Wrestling's Rope Break, powered by Main Event Madness.com, is what you get when you mix an Australian,an American...and everything pro-wrestling together! For 90 minutes every Thursday night at 8 P.M Eastern/ 11 P.M Pacific, Sydney Australia's Joel "The Man" O'Brien and Connecticut's own Eron "The Mastermind" Ramadanov provide their two cents on everything topical and relevant in the world of WWE,
NXT, Impact Wrestling and so much more! Not only that, but the most topical wrestling-centric podcast and classic matches from the past are also analyzed, dissected and discussed, all for your listening pleasure! However, it wasn't until 2005 that Joel began to take a keen interest in the creative production side of sport entertainment. From 2011 to 2013, he traveled to the US for 3 consecutive WrestleManias, writing news articles for Dave Meltzer's Wrestling Observer website during this time. He's also been writing pro-wrestling articles since mid-2011. After becoming co-editor of Pro-Wrestling Powerhouse.com in May of 2014, Joel was soon offered to radio produce for "PWP Radio": the site's online podcasting network. While the network closed its doors at the start of 2015, Joel continutes to contribute to PWP, along with his co-host, Eron Ramadanov. Speaking of "The Mastermind" , Naugautck Connecticut's Eron Ramadanov, also a co-editor of ProWrestlingPowerhouse.com and Editor/Lead News Reporter at CoolWrestlingNews.com, has been a wrestling fan for over 10 years, and has written for multiple sites like WhatCulture.com, RingsideNews.com, and more. At 20 years old, Eron has been writing for over two years, and has a deep passion for all things professional wrestling.