Tales End ?..

Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven ..

'Raven-ous'Midst of Night , pray telleth ,what ti's thy bidding,  doth thou awaken slumbers silent , beating of my breas...


Midst of Night , pray telleth ,what ti's thy bidding, doth thou awaken slumbers silent , beating of my breast didst cease upon that first descendence.
My throat ! For certain couldst I have sworn unto allegiances of angels dark that didst I feel as though succubus had drawn claws razor like across my vulnerable nakedness .Oh how they didst cleave a page of the book of shadows ..
For didst they forge incantation forged of mine own torn spirit. .
T'was then mine own undoing , mayhap , and perchance didst she enter silently upon my person .
For twas a blade of silvered sheen that didst dance in torments of raptures darkest, bidding me follow thee thy path beset afore this parchment doth wither, and thine own words immortalised of mine own blood , shed for thee , levy and key ,that may yet breach thee gates of Hades .
Knewest thence I that price , fever didst press upon me , mine own heart blackened didst race , sweat doth course over my flesh as she tastes of mine own desires , yet knoweth all laid bare afore her .
That goblet place against my throat, icy breath doth invite companion, drink offerings unto thee sweet maiden of Darkness .
Oh such rapturous night , enthralled, am I meant for more perchance , mayhap someone imitates me.
For now mine own yearnings doth awaken , knowest I to place that same silver vessel gainst an innocent throat , cometh hither for shall I this night drink of thee ...
Yet ti's true enough that I doth find myself accursed , but paradisial Darkness doth await a key and wager be therefore offered.
Fearest not mine own innocent love , my betrothed one , for betwixt us shall we have eremore ..

Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven

Mid Winter's  Night  Whispered ..Harken unto the silence and comparest not unto Summer's dawning cruelty .Though art cau...

Mid Winter's Night Whispered ..

Harken unto the silence and comparest not unto Summer's dawning cruelty .
Though art causation ,why thence doth my heart pound so ..oh beauteous Nocturne thy whoms doth enthrall
Doth my hand trace thy statuesque form , the bosom doth heave so in anticipation, beathless porcelain neath sculptors muse wants .. ..Storms doth carve thy immortal
Oh but thence Night doth it hold briefest claim upon the soulless one haste alas thee ..
Above Heaven's dark moonlight sweetest , doth evade thine eyes ..for to be envious pools of eternal invite enslave thee Luna ..that might I envibe
All too soon silvered caresses, thou doth taste thine own lips, wine doth become dimmed gainst baleful glare of daylight.
Every spirit that dwelleth within shadow doth decline dawning wake. Draw thee away ,yet knowest thee not why ..
Conclude Season's dance thee, thence mother doth bow afore Winter's icily caste ..and hold thee closest.
Thine heart doth beat eternal melodic melancholia. .weighted of thy flame entrancement.
Imprison thee not the depths thou doth darest tread ..whilst earthly hollow doth beckon.
Embraces herald thee thy graces that doth drift afore Shadow's hand ..adorned of thy Crystal gown .
Wherefore doth romance of Night draw breath unto thy Darkness enshroud, whence does thy caress press release .
Oh for eremore doth mortal coils binding posess cry out unto me ..yet shall I ner glimpse upon them .
Exist ye entrancement beckons In mournful longing of thy fang gainst my throat..and once thereto layeth lowest my troth ...

Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven

Luna Lullaby Silent sweetest darkling ,slumber doth thee neath Shadow's bough .and shaded Lo when the sun rises ,fear no...

Luna Lullaby

Silent sweetest darkling ,slumber doth thee
neath Shadow's bough .and shaded
Lo when the sun rises ,fear not little one
for secluded immortal shalt thou be .
Dawning shalt ner glance thee
Knoweth thee , thy Darkness enshroud .
Harken thence infant dark ,for Nocturne doth call ..

Respite thee of Raven wing, thine own beauty doth it cast echoes afar.
Thou art more precious ,innocent darkling than roses blackest muse doth create.
Fear ye not ,for twas placed afore thy heart ,presence inglorious host, phantom sing ye unto thy rest ..

Now tis cast afore daemonic hand ,finest crystals glisten from thy head adorned a tearful crown of sorrows.
Yet thence ye shalt ner knoweth remorseful incend afore Hades itself .
For thou art princely within thine own right , therefore must ye proclaimeth thy throne upon the Night..

And Ravens doth dance within ethereal illumination, scented velvet of their ancestors, shall cometh unto thy slumbers and plight themselves afore thee ..
And Luna doth breathe life unto thee ..eremore ...

Gothika poetry - Celtic Raven

Candle's Dance 'Butterfly black ,deftly doth thy wings brush , awaken traces of those whom hath passed afore lone phanto...

Candle's Dance '

Butterfly black ,deftly doth thy wings brush , awaken traces of those whom hath passed afore lone phantom hath found respite.
Gilded one ensnared betwixt opposing entities surreal embraces .
Candle doth flicker in silent repose , longest and arduous task warding Shadow's grasp upon thy beating heart ..
Yet draw ye ere closest entrancement beckons even thence as thou doth invite thine own demise , dance ye thy winged one , hushed darkness doth cast whispers within, knowest not ye thy beauteous grotesque unto me thy wing doth in seclusion hold Jester and death's head smiles unto thy last breath .
Verily thence doth flame embrace thee , and though doth dance eternal as Nocturne doth surrender unto immortality and cometh Dawning implement.
Thy being doth turn coldest ,thy wings become as ash, saddest remorseful thou art no more ..

Annus Novum  (New Year)Cometh ye ,children,  sibling shadows doth dance within ethereal illumination..Ti's thence birthi...

Annus Novum (New Year)

Cometh ye ,children, sibling shadows doth dance within ethereal illumination..
Ti's thence birthing anew should thou choose sufferance, step thee velvet whispers upon thy heart ..
Moonlight sweetest...but Oh doth it beckon vulpine be***al waking , silvered caresses in billow of unseen glances , gaze they upon oblivion dark .
Twas it placed upon thy soul , bladed sculpt of immortals hands , crafted thence with beauty of thine own image , graze thee marble and shimmer thine essence upon mantle inglorious host .
Ti's as once foretold of bards and of poets, blackest muse doth toll the coup de grace of the old one, its passing doth herald the dawning embrace, yet still a vampire's kiss doth render thee ...silent ...

Caresses Passions dark , and lo sweetest refrain doth  summon thee dearest. In velvet whisper carried pon Gossamer wing ...

Passions dark , and lo sweetest refrain doth summon thee dearest. In velvet whisper carried pon Gossamer wing o thy servant bidding .
Cometh ye sublime beauty ,radiance of Night doth it cast echoes o the ancients call upon moonlit skies ..
I doth beckon thee , knoweth ye my embraces sweet upon Shadows. Thereto layeth thee aside o me .Oh blackest rose , thy touch doth enslave me , as thy caresses of velvet brush oer my hungered lips ..starved of thine essences. .
Ti's but Midst o Nocturne , Oh by my being doth ache for thy tender leather clad mercies , even as thou doest spread thy wings darkest upon my body .
Goddess o the unseen cherubim , I doth bid thee , guide thence my hand, to scale thy heavenly presence, ebony maiden , whomsofoth hath doth glisten in luminsece o flawless crystal , envelope me , fulfil thy fantasies pon my throat .
For verily doth this vine long o thy bitter sweet harvest ..mayhap single caress of hushed darkness , Oh doth I proclaim, breath abated , anticipating thee .
Moonlight doth cast glances pon us , now doth we shimmer pon the first embrace , let thence our scarlet enchantment best amours that must answer thy behest ..
Taketh thee my offering sweetest princess, let our hearts entwine this moment , henceforth shall it be captured ,in timeless wonders
I await thee most beauteous maiden , cometh and knoweth thy flesh, adorn thee pon my mortality, thy breath doth quicken , as surely thy heart doth race o expectations ..




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