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Hackers break into Astra Zeneca, Pfizer and Moderna servers!  All vaccine death data is now public from all companies! ⬇...

Hackers break into Astra Zeneca, Pfizer and Moderna servers!

All vaccine death data is now public from all companies! ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Hackers broke into all the pharmaceutical companies and stole all the vaccine media data, thank goodness!

They show the number of deaths and disabilities associated with each batch/batch number = indication of relative toxicity of one batch/batch compared to another.

Currently no one knows the reason why some lots/batches are associated with excessive deaths, disabilities and adverse reactions (up to 50x).

Until we know, it's best to be cautious
["Batch code" = "batch number" = the number they write on your vaccination card.]

Here is the link to the site where you can see the live links listed below. Download and save as many articles as you can in case the site goes down!!!
Check your lot code (lot number)
Check your lot code (lot number)
* Moderna lot codes
* Pfizer lot codes
* Janssen lot codes
* Moderna (outside the US)
*Pfizer (outside the United States)
*Janssen (outside the United States)
Latest information on boosters
* Bad Lots of the month
Variation in toxicity
* Cumulative toxicity over time PDF
* Video: variation in toxicity between batches
* Death by Lottery PDF
* Video: Non-GMP Conforming Batches Associated with Death and Disability
* Video: Enigma Team - Covid Vax variability
* Video: VAERS reveals supertoxic batches


DISCLOSURE. Let every single patient know!!!


Please help support my effort to provide warnings to people in every country about the varying toxic effects of different vaccines. Your donations are greatly appreciated.


David McBride did the right thing. All Australians should demand Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus do the right thing and let him go!
The Australian Citizens Party is calling on all Australians to get behind heroic whistleblower David McBride and demand Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus drop the government’s petition to the Court to jail him for years for releasing the documents that exposed war crimes in Afghanistan.

Yesterday, at David McBride’s sentencing hearing in Canberra, the government petitioned for a lengthy custodial sentence with a minimum non-parole period, with the Crown prosecutor saying that a two-year sentence wouldn’t reflect “the seriousness of the offending”.

Except the documents McBride released, later called the Afghan Files, led to the ABC reporting on war crimes, which the Brereton Report confirmed and which have led to criminal charges.

Instead of rewarding the whistleblower, however, the government used a murky “national security” pretext to take away his defence in court, and is now pushing for a lengthy prison sentence.

Australian Citizens Party Research Director Robert Barwick said all Australians should feel ashamed at the way the government punishes whistleblowers, and especially at the way it is punishing David McBride.

“What sort of country do we live in when you do the right thing, by your conscience and for no personal gain, expose the truth, but the government jails you for it?” Barwick asked.

“Australia holds itself up as a leading democracy on the world stage, moralising to other countries, but this is not the action of a transparent democracy, but of a regime with something to hide.”

Barwick took aim at the media outlets that have sniped at McBride, claiming he’s not a war-crimes whistleblower.

“Australians should see through the self-serving media attacks on David McBride”, he said. “He made it crystal clear from the beginning what he was trying to do, which was to expose the corruption in the system that went right to the top, which was responsible for what the soldiers did on the ground.

“The media outlets attacking him were happy to go after the soldiers, but are actually protecting the higher-ups in the system, including the politicians and top military brass who are responsible for the entire mess and would have covered it up were it not for David’s courage.”

A 2021 affidavit David McBride signed spelt out that his motivation was to inform Australians that “Afghan civilians were being murdered and Australian military leaders were at the very least turning the other way and at worst tacitly approving this behaviour. At the same time, soldiers were being improperly prosecuted as a smokescreen to cover [leadership’s] inaction and failure to hold reprehensible conduct to account.”

David McBride’s sentence will be handed down next week, on Tuesday 14 May.

The ACP is calling on all concerned Australians to get behind David McBride in three ways:

As many people as possible should attend the sentencing hearing on Tuesday, 14 May at the ACT Supreme Court, 6 Knowles Place Canberra, where supporters will start to gather from 8:00 AM. Show the government that Australians don’t accept bad things being done in our name.

Phone and email Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus and your local federal MP, to demand the government drop its petition to jail McBride and let him go. Tell them: McBride did the right thing; you must do the right thing and let him go.

To contact Attorney General Mark Dreyfus
Electorate office: 03 9580 4651 Parliament office: 02 6277 7300
Emails: [email protected] and/or [email protected]
Click here to look up your local federal MP.

Anyone in Melbourne should attend a protest at 1:00 PM this Thursday, 9 May, outside of Attorney General Mark Dreyfus’ electorate office, 566 Main Street Mordialloc.
Click here to join the Citizens Party as a member.

Click here to refer others to receive regular email updates from the Citizens Party.

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We hope you found this message useful. As a registered political party‚ the Citizens Party receives email addresses from various sources‚ which it does not pass on to any other organisation. If you would prefer not to receive further emails of this nature at your email address [email protected]. Click here to unsubscribe

Authorised by Craig Isherwood, Citizens Party, 595 Sydney Road, Coburg, Victoria 3058.

Australian Citizens Party ABN: 96 864 903 379
595 Sydney Road Coburg VIC 3058 AUSTRALIA Ph: 03 9354 0544



1. Borrower signs the bank’s Loan Contract and Mortgage.

2. Borrower’s signature transforms the Loan Contract into a Financial Instrument worth the value of the agreed Loan amount.

3. Bank Fails to disclose to borrower that the borrower created an asset.

4. Loan Contract (Financial Instrument) asset deposited with the bank by borrower.

5. Financial Instrument remains property of borrower since the borrower created it.

6. Bank Fails to disclose the bank’s liability to the borrower for the value of the asset.

7. Bank fails to give borrower a receipt for deposit of the borrower’s asset.

8. New money credit is created on the bank books, credited against the borrower’s financial instrument.

9. Bank fails to disclose to the borrower that the borrower’s signature created new money that is claimed by the bank as a Loan to the borrower.

10. Loan amount credited to an account for borrower’s use.

11. Bank deceives borrower by calling credit a “Loan” when it is an exchange for the deposited asset.

12. Bank deceives public at large by calling this process Mortgage Lending, Loan and similar.

13. Bank deceives borrower by charging Interest and fees when there is no value provided to the borrower by the bank.

14. Bank provides none of its own money so the bank has no consideration in the transaction and so no true contract exists.

15. Bank deceives borrower that the borrower’s self-created credit is a “Loan” from the bank, thus there is no full disclosure so no true contract exists. Borrower is the true creditor in the transaction. Borrower created the money. Bank provided no value.

16. Bank deceives borrower that borrower is Debtor not Creditor

17. Bank Hides its Liability by off balance-sheet accounting and only shows its Debtor ledger in order to deceive the borrower and the Court.

18. Bank demands borrower’s payments without just cause. Deception-theft- fraud.

19. Bank sells borrower’s Financial Instrument to a third party for profit.

20. Sale of the Financial Instrument confirms it has intrinsic value as an asset, yet that value is not credited to the borrower as creator and depositor of the Instrument.

21. Bank hides truth from the borrower, not admitting theft, nor sharing proceeds of the sale of the borrower’s Financial Instrument with the borrower.

22. The borrower’s Financial Instrument is converted into a security through a trust or similar arrangement in order to defeat restrictions on transactions of Loan Contracts.

23. The Security including the Loan Contract is sold to investors, despite the fact that such Securitization is Illegal.

24. Bank is not the Holder in Due Course of the Loan Contract .Only the Holder in Due Course can claim on the Loan Contract.

25. Bank deceives the borrower that the bank is Holder in Due Course of the Loan


Australian Lt Colonel Ricardo Bosi said last December we'd see Disclosures in December & First Quarter of 2024 - then Military Tribunals that already occurred beginning in May

Keep 2 weeks of Food & Supplies!
Both Col Bosi & Swiss veteran Pascal Najadi have said there will be a 10 day Lockdown to keep us Safe as THOUSANDS of "Lowest Level Masonic Filth" are Arrested

Col Bosi said last December they began with Highest Level that controlled this planet in 2016 & were almost finished with Middle Level which included Prime Ministers, Presidents, & Agency heads
He said most were Cooperating & Squealing on each other

Last October Pascal Najadi after Pascal Najadi returned from California to Switzerland via USA Air Force jet, he confirmed Justice was occurring
He's filed criminal charges against Swiss President for COVID crimes - why I noticed him
CIC Trump was in California at same time as Pascal - when we saw Trump's staff passing folder with Presidential Seal

Pascal confirmed Trump is Commander in Chief & Space Force is Command & Control of Federalized National Guard, Coast Guard, & Militaries from 33 countries
Pascal said in October France, Russia, & Switzerland were working with USA on this portion of Operation Storm & were "gathering the remaining Cockroaches"

USA military Q Operation said they were "Saving Israel for last"

Last October Gen Flynn said it may take a few more weeks or months but God will win!

Trump told us it's like his 2nd term & it's Bad but it had to be done this way to allow them to do what needed to be done
Trump keeps mentioning "The Pause" because the Constitution was put on Pause when Military took control of USA on 3/27/2020 - after Congress failed to act on National Security issues
Trump said The Pause will last through 2024

Dr Jan Halper-Hayes disclosed on GB News interview last fall she is on a DoD Task Force, Space Force has Election data & it will be shown to us via a court case against Trump, & 650 Plane loads of Gold were retrieved from Vatican
Both Trump & Gen Flynn promoted this interview

Dr Halper-Hayes has been disclosing specific details to us on X Space events including exact locations Military Tribunals occurred on Navy ships over past years
Recently she said Military Tribunals were occurring then off coast of UK & Japan & in Mediterranean Sea
She also confirmed there won't be an Election this year
She said Military has more Truths to show us before there will be an Election

Besides we need Candidates
Joe Biden is Dead - shot in the head as Trump told us - and was buried at Arlington Cemetery on 1/20/21

Watch The Greatest Show on Earth pinned in my Timeline to acclimate yourself to DHS Devolution & Reconstitution concepts that are occurring now & important Executive Orders you can verify for yourself at Federal Register
It also shows which actors have portrayed Joe Biden, undercover J6 operations, & what truly occurred with COVID - including loyal Military swapped out COVID Bioweapons with Saline to save as many of us as possible

Dr Halper-Hayes disclosed Military determined they needed to break the Stockholm Syndrome of 80% of us to prevent Civil War
She said they divided us up into 3 groups, plant seeds of Evidence/Info, Monitor us, Adjust & plant new seeds

Congressional Hearings & Fake Trump Trials are also disclosing Evidence to Wake us Up
And they are swaying our emotions to make us mad - so we'll accept Prosecutions of Major Figures without becoming emotional & hurting ourselves

My understanding is we will be "Shook to our Core" then all will be Wonderful!

Will the disclosures that COVID injections are Bioweapons be that event? 🤔
Ecohealth Alliance CEO Peter Desazk will testify at House Judiciary Committee hearing on May 1st

We also need to change Election method in states before there can be an Election
Mike Lendell's Election Fraud group disclosed last month they have counting of Paper Ballots down to taking just half an hour more


Dear Meta AI,
I do not want to ask you anything, so if you could just give me my search bar back, that’ll be great.

If you feel the same



Made in 1570.

Made in 1570.

11.3.1 in the DOD Law of War Manual is very important to understand. It explains why the Intel Board & The Great Awakeni...

11.3.1 in the DOD Law of War Manual is very important to understand. It explains why the Intel Board & The Great Awakening were such an important part of the plan. If everything is being done by the book, The Law of War Manual is one of the books. You have to understand the game that's being played so you can see the moves.
11.3.1 End of Occupation: Belligerent occupation ceases when the conditions for its application are no longer met. In particular, as discussed below, the status of belligerent occupation ceases when the invader no longer factually governs the occupied territory or when a hostile relationship no longer exists between the State of the occupied territory and the Occupying Power.

Belligerent occupation ends when the Occupying Power no longer has effectively placed the occupied territory under its control. For example, an uprising by the local population may prevent the Occupying Power from actually enforcing its authority over occupied territory. Similarly, the Occupying Power’s expulsion or complete withdrawal from the territory would also suffice because the former Occupying Power generally would not be able to control sufficiently the occupied territory.


Hi beautiful folks
Just wondering if anyone has a copy of the original Pirbright Institute CANADA papers/patents from when I originally shared my investigations?
I was scrubbed by the PTB abs all of a, sudden people are finding the same info I published, right at the start of all of this.
Stay safe beautifuls
Love Always, Kazz ###

So. .. have we had enough yet?

So. .. have we had enough yet?

The LGBTQ+ rainbow community must add a P according to the World Economic Forum in Davos which has declared that pe******ia is an acceptable sexual orientation that deserves respect.

See new postsConversationAriel• Laboratories • Tunnels • Prisons• Anti Gravity Speed Rails• Military Facilities • Meetin...

See new posts

• Laboratories

• Tunnels

• Prisons

• Anti Gravity Speed Rails

• Military Facilities

• Meeting Rooms

• Kitchens

This illustration can give you a scale and idea of what goes on underneath Washington DC.

The underground spaces are used to house a large array of sensitive documents and information, including classified materials and national security secrets.

You can better understand the footage of those children being escorted out of the White House a few years ago by what appeared to be secret services in the middle of the night.

Our government officials have been living alternative lives down there. All of this info will eventually be revealed to the general public. They will have no forewarning. They will wake up and realize everything has changed.

Ofcourse when you look at images such as this you can also add the Getty museum. You can add the Statute of Liberty. Or even the Denver airport.

Because they all share the same purpose regarding these underground systems that are even connected to areas we would consider remote secluded areas you think are not populated. That's only because you are looking at the surface.


The discovery of a contract awarded by the U.S. Department of Defense to Labyrinth Global Health for “COVID-19 Research” in November 2019 has raised questions about the permanent U.S. G…


Katie McCusker, Greens Candidate for Dunstan The Australian Greens Dunstan By-Election. Adelaide for Assange Australia for Assange Adelaide Activist Network South Australia for Assange Parliament of South AustraliaSouth Australia 7NEWS Adelaide Adelaide Sisters Association AFOPAAfghan Culture Association of South Australia Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade


Vinnie De Stefano, National Organising Director of Assange Defense, interviews Craig Murray, Former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, at the two day hearing ...


Collectively, as representatives of South Australia we need to stand up for what is right, for our citizens and against human rights abuses. We must stand up for Julian Assange, before it is to late. Australian Labor Party Anthony Albanese Parliament of South Australia South Australia Senator Barbara Pocock The Greens SA South Australia for Assange Robert Simms MLC Katie McCusker, Greens Candidate for Dunstan Tammy Franks Greens MLC South Australian Labor Sarah Andrews MP Tony Zappia MP Senator Alex Antic Steve Georganas MP


Constantine Pakavakis of PEN Melbourne’s Writers For Peace, advocates for Julian Assange’s freedom and opposes the hawkish, exorbitant, AUKUS nuclear submari...


Australia are unlikely to receive them ever...
by both Labor and Liberal Parties




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