Our materials support K-12 educators as they create 21st century classrooms and respond to the demands of state and national standards, such as the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts and the Next Generation Science Standards. Capstone Professional focuses on topics such as reading comprehension, close reading, writing in the content areas, teaching with graphics in the classroom, and
creating safe school environments. Capstone Professional authors are educators and consultants, teachers and experts in their fields. A tenet for Capstone Professional is to support teachers, administrators, content-area specialists, students, and parents in becoming engaged in content and excited about learning. Professional development offerings by Capstone Professional range from webinars and workshops to conference speakers and author visits. Submissions for products that speak to the needs of educators today are always accepted. We continue to look for professional development resources that support grades K−8 classroom teachers in areas, such as these: Literacy, Language Arts, Content-Area Literacy, Research-Based Practices, Assessment, Inquiry, Technology, Differentiation, Standards-Based Instruction, School Safety, Classroom Management, and School Community
If you have an idea for a professional development resource, visit our Become an Author Web Site at: http://maupinhouse.com/index.php/become-an-author
There are two ways to submit questions and proposals.
1. You may send them electronically to: http://maupinhouse.com/index.php/become-an-author
2. You may send them via postal mail. Please be sure to include a self-addressed stamped envelope for us to return materials. Acquisitions Editor
Capstone Professional
1 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 1800
Chicago, IL 60602 Maupin House by Capstone Professional
1710 Roe Crest Drive
North Mankato, MN 56003
(888) 262-6135