Video Cypher

Video Cypher Video Cypher is initiated by Anna Chim in 2017, and inspired by LA beat cypher crew Team Supreme. Th

"Wir wären geschwommen, wenn das Wasser nicht so kalt gewesen wäre" (we would have swum if the water hadn't been so cold...

"Wir wären geschwommen, wenn das Wasser nicht so kalt gewesen wäre" (we would have swum if the water hadn't been so cold 如果水不那麼冷,我們會游泳的) – a film by B.Maus

It’s more than an old DV with an hour battery, a phone she borrowed to edit, her studio projects, Video Cypher’s Chinese Ghost Fest event, and some other independent platforms with her old friends.

We invited her to document our event “Tosicfest x Video Cypher: If I die do not unfollow”, whilst some other old footages had stayed on the same SD card. She recorded the screen of the borrowed phone while browsing all the footages for the first time and it became the final edit. Now as you watch this film on your phone, you are flipping through the borrowed fragments with B.Maus.

B.Maus這部片的內容列舉如下:一台只剩一小時電池的舊DV機、一部她借回來的電話、她的工作室、Video Cypher的盂蘭節活動、另外一些和舊朋友進行的獨立項目。或更多。

B.Maus曾為《Toxicfest x Video Cypher:如果我死了,不要取消追蹤》作拍攝紀錄,而她另一些舊影片也留在同一張SD卡裡。她在借來的手機上第一次看到這堆舊片段,同時使用螢幕錄影功能而成這最終的剪輯。此刻,當您在手機上觀看這部影片,其實你正在與 B.Maus 一起翻閱借來的時間碎片。

"Wir wären geschwommen, wenn das Wasser nicht so kalt gewesen wäre" (we would have swum if the water hadn't been so cold 如果水不那麼冷,我們會游泳的) – a film by B.Maus (...

🍦🍭🍵 Our friends are currently showing their videos at "sundae” held by  !!September 10, 2021 ~ February 26, 2022sundae i...

🍦🍭🍵 Our friends are currently showing their videos at "sundae” held by !!

September 10, 2021 ~ February 26, 2022

sundae is a VOD screening project held at a basement in Matsudo, Japan. Viewers are able to select works from the regularly updated collection of video works while eating the original mcg21xoxo sundae in an abandoned pseudo-at-home viewing environment. All video works will concurrently be uploaded to available for rent at 500JPY per video. *Rentals will be available from September 10th.

1. Anlan Huang (Yasmine) - Illogical Innocence: how to be a former Idol (2019)
2. Pedro Gossler - Ooze (2021)
3. Vunkwan Tam - Untitled (Spoiled, My New Wine)
4. Skene Milne - Purgatory’s Angel (2019)
5. Chen Pin Tao - K141 Art Foundation (2020)

🚪鬼門昨日(七月三十)已關 The Gate of Hell has closed yesterday.☠︎ Toxicfest 2021 x Video Cypher ☠︎ : If I die do not unfollow 「如果我死...

🚪鬼門昨日(七月三十)已關 The Gate of Hell has closed yesterday.

☠︎ Toxicfest 2021 x Video Cypher ☠︎ :
If I die do not unfollow 「如果我死了,不要取消追蹤」

photo 3: .bside In case some of them wanna collect a painting
photo 5: 敬拜套裝
photo 7: 菇

鬼節前夕 Eve of Ghost Festival 21.08.2021
photography by


LIMINAL-Firefly Haze 迷雾萤火Event Lineup: lil lishanIVVVSSHUTINGASJ [livestream]K6V BAADAAM poster by .3loVideo Credit:蝴蝶 Butterfly #2 有人在嗎 #5 ASJ, Skene Milne...

☠︎ Toxicfest 2021 x Video Cypher ☠︎ :If I die do not unfollow 「如果我死了,不要取消追蹤」 : Untitled & cola ghosto.t.z : wizdoom tale...

☠︎ Toxicfest 2021 x Video Cypher ☠︎ :
If I die do not unfollow 「如果我死了,不要取消追蹤」

: Untitled & cola ghosto.t.z : wizdoom tales, gott, painful source, this world & what if
: starling 839

鬼節前夕 Eve of Ghost Festival 21.08.2021
photography by

☠︎ Toxicfest 2021 x Video Cypher ☠︎ : If I die do not unfollow 「如果我死了,不要取消追蹤」鬼節前夕 Eve of Ghost Festival 21.08.2021photo ...

☠︎ Toxicfest 2021 x Video Cypher ☠︎ :
If I die do not unfollow 「如果我死了,不要取消追蹤」

鬼節前夕 Eve of Ghost Festival 21.08.2021

photo 2: .as.tie.l 李采玲生髮儀
photo 5: 花
photo 6: Millennial Dreams of Owning a Home and Paying the Loans
photo 8: Sims Lover

photography by

thank you for coming to Toxicfest 2021 x Video Cypher  :  If I die do not unfollow 「如果我死了,不要取消追蹤」final trailer for VR ex...

thank you for coming to Toxicfest 2021 x Video Cypher : If I die do not unfollow 「如果我死了,不要取消追蹤」

final trailer for VR experience SAMSARA
coming to Video Cypher


Tadpole Origin & Valerie You 作品

第一階段的 GENESIS 項目最初是在 Kayu Ara 河受污染的岸上的場外展覽:一堆現成影像再被加工拼貼成一份場外作品,其以風化般的形式呈現在那隱形的環球物流軌道上,就如神聖的垃圾。視覺的漂浮物和噴射物作為對剩餘生產的過度意義出現,過度編碼的視覺壓縮被其觸手可及的世界遏抑著。

《創世紀:記憶》以幻覺序列進入終端空間,目的就是敘述這種過度編碼的驅動力,並被模擬成一種神聖的自我否定,通過無限的損耗而實現。 裝置藝術過程中拍攝的錄像與製作人記憶中的事件和電話存檔交叉引用,切入流行文化和現成媒介的平行敘事。 結果呈現為一種幻覺,即使在慾望被證明是記憶和逼真之間的巧合之後,這種幻覺也不會停止。在此提醒觀眾們,請忘記錄像是一種紀錄的媒介——我們只剩下聖顯嗎?

The GENESIS project began as an offsite exhibition installed at the polluted banks of Kayu Ara river: a found image pool was worked into collaborative collages, finally evolving into an offsite which staged them as efflorescence taking form over the unseen totality of global logistics, like divine rubbish. This visual flotsam and jetsam emerges as excess signification to surplus production, overcoded visual compressions repressed by a world it renders palpable.

GENESIS: REMEMBRANCE enters the terminal space in a hallucinatory sequence with the aim of narrativizing this drive towards overcoding, simulated as a kind of divine self-negation, achieved through the exhaustion of the infinite. Footage taken during the installation process is cross-referenced with events in the producers’ memories and phone archives, cut up with parallel narratives from popular culture and found media. The result is presented as a hallucination that does not cease even after desire is demonstrated as a coincidence between memory and verisimilitude. The audience is reminded to forget that film is an archival medium - are we left with hierophany?

執導 Directed by: Valerie You
平面設計 Graphics: Kaspar Sczech
附加劇本、聲效、影片 Additional script, sound, and footage: Torre Alain, Rasheed Mirza
時長 Duration: 13:20 分鐘 minutes

☠︎ Toxicfest 2021 x Video Cypher ☠︎ :
If I die do not unfollow 「如果我死了,不要取消追蹤」

Reservation will stop tonight at 00:00.

《餓鬼食播 Hungry Ghost Mukbang》為是次活動全新節目 Special new works for this eventRemixes by Valerie You 作品把靈魂和陽傘細胞當作祭品Between animis...

《餓鬼食播 Hungry Ghost Mukbang》
為是次活動全新節目 Special new works for this event
Remixes by Valerie You 作品

Between animism and parasocialism, there are food offerings

☠︎ Toxicfest 2021 x Video Cypher ☠︎ :
If I die do not unfollow 「如果我死了,不要取消追蹤」

日期 Date: 鬼節前夕 Eve of Ghost Festival 21.08.2021
時間 Time: 4–10PM
地點 Venue: 太子 Prince Edward
費用 Fee: 免費 Free


《Terminal Space 終端空間》(2021)
K.O.T.Z 作品

「Maman 妈妈」是一個由Underground Flower和Rhizome Parking Garage共同策劃的群展,而《Terminal Space》這部電影則是由「Maman 妈妈」藝術家們的作品所組成。每份作品被編織進電影情節中,由一個無名、多聲道的旁述被送到那有毒的湖泊開始,展開流離失所的旅途和神話化的記憶。



旁述:Torre Alain, Valerie You, Jennnital
編劇 :Ian Bruner

關於「Maman 妈妈」
包公衛礦大壩在內蒙古形成了一個 10 平方公里的湖泊,由稀有礦物所產生的工業廢水製成——尤其是用於製造我們的手機、筆記本電腦和其他設備的釹等礦物質。

「Maman 妈妈」為我們這個殘破世界的影子母親獻上了祭品。

Baogong Weikuang Dam forms a 10 km2 lake in Inner Mongolia, made of rare mineral industrial effluent - in particular, minerals like neodymium which are used to manufacture our phones, laptops and other devices.

MAMAN妈妈 presents works as a ritual sacrifice to this shadow mother of our damaged world.

藝術家名單 Artist list
, , , , , , , , .village .tt.han.son, .o.t.z


☠︎ Toxicfest 2021 x Video Cypher ☠︎ :
If I die do not unfollow 「如果我死了,不要取消追蹤」

日期 Date: 鬼節前夕 Eve of Ghost Festival 21.08.2021
時間 Time: 4–10PM
地點 Venue: 太子 Prince Edward
費用 Fee: 免費 Free

☠︎ Toxicfest 2021 x Video Cypher ☠︎ : If I die do not unfollow 「如果我死了,不要取消追蹤」毒物:《SAMSARA》預告 preview 策劃 Organized by: Gal...

☠︎ Toxicfest 2021 x Video Cypher ☠︎ :
If I die do not unfollow 「如果我死了,不要取消追蹤」

毒物:《SAMSARA》預告 preview
策劃 Organized by: Gallerie Falena & Underground Flower
Samsara是基於「Maman 妈妈」展覽完成的虛擬現實遊戲,旨在表現人類進步、幻想、自我和人格解體之間的致幻張力。
Samsara is a VR game experience based on the MAMAN mythology: a hallucinatory tension between human progress, fantasy, ego, and depersonalization.

關於「Maman 妈妈」About Maman
包公衛礦大壩在內蒙古形成了一個 10 平方公里的湖泊,由稀有礦物所產生的工業廢水製成——尤其是用於製造我們的手機、筆記本電腦和其他設備的釹等礦物質。

「Maman 妈妈」為我們這個殘破世界的影子母親獻上了祭品。

Baogong Weikuang Dam forms a 10 km2 lake in Inner Mongolia, made of rare mineral industrial effluent - in particular, minerals like neodymium which are used to manufacture our phones, laptops and other devices.

MAMAN妈妈 presents works as a ritual sacrifice to this shadow mother of our damaged world.

❧ Toxic Fest 單位 Units– Underground Flower:一個全球性的策展團體,創建場外展覽和其他多學科項目,為這個破爛世界進行聯網的儀式。– Solo Show:一個不斷發展的界面,為不同獨立創意項目從 irl ...

❧ Toxic Fest 單位 Units
– Underground Flower:一個全球性的策展團體,創建場外展覽和其他多學科項目,為這個破爛世界進行聯網的儀式。
– Solo Show:一個不斷發展的界面,為不同獨立創意項目從 irl 和 url 角度融合探索小眾美學,由 Underground Flower 和 Rhizome Parking Garage 發起和組織。
– Rhizome Parking Garage:一個分散的游擊展覽場地,它無處不在,同時又不存在,提供了一個可能的破壞源、一個重組實踐的途徑。
– KOTZ:來自萊比錫的精神愛情恐怖組織。
Underground Flower is a global curatorial collective, creating offsite exhibs + other multidisciplinary work as networked rituals for a damaged world.
Solo Show is a constantly-evolving interface for independent creative projects exploring niche aesthetics from the interzones of irl + url, initiated and organized by Underground Flower and Rhizome Parking Garage.
Rhizome Parking Garage operates as a decentralized guerilla exhibition site that is everywhere and nowhere at the same time, offering a possible source of disruption, an avenue of re-organizational practises.
KOTZ is a spiritual love terror group from Leipzig.
⊰ 毒物1 ⊱
《Terminal Space 終端空間》(2021)
K.O.T.Z 作品
第1-3集(共10集)Chapters 1-3 (of 10)
旁述 Narrated by: Torre Alain, Valerie You, Jennnital
編劇 Screenplay written by: Ian Bruner
時長 Duration: 25 分鐘 minutes
⊰ 毒物2 ⊱
《創世紀 GENESIS》(2021)
Tadpole Origin & Valerie You 作品
執導 Directed by: Valerie You
平面設計 Graphics: Kaspar Sczech
附加劇本、聲效、影片:Additional script, sound, and footage: Torre Alain, Rasheed Mirza
時長 Duration: 13:20 分鐘 minutes
⊰ 毒物3 ⊱
《Mutants of Readiness》(2021)
Kostis Stafylakis & Theo Triantafyllidis 作品 聯合 feat. Joshua Citarella
現場表演節錄 Live Stream Excerpts (表演日期 Original Performance date: 20.12.2020)
時長 Duration: 20 分鐘 minutes

👀 can't wait to bring them to HK 👀👀 check out this soundtrack mix first 👀👀👀"This 50 minute guest mix consists of PHASE I...

👀 can't wait to bring them to HK 👀👀 check out this soundtrack mix first 👀👀👀

"This 50 minute guest mix consists of PHASE II of MAMAN妈妈, a Solo Show project, curated by Undergound Flower and Rhizome Parking Garage.
Baogong Weikuang Dam forms a 10 km2 lake in Inner Mongolia, made of rare mineral industrial effluent - in particular, minerals like neodymium which are used to manufacture our phones, laptops and other devices.
MAMAN妈妈 presents works as a ritual sacrifice to this shadow mother of our damaged world."

"For 0" is a radio show by UNITEDSTATESOF where the most outward fringes of underground art are welcomed and brought together to create two hours of genderless musical submission. This 50 minute gues

throwback   發佈會 x Twenty Alpha:Sound Performance 30/1/2021張靜瑜 Cheung Ching Yu Annisa馮以誠 Fung Yee Sing胡旨澄 Wu Chi Ching由張靜...

throwback 發佈會 x Twenty Alpha:Sound Performance
張靜瑜 Cheung Ching Yu Annisa
馮以誠 Fung Yee Sing
胡旨澄 Wu Chi Ching

由張靜瑜、馮以誠、胡旨澄三位作曲家/聲音藝術家組成的聲音組合。三人以電聲長音、Video Cypher 過往的 Cypher 回合及「移民—自我回應展」的材料,透過筆記本電腦作為樂器,帶來現場即興混音的三重奏。

vCloud 發佈會 x Twenty Alpha:Sound Performance by Annisa Cheung, Fung Yee Sing, Esther Wu 張靜瑜、馮以誠、胡旨澄30/1/2021張靜瑜 Cheung Ching Yu Annisa馮以誠 Fung Yee Sing胡旨澄 Wu ...


throwback 發佈會 x Twenty Alpha:Sound Performance by Annisa Cheung, Fung Yee Sing, Esther Wu 張靜瑜、馮以誠、胡旨澄
張靜瑜 Cheung Ching Yu Annisa
馮以誠 Fung Yee Sing
胡旨澄 Wu Chi Ching Esther

由張靜瑜、馮以誠、胡旨澄三位作曲家/聲音藝術家組成的聲音組合。三人以電聲長音、Video Cypher 過往的 Cypher 回合及「移民—自我回應展」的材料,透過筆記本電腦作為樂器,帶來現場即興混音的三重奏。

☁️☁️☁️今年一月的vCloud發佈會放映了極光導賞團 Aurora Trip Sitter的錄像作品「Knee Play」系列,映後更有成員xyziki、fotan laiki、wateva aka j/awesome 及 joseph...

☁️☁️☁️今年一月的vCloud發佈會放映了極光導賞團 Aurora Trip Sitter的錄像作品「Knee Play」系列,映後更有成員xyziki、fotan laiki、wateva aka j/awesome 及 joseph2015chen分享對藝術、創作的想法:


vCloud 發佈會:極光導賞團分享 ☁ Sharing by Aurora Trip Sitter on "Knee Play 1-5"30/1/2021xyzikifotan laikiwateva aka j/awesomejoseph2015chen關於極光導賞團 About Aurora Trip S...

Solo exhibition by our dear Joseph Chen Yuen coming up 💥💥💥

Solo exhibition by our dear Joseph Chen Yuen coming up 💥💥💥

🎉🎉[ ]💾⛓🌿🕵️‍♂️
Exhibition ‘Joseph Chen: Shameplant in Glory Hole’

錄映太奇榮幸呈獻香港藝術家陳敬元首個個展 ——「在尋歡洞的含羞草」,同時為陳敬元與展覽同名的廣泛資料搜集與研究計劃的最後階段。展覽將於6月19日至7月17日舉行,展出藝術家多面向的作品,包括錄像、圖像、裝置及文獻材料等。是次作品作為陳氏對個人文獻庫的藝術性研究成果,探索物質與時間的關係。

「在尋歡洞的含羞草」是陳敬元於2019年發起的一個為期三年的研究計劃,關注深水埗地攤的二手商品的記憶與經歷。計劃源於藝術家在深水埗地攤發現二手硬盤並對其進行數據恢復,同時參考了哲學家Bernard Stiegler對科技與記憶之間不可分割的關係的理論。在是次展覽中,陳敬元將他人外置化的記憶與自身不可銘記、不可回憶、不可忘懷的內在記憶並置,復活一種私人與親密的時空經驗。

Videotage is pleased to present 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒊𝒏 𝑮𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝑯𝒐𝒍𝒆, the first solo exhibition of Hong Kong-based artist 𝗝𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗽𝗵 𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗻, from 19 June to 17 July 2021. The exhibition is the final phase of the eponymous research project by the artist, featuring his multifaceted works, including videos, images, audio, installations, and archival materials. These works result from artistic research on personal archives that explore the relationship between matter and time.

𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒊𝒏 𝑮𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝑯𝒐𝒍𝒆, a three-year art project initiated by Joseph Chen in 2019, focuses on second-hand memories and experiences of used commodities in the Sham Shui Po flea market. It originated from retrieving abandoned data from second-hand hard drive disks found in the Sham Shui Po flea market while drawing inspiration from philosopher Bernard Stiegler’s theory on the inseparable relationship between technology and memory. In this exhibition, the artist juxtaposes these externalized memories of others with his own uninscribable, unmemorable or unforgettable internal memories, resurrecting a private and intimate temporal and spatial experience.


Joseph Chen: Shameplant in Glory Hole

📅展期 Exhibition Period:19/6-17/7/2021
⏰時間 Opening Hours: 12pm-7pm
📍地點 Venue: 錄映太奇 Videotage
Unit 13, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Rd, To Kwa Wan, HK

✨開幕禮與表演 Opening Reception and Performance✨
📌19/6/2021 |星期六 Saturday |7pm
表演藝術家 Performance Artist: Nerve

網站 Website:

#陳敬元 #活體洞



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關於Video Cypher

Video Cypher是一個香港的錄像計劃,由詹可瑩於2017年受洛杉磯的beat cypher團隊Team Supreme啟發並發起。其目的為聚集朋友互相鼓勵並啟發大家創作錄像以達至共同進步。 我們將定期邀請朋友為新一輪「video cypher」制訂主題,題目形式隨訂題者有所不同,可能是一段文字;一張Gif;一幅畫;一輯相片;一首歌......每期會邀請新朋友或自發報名的參加者,根據題目答題,以錄像回應。素材應用及創作形式均不受限制,攝錄、拍照、圖像、3D、coding、剪接......歡迎任何展現創作者想法的媒介。透過計劃,盼參與者以學習與探索錄像剪接或動畫技巧為目標,演譯特定素材或主題,指望能創作出有趣的成果。