- William Albert Baldwin
(used by permission, all rights reserved)
A Journal where Ritual, Sacred and Folk Performance Arts and Scholarship meet. Like a bright little wildflower, folk, myth, and ritual theatre grows where it can, blooms brightly and seeds itself for future generations. There is an alliterative reference to Kore, the Maiden of th
e Eleusinian Mysteries in simply saying the name of this wildflower. By doing so, one may evoke the image of the Court of Beautiful Dances, a place where ritual theatre flourished for many thousand years. Like wildflowers, folk theatre flourishes in unexpected places: street corners, alleyways, open fields and along roadsides. Coreopsis: Journal of Myth & Theatre is published semi-annually by the Society for Ritual Arts. http://societyforritualarts.com/coreopsis/
Coreopsis is a multi-disciplinary never-for-profit independently published peer-reviewed journal. Our volunteer staff are dedicated to the philosophy that there is a place where art and scholarship meet. Artists (of all disciplines) and authors keep full control over their work and all copyrights and re-print rights revert to the author upon publication. Coreopsis is a Journal where the Art and Scholarship of Ritual, Sacred and Folk Performance meet. It is my hope that this journal will like wise flourish and become part of the whole that keep the traditions alive and flourishing. kōrēŏpˈsĭs, or tickseed, names for species of Coreopsis, a chiefly North American genus of the family Asteraceae (aster family). They are easily cultivated annuals or perennials with daisy like heads of flowers in various colors—commonly yellow or variegated. Coreopsis is classified in the division Magnoliophyta, class Magnoliopsida, order Asterales, family Asteraceae. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition Copyright© 2004,Columbia University Press. Licensed from Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. Submission guidelines: http://coreopsis.org/submission-guidelines/
Contact the Journal:
Editor: Lezlie A. Kinyon, Ph.D. coreopsisjournalofmyththeatre_at_gmail(dot)com
Web Design: Egeria Consulting http://www.egeriaconsulting.net/
Staff Page: http://coreopsis.org/our-intrepid-staff/
READER'S FORUM: https://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=5136791