Rise Above With Rudy
Rudy Ruettiger
Encouragement From Rudy
Rudy’s back. But this time, he’s got a new dream.
Rudy’s back. But this time, he’s got a new dream. :D
Watch Football Underdog Rudy Become Colonel Sanders in the New KFC Commercial with Rudy: Sean Astin and Rudy Ruettiger
#Rudy #NotreDameFootball #RudyRuettiger #KFC
#SeanAstin #ColonelSanders #NewKFCCommercial
Read More: https://www.eater.com/2019/9/5/20849913/kfc-rudy-colonel-sanders
A fun filled day with Rudy Ruettiger and Notre Dame fans. Also a surprise guest appearance by Patriots WR Chris Hogan.
ESNY Video’s On the Scene with Mike Vivalo takes us to a Notre Dame legend whose movie is one in which it’s impossible to remain dry-eyed.
“Rudy, Rudy, Rudy, Rudy, Rudy … ”
#RudyTheWalkOn #RudyRuettiger #RudyTheMovie #NotreDameFootball
Say what you want about Notre Dame. Whether you love the school and/or football program or hold complete and utter disdain, it simply won’t affect the way you feel about the classic film Rudy.
Shall you remain dry-eyed near the end of the flick when little Rudy picks up the most exuberant sack in movie history, you simply have no soul.
That and more is discussed with the man himself, Rudy Ruettiger when Mike Vivalo goes On the Scene for an ESNY exclusive.
Link To Article:
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Rudy Ruettiger The Real Rudy - 125 Years of ND Football - Moment #084
Rudy Ruettiger The Real Rudy - 125 Years of ND Football
The motion picture 'Rudy' memorialized the 1975 game against Georgia Tech - as Notre Dame walk-on Daniel 'Rudy' Ruettiger took the field for the final play of the game. While the movie is a Hollywood version of the story, Notre Dame players who were in on the team and participated in that game provide the truth behind the legend. Follow along with 125 Years of Notre Dame Football at 125.nd.edu and #NDFB125. #NotreDameFootbal #RudyMovie #RudyTheWalkOn #GoIrish
Be A Better You
#rudythewalkon #RudyRuettiger #motivation
Play Like A Champion Today!
#champ #champion #motivation #RudyRuettiger #RudyMovie #rudythewalkon #notredamefootball
The Moment Kobe Notices Rudy is in the House!
The Moment Kobe Notices Rudy is in the House! Kobe and Rudy Meet!
#KobeBryant #RudyRuettiger
Kobe and Rudy Meet
Kobe Bryant Practicing Before he meets Rudy! Such an epic day!
#SacramentoKings #LosAngelesLakers #KobeBryant #RudyRuettiger #RudyMovie
Celebrating 25 Years of Inspiration with Rudy
@SEANASTIN @danielruettiger
#SeanAstin #RudyRuettiger
#NotreDame #notredamefootball
25 Years Later #RudyMovie
#rudythewalkon #RudyRuettiger #motivation