Wealth With Passion

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Wealth With Passion We Inspire Leadership. Assist others to create both time and financial freedom in a business of their own.

Through our mentoring, we support individuals to achieve high levels of business success. The company was established by Mary Scott, to Inspire Leadership within the community. Inspiring Leadership assists people to be more than they thought they could be. We foster and mentor individuals to run their own business and focus on attaining their personal and business goals. We partner with a privatel

y owned International Personal Development & Success Coaching company currently doing business right around the world with customers in more than 50 countries.

Interesting thought

Interesting thought

How do you do the hard things in life?Do you ever wish to meet someone who can answer this question for you? Just to mak...

How do you do the hard things in life?

Do you ever wish to meet someone who can answer this question for you? Just to make these hard things in life bearable?

If YES, then be sure to watch this week's video where Mary shares some super easy tips for you to do the hard things in your life.

Watch the full video here πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


Here are some super easy tips for you to do the hard things in your life...πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ Join our private community dedicated to personal development:https://www.fa...

Do you feel like your life is just flying by?​​Watch this video where Mary gives advice on how to change that.​​​Watch t...

Do you feel like your life is just flying by?​
Watch this video where Mary gives advice on how to change that.​
​Watch the full video here πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡β€‹

Are you sitting on the couch watching your life fly by? Here are some tips you could simply do to change that.πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ Join our private community dedicated to ...

A lot of people were asking me why I started my personal development journey... what got me started...---               ...

A lot of people were asking me why I started my personal development journey... what got me started...


Why I started my personal development journey? There must be more to life than this right?πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ Join our private community dedicated to personal development...

Are you having a hard time letting go?I have read an article by  about a Navy SEAL training called β€œdrown-proofing” wher...

Are you having a hard time letting go?

I have read an article by about a Navy SEAL training called β€œdrown-proofing” where they bind your hands behind your back, tie your feet together, and dump you into a 9-foot-deep pool.

Your job is to survive for 5 minutes.

The majority of trainees failed, but some made it. They were able to do so because they understood two counterintuitive lessons.

According to Mason, the first drown-proofing lesson is paradoxical: the harder you try to keep your head above water, the more likely you are to sink.

The second lesson is more obvious, but also counterintuitive: the more you panic, the more oxygen you will lose, and the more likely you'll drown.

Rather than a test of physical will, drown-proofing is a test of each cadet's emotional self-control in times of tremendous danger. They matter more than their perseverance, physical toughness, or ambition.

One of the most important skills anyone can develop is the ability to let go of control when it is most needed.

Most events in our lives are complicated, mentally and emotionally challenging, and involve adaptation.

The idea is to teach your mind to quit chasing its own tail. To teach it to get what it wants by letting go of what it wants. To demonstrate how the only way for it to reach the surface is to sink.

And how are you going to do it? By letting go. By surrendering. Not because you're weak, not because you feel powerless but because you are strong. Because you choose to let go of things over which you have no control. You decide to accept that others will not always like you, that you will fail repeatedly, and that you will most of the time have no idea what you're doing.

You lean into the fear and uncertainty, and just as you think you're going to drown, it launches you back to safety.

So why are you so afraid of letting go?

Send me a message and let's discuss what fears you the most.


Are you someone who is struggling with getting what you want?In this week's video, Mary talks about setting goals and ho...

Are you someone who is struggling with getting what you want?

In this week's video, Mary talks about setting goals and how it helps you in getting what you want.

Watch the full video here πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


Are you someone who is struggling with getting what you want? How important is it to set goals? Goals give you direction and focus which enables you to get w...

Abbee Devine, our black Toy Poodle for 15 years left us.  We have 2 other Dogs (Brother & Sister) Standard Poodles, Oliv...

Abbee Devine, our black Toy Poodle for 15 years left us.

We have 2 other Dogs (Brother & Sister) Standard Poodles, Oliver (Brown) and Ruby (Black). They were 3 Β½ years old at the time of her passing.

Until her passing Abbee Devine was β€œTop Dog” with Oliver next and Ruby last. She retained that position right up until the day she left.

She and Oliver would play together every day, they loved each other and shared lots of happy moments.

Ruby would bark and want to play and Abbee Devine would discipline her, Ruby would shake in fear and withdraw.

At the park when chasing the ball (all three of them) Abbee would warn Ruby off and Ruby would withdraw (shaking) very quickly from the play and the ball.

When Abbee Devine passed everything changed. The pecking order and β€œTop Dog” position changed and would you believe Ruby took the position with great gusto. She became assertive, challenged Oliver for the ball, pushed her way forward to be patted first.

She went from fearful, frightened, tentative and physically shaking when disciplined by the β€œTop Dog” to proud, assertive and a leader in her own right.

The transformation in her was astonishing.

Oliver is a very cruisy, lay back, sort of dog and is obsessed with playing with the ball. He is happy to share the ball retrieving with Ruby at the park.

Within a couple of months of Abbee Devine passing Oliver developed runny eyes and would do this crazy scratching of his neck, chin and the side of his body.

A visit to the Vet had ointment in his eyes, applied for two weeks to no avail.
We changed his food, to mostly raw and gave him a probiotic for his gut as we thought that might help.
His symptoms didn’t change.

Ruby on the other hand has flourished, looks great and nothing appearing wrong with her.

Finally this week we took Oliver to an Alternative vet, 1 Β½ hour appointment and many questions the Vet suggested that Oliver was grieving for the loss of little Abbee Devine, his play mate. Not to mention he didn’t take or was not given the β€œTop Dog” position.

Watching this unfold caused me to reflect about my clients and how they present with challenges, being the third child, first born, some attended boarding schools. Males and Females. Some of them great sports people, some of them are way down the pecking order in their families and life.

All of them have something in common in that they are looking to make sense of who they are and where they fit in, in their family, their culture, their workplace, and their country.

They are looking to be loved, be worthy and some are yearning to be accepted for who they are.

Is this how leadership is, a pecking order thing?

How important is the β€œTop Dog” position?

Is it open to everyone?

Is our mindset determined by events that have shaped our lives?

Does our worthiness come from self-acceptance and love?

How often do we take unnecessary pills and potions in order to feel better?

Do you believe there is a β€œPecking Order” in your life?


Have you ever heard the story of "The Elephant Rope"?It's a story of a man who noticed elephants in a camp that weren’t ...

Have you ever heard the story of "The Elephant Rope"?

It's a story of a man who noticed elephants in a camp that weren’t being kept in cages or held by the use of chains. All that was holding them back from escaping the camp, was a small piece of rope tied to one of their legs.

The man was completely confused as to why the elephants didn’t just use their strength to break the rope and escape the camp. Because they could just easily do it, right? But they didn't try at all.

So he asked the trainer nearby.

The trainer replied, β€œwhen they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”

The only reason that the elephants weren’t breaking free and escaping from the camp was that over time, they adopted the belief that it just wasn’t possible.

So you see... we weren't born with a mindset. It was instilled in us. Still, no matter how hard the world tries to hold you back, never lose faith in your ability to achieve your goals. Believing in your ability to succeed is the first step toward realizing it.

What's holding you back? In life? In your business?

Always Remember...
π‘π’π¬πž 𝐔𝐩, π†π’π―πž 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐀

Have you also struggled with procrastination?In this week's video, Mary shares 5 tips on how to stop procrastinating.Wat...

Have you also struggled with procrastination?

In this week's video, Mary shares 5 tips on how to stop procrastinating.

Watch the full video here πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Always Remember...
π‘π’π¬πž 𝐔𝐩, π†π’π―πž 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐀

Procrastination is the thief of "JOY".If you are a procrastinator, take some action with these 5 tips. Come have a session with me and let's get you moving a...

Some years ago while managing a family β€œcamp” at a refugee center in the Pacific, I came across the term β€œstateless.” I ...

Some years ago while managing a family β€œcamp” at a refugee center in the Pacific, I came across the term β€œstateless.”

I explored what this meant.

Displaced, homeless, citizenshipless, refugee, nationless.

Stateless people have no legal protection, no right to vote, they lack access to education, employment, health care, property rights. Currently there are ten million plus stateless people around the globe. They live without hope, safety, stability and completely stuck where they are. I have seen it in their eyes. To me their eyes appeared dead, deep in their forehead, solid and dark.

We become stateless, even if, only in our minds, when we are searching for meaning, searching for a stable influence in our lives. When we are in the depth of change when we struggle to know who we are, afraid of what might become of us, frozen in time and place. Is feeling stateless a way to travel through life?
This is a time to mobilize, a time to recognize this is only part of the longer journey of life. One foot in front of the other, attempting to stabilize our thoughts and actions.

The child growing up with the inner critic voice becoming louder in their ear as the years go by. experiences statelessness. Belongs nowhere and belongs to nobody. Almost β€œfaceless” unidentified, attempting to emerge out of the wilderness in order to self-identify.

Moving to identify yourself through the maze of distractions that life presents, puts the child growing up in a haze of uncertainty, de-stabilizing them further.

Whilst learning to identify who we are gives the individual room to move forward into a deep self-knowing and provides a deeper understanding of where they belong, in the family, in the community, and the workplace. Through reflection, both of the self and the mirroring presented to us we move to a greater understanding of our own potential.

One of the most fulfilling gifts as a Mentor/therapist is to experience my clients coming out of the haze. Saying no to the distractions, the inner critic voices. Being fully present in the moment, acknowledging who they have become.

In my experience, my clients often display the same sunken eyes and demeanour as stateless peopleβ€”the obvious difference, of course, is that they are not technically stateless. Stateless people have no choice: we do. But we often don’t realize that we do.
Statelessness is the space in which the Inner Critic thrives. The ability to notice it is also the ability to control it. Control begins with the fundamental understanding: although we can feel statelessβ€”from our families, our businesses, maybe even our countries and ideasβ€”we still have the internal power to decide how to act.

The liberation is in becoming that β€œSelf-made individual” who formulates their own path and stabilizes themselves through their own knowing. Having both feet on the ground, with a deep wisdom through knowledge and understanding as to where they fit in a world that presents mostly through the eyes of others.

I believe that every individual, without exception, is valuable and deserves to be considered and respected. Including ourselves.

Always Remember...
π‘π’π¬πž 𝐔𝐩, π†π’π―πž 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐀

The liberation is in becoming that β€œSelf-made individual” who formulates their own path and stabilizes themselves through their own knowing. Having both feet on the ground, with deep wisdom through knowledge and understanding as to where they fit in a world that presents mostly through the eyes of others.ng


Take a look at this...

You will be glad you did.

Are you searching for your purpose? If you have a purpose how has it shaped your life? Does living your life on purpose ...

Are you searching for your purpose? If you have a purpose how has it shaped your life? Does living your life on purpose keep you focused?​
Watch the full video here πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡β€‹
Always Remember...​
π‘π’π¬πž 𝐔𝐩, π†π’π―πž ππšπœπ€β€‹

Are you searching for your purpose? If you have a purpose how has it shaped your life? Does living your life on purpose keep you focused?πŸ“ž Book a FREE 15-mi...

At the weekend, I had the privilege of sharing a meal with a friend, she has been a friend for more than 40 years.​​I wa...

At the weekend, I had the privilege of sharing a meal with a friend, she has been a friend for more than 40 years.​
I was reflecting on our time together and how we have had unwritten agreements for all of those years.​
Agreements that we have abided by for more than four decades, without ever speaking or referencing them. It was as if they were clearly known to us both, never needing to articulate to understand the depth of our friendship.​
What I appreciate and respect about Mal is her unwavering support of me through the thick and thin of my life's journey. What is it they say "in sickness and in health", she has been such a rock, steadfast, and always stays the course no matter what obstacles she finds in her path.​
In my life, I have had my share of what I call fair-weather friends, they come and they go. Some bring learnings, and growth opportunities and some bring sadness and great joy which in retrospect I am grateful for.​
What I have found is both my solid 40-year friendship and my fair-weather friends have provided balanced learning and an opportunity to trust, and have gratitude for each and every experience.​
What I noticed when sharing our meal and our conversation on Sunday was the ease with which we sat together. It struck me how comfortable we both were in our own skin. Being ourselves and being authentic.​
I believe these are the attributes I most appreciate in people I meet, being authentic and truly being yourself.​
These are attributes I foster when working with my clients, who often struggle with who they are and their search for true connection.​
Always Remember...​
π‘π’π¬πž 𝐔𝐩, π†π’π―πž ππšπœπ€β€‹

Have trouble sleeping at 3 am because of the thoughts that keep running in your head?​​In this week's video, Mary will g...

Have trouble sleeping at 3 am because of the thoughts that keep running in your head?​
In this week's video, Mary will give you 3 tips to help you to get back to sleep.​
Watch the full video here πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡β€‹
π‘π’π¬πž 𝐔𝐩, π†π’π―πž ππšπœπ€β€‹

Having trouble sleeping at 3 am because of the thoughts that keep running in your head?Here are 3 tips to help you to get back to sleep.πŸ”₯ Send us an email ...

Oh my goodness, how many times have we seen this play out in our lives or someone else's?​​Somehow the story gets in the...

Oh my goodness, how many times have we seen this play out in our lives or someone else's?​
Somehow the story gets in the way of us thinking and acting mindfully.​
I recently heard this on a webinar and wondered how many times I had chosen excellence in any given crisis I might have been involved in.​
It caused me to take time to reflect on what I do in a crisis... (not that I have had many in my life).​
I wonder what it would be like to choose excellence and take the path less traveled?​
For me, it would be like going on an adventure and getting out of my comfort zone to raise my vibration to excellence.​
What about you what does this quote mean to you?​
Love to hear your thoughts below πŸ₯°πŸ‘‡β€‹

What's your intention for today?​​Watch this little video where Mary talks about setting your intentions every day.​​​Wa...

What's your intention for today?​
Watch this little video where Mary talks about setting your intentions every day.​
​Watch the full video here πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡β€‹
Rise Up Give Back​

What is your intention for each and every day you get out of bed in the morning?Rise Up Give Back πŸ“ž Book a FREE 15-min call with me: https://letsmeet.io/wea...

Take Time To Pause…​​The Pause creates the space for a breath or a reflection.​​The pause gives time and space for a res...

Take Time To Pause…​
The Pause creates the space for a breath or a reflection.​
The pause gives time and space for a response.​
Pausing sometimes gives space for the response rather than the reaction.​
The pause I believe is important for the empowerment of an individual.​
The pause allows an individual to be on the front foot rather than the back foot.​
I believe being on the front foot allows for the response, rather than the back foot of the reaction.​
Choosing the pause, allows the reflection to take place, and through reflection comes thoughtful responses.​
Thoughtful responses open up to more expanded meaningful communication.​
Expansive communication provides the space for individuals to meet on a level playing field.​
The level playing field is contained in the space, being in the space opens up the path to an acute awareness of equality through deep reflection.​
Deep reflection gives the individual the space to move into their own reality to create a greater sense of who they really are.​
Who they really are is always evolving and invites the individual to dig deep into the meaning of who they really are becoming.​
Digging deep into the soul requires a commitment to self, first and foremost.​
Commitment to the development of the self is to be commended and instills a knowing like no other.​
Knowing thy self requires patience, perseverance, and a deep yearning to grow into whom you want to become.​
You may send Mary a message for further help or discussion.​
Rise Up Give Back​

Am I surrounded by the right people?​​Do you have people around you that will support you, mentor you, and give you thei...

Am I surrounded by the right people?​
Do you have people around you that will support you, mentor you, and give you their honest thoughts when you needed them?​
Does the business you are collaborating with, value your growth personally and professionally?​
These should be some of the questions you should consider asking yourself when you are about to start a new project. Here at Wealth With Passion, we value your experience. Our business programs have the capacity to change lives.​
If you are one of those people who are passionate about assisting individuals with their Personal Growth, you may want to connect with us.​
For more information, visit us at https://www.wealthwithpassion.com/xaus/​


How is your belief in yourself? Do you believe that you are worthy of everything you have and everything you are working for?

In this week's video, Mary talks about worthiness, believing in yourself, and how you can overcome that self-doubt.

Watch the full video here πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Destiny and what does it really mean?​​Is it a case of "What will be will be?"​​I believe if you have a true purpose in ...

Destiny and what does it really mean?​
Is it a case of "What will be will be?"​
I believe if you have a true purpose in your life you can begin to chart your own destiny...​
One of the challenges is to know what your purpose is. In order to find out what it is, you must be willing to reflect and be in silence. Take the time to listen to your own thoughts.​
What I have noticed is that "silence" is not something most of us seek, in fact, we fill our days up with everything but silence.​
I believe the real key to purpose and destiny is to take time out of your busy day to be in the silence to understand what is the right path for you.​
Your thoughts?​

Have you ever dreamed of being your own boss? Or working from anywhere in the world? πŸŒŽβ€‹β€‹Have you ever thought of replaci...

Have you ever dreamed of being your own boss?

Or working from anywhere in the world? πŸŒŽβ€‹
Have you ever thought of replacing your full-time job by building a business that works around your clock rather than the other way around?​
This business system of ours represents a global community of like-minded men and women who are dedicated to assisting individuals through the teachings of our proven business system and Personal Growth concepts.​
Learn more by clicking through this link πŸ‘‡β€‹


What do you see as your biggest challenges right now?

Are you someone who is struggling with getting what you want?​​In this week's video, Mary talks about setting goals and ...

Are you someone who is struggling with getting what you want?​
In this week's video, Mary talks about setting goals and how they help you in getting what you want.​
Watch the full video here πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡β€‹

Are you someone who is struggling with getting what you want? How important is it to set goals? Goals give you direction and focus which enables you to get w...

Did you know...​​A new record was reached in 2021 in the number of people applying for new businesses in the US? "The nu...

Did you know...​
A new record was reached in 2021 in the number of people applying for new businesses in the US? "The number of business applications reached 5.4 million last year, surpassing the 2020 record of 4.4 million".​
What we don't hear about is those millions or more than give up because it just feels "too hard" to go on.​
Have you ever quit a business too early only to find you were so close to succeeding?​
What I have found is that people give up on themselves way too early when starting a new business, or when business is not going so well for them.​
Often just when they are about to create success.​
What I have observed is that most people believe they need to be doing everything in their business, when sometimes it may be a great idea to either outsource some of those simple tasks or get some support from a Mentor/Coach.​
Engaging a Mentor/Coach supports people in business as they bring a different perspective and are often more objective than you are when applying new strategies to the business.​
If this is where you find yourself right now, book a call with Mary to see if you are a good fit to work together.​

What's stopping you from starting your own business?​​There's so much more to offer to people when you're invested in yo...

What's stopping you from starting your own business?​
There's so much more to offer to people when you're invested in yourself! Just like this business of ours, it allows you to grow personally and professionally while also earning from it!​
Can you imagine learning and earning at the same time?​
If you are someone who is results-driven, highly motivated, and hungry for change in your personal and financial life - you may reach out to Mary today by sending her a private message here on Instagram.​
Don't miss this opportunity to nail a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! ​ ​ βœ¨πŸ€©β€‹
Visit us at https://www.wealthwithpassion.com/xaus/​

Are you a risk-taker? Or are you someone that likes to play it safe and stay within your comfort zone?​​In this week's v...

Are you a risk-taker? Or are you someone that likes to play it safe and stay within your comfort zone?​
In this week's video, Mary talks about comfort zone and how important are they in one's life.​
Watch the full video here πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡β€‹

How many times do you choose to live on the edge of your comfort zone? Are you a risk-taker? Are you someone that likes to stretch yourself to be more and do...

Will you take the journey? What is the journey all about?​​So often we miss it because we don't stop to enjoy the ride.....

Will you take the journey? What is the journey all about?​
So often we miss it because we don't stop to enjoy the ride...​
What is important for you? Is it family? Is it a job? Are you in business for yourself? Is it an activity?​
Taking the journey is about stepping forward and getting on the right path for you.​
I believe being on your own path/journey can be a very soul-searching time. The journey invites reflection, a time to ponder what is important, what will assist us to flourish.​
How do we tap into being deeply authentic?​
Being that original, one of a kind, being genuine, being the "real deal". Taking the journey in a conscious way commands our attention to our awareness... so many things we do in life, we do very much from the unconscious, on automatic.​
Make your choices wisely and set yourself up for a bigger journey than you thought was ever possible.​



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