Meet Diana Manole and Xiaoyuan Yin, who collaborated on two poems for our twelfth issue, RESIST. Diana translated Xiaoyuan Yin's poems from Chinese into Romanian.
✨In poetry, Xiaoyuan Yin has developed an encyclopedic writing style, as she calls it, making surprising connections among natural, and especially cosmic, phenomena, the animal kingdom, and culture across centuries and borders. For the two poems included in this issue, the translator had to study in both languages the parts of a hair dryer and the animal oils used in leather processing and search for the names of birds and musical instruments that don’t exist in Romania.
✨Diana Manole is an award-winning, proudly hyphenated Romanian-Canadian writer, literary translator, and scholar. Her recent poetry was published in English and/or in translation in eleven countries, including the UK, the US, Canada, France, Spain, and China. Her seventh poetry book, Praying to a Landed-Immigrant God / Rugându-mă la un Dumnezeu emigrant, is forthcoming from Grey Borders Books in a dual-language English-Romanian edition.
✨Yin Xiaoyuan (殷晓媛) is an avant-garde, crossover epic poet as well as a multi-genre & multilingual writer, founder of the Encyclopedic Poetry School (est. 2007), initiator of the Hermaphroditic Writing Movement, and has done numerous crossover projects with international poets, musicians, and artists. She has published eleven books. Her works have been translated into more than fifty languages, published in magazines, and included in anthologies.
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