The Dialogue with Pastor Tee

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The Dialogue with Pastor Tee The Dialogue with Pastor Tee exists to provide a Christocentric view to everyday issues.


Shalom. Today's devotion comes from Jude 1:22 BSB, And indeed, have mercy on those who doubt;

Judha 1:22, Itirai ngoni avo vanokahadzika;

UJuda 1:22, Yibani lesihawu kulabo abathandabuzayo;

‫یہُوداہ 1:‏22
اور بعض لوگوں پر جو شک میں ہیں رَحم کرو۔

To understand today's scripture it's important to put some things into context. First, some few things about the Book of Jude to help us with context:
☆ The Book of Jude is one of the 5 shortest Book in the bible, yet significant in the times we are living right now. I encourage you to read it, it's only 1 chapter
☆ Jude is believed to be one of Jesus's brothers by virtue of having been Joseph and Mary's biological son.
☆ The Book of Jude is important to us believers because it is written for the end times, for the end of the age of the church which began at the Day of Pentecost. It is the only book in the Bible dedicated to the great apostacy, the rebellion of those who at some point believed. This apostacy, according to Jude, is evidenced by evil works. Jude starts with admonishing us to contend for the faith (Jude 1:3). He warns that this evil is not outside the church, there are sheep in wolf's clothing among us...false prophets at the pulpit and therefore to be guarded and alert because our salvation depends on it.

In Jude 1:17-23, Jude is urging us to remain faithful in our walk with God. He reminds us of the foretold predictions that in the end times, there will be false teachers, scoffers, and faithless people who will infiltrate the church like parasites and try to create divisions that will destroy them, if they are not vigilant. Jude urges the church to resist all such efforts as stated in verse 20, "But you, beloved, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit." Building and praying are active words that implies motion. We cannot afford to be stagnant in our faith. I Peter 5:8 says, "Be sover,be vigilant because the devil (our adversary) is roaming around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." Apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, urges us to "pray without ceasing." This should be our daily posture.

Contending for the faith cannot be done outside "the most holy faith". Our faith is rooted in the belief of the completed work of Christ at Calvary, His death and the ressurrection. Apostle Paul says it this way in Colossians 2:6-7, "And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you must continue to follow Him. Let your roots grow down into Him and let your lives be built in Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth that you were taught."

It is while we are in this posture of being grounded in the truth of Christ Jesus that we are called to "And indeed, have mercy on those who doubt." We are to extend the same mercy that was extended to us by Christ Jesus, the same compassion to those who have questions about their faith along the way. We cannot afford to mock and scoff those among us who are struggling with doubt. Remember, yesterday we learnt that doubt is not Doubt is not the absence of faith; it is the questioning of faith.

Jude is urging us that, because the end is near, Satan is waiting in the peripheral, waiting for one of us to fall behind of the pack so he may pounce. Verse 23 says by extending mercy and compassion, we are to, "save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear-hating even thr clothing stained by corrupted flesh."

Today, as we go about our business, resolve to contend for the faith by extending grace to others around us who may be struggling with doubt regarding their faith. Remember, God's desire is that none should perish (2 Peter 3:9). You, may very well bear the answer that will snatching them out of the grasp of the devil.

In extending mercy to others, please don't neglect extending the same time yourself when you too have doubts about your faith.

Let's make it a blessed and productive day in Jesus's name, Amen. ~Pastor Tee


Shalom. Today's devotion comes from John 20:29 KJV, Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

Johani 20:29, Ipapo Jesu akati kwaari, “Nokuda kwokuti wandiona, zvino watenda; vakaropafadzwa avo vasina kuona asi vakatenda.”

UJohane 20:29, UJesu wasemtshela wathi, “Usukholiwe ngoba usungibonile; babusisiwe labo abathi bengabonanga, kodwa sebekholiwe.”

‫یُوحنّا 20:‏29
[29] یِسُوعؔ نے اُس سے کہا تُو تو مُجھے دیکھ کر اِیمان لایا ہے۔ مُبارک وہ ہیں جو بغَیر دیکھے اِیمان لائے۔

For as long as I can remember, I've always read this verse as a question until today. Not only did I read it correctly, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, I understood better. I, like many believers, have always "judged" Thomas or at least thought of him in an unsavory way for exhibiting doubt. The Bible hasn't record of Jesus or anyone calling Thomas by the label of "Doubter." It is the assertion of mankind which we all have experienced in our life at some point or other. In modern language, it's called labeling.

Thomas is labeled for something that you and I have felt in one way or another. Doubt is often more pronounced in seasons of deep loss, sorrow, or brokenness. Thomas had just lost his Master, he was in mourning. We all react to loss differently. Jesus had walked with His disciples for 3.5 years. He had forewarned them of His death and resurrection, and yet they all reacted differently when it actually happened.

The Gospels, John and Peter, narrate that women followers of Christ that included Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Salome, and Mary the mother of James went to the tomb on ressurrection day exoecting to anoint Jesus's body with essential oils only to find the tomb empty. In shock, panic, and confusion, they bring the seemingly disturbing report to the disciples who are, at this point, gathered at home and possibly consoling each other over the death of their Messiah. The Word of God states that Peter and John ran to Jesus' empty tomb. I want to believe that they like Thomas doubted the women's report. They needed to see it for themselves.

Doubt has and will always creep up on us. That doesn't mean we don't believe. In fact, doubt happens because we believe.

Doubt is not the absence of faith; it is the questioning of faith. You can only doubt what you already believe. When a Christian doubts, he fears God may not exist. The Christian believes there is a God, and when he doubts, he questions what he believes. The doubt of a Christ-follower is not a permanent state. It is temporal.

When an atheist, on the other hand, doubts, he fears God may exist. The atheist believes there is no God, and so by definition, a doubting atheist would be someone who was questioning his unbelief.

Doubt presupposes some kind of faith. You have faith with questions. That is what doubt is, and it is one of the most common struggles we encounter as Christ-followers.

So, how do we overcome doubt? We are blessed in that, unlike in the time of the disciples, they were experiencing this in real life, learning as they went. They were being exposed to all the things Jesus had talked about in real time. They didn't have the luxury that we have of their hindsight. In hindsight, with the whole story at our disposal thru the pages if the Word – life, death and resurrection – it’s easy to forget how confused, scared and sad the women and disciples must have felt before witnessing the risen Christ. Even still, they carried on. They didn’t hide in their houses; they didn’t isolate themselves from the world; they didn’t stop loving Jesus.

Jesus, when He was ascending to Geaven, promised His disciples and us that He would send a helper, the Holy Spirit, who will be with us always in our faith walk. So, we can overcome doubt by relying on the Holy Spirit and reading and believing the Word.

Today, as we go about our business, let us have confidence in that:
a) we are not alone. The Holy Spirit is a very present helper (Psalm 46:1)
b) He who began a good work in us, is faithful to bring it to completion till the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6).

In Thomas's story, we see the love and compassion of Christ. To afford Thomas the opportunity to see and calm his doubts but at the same time through this experience, for Jesus to encourage us in that we are blessed for believing in Him even without the privilege of seeing Him in the flesh. What an incredible Father we serve! I pray that the Lord reveals this scripture deeply in you as He did me because I know, cannot adequately articulate it in my own power.

Let's make it a blessed and productive day in Jesus's name. Amen . ~Pastor Tee


Shalom. Today's devotion comes from 2 Corinthians 9:7 KJV, Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

2 VaKorinde 9:7, Munhu mumwe nomumwe ngaape sezvaakafunga mumwoyo make kuti ape, kwete kupa achitsutsumwa kana kuti achimanikidzwa, nokuti Mwari anoda munhu anopa nomufaro.

2 AbaseKhorinte 9:7, Umuntu ngamunye kanike lokho amise ukukunikela enhliziyweni yakhe, kungabi ngokudonda loba ukubanjwa ngamandla ngoba uNkulunkulu uthanda onikela ngokuthokoza.

‫۲-کُرِنتھِیوں 9:‏7
[7] جِس قدر ہر ایک نے اپنے دِل میں ٹھہرایا ہے اُسی قدر دے نہ دریغ کر کے اور نہ لاچاری سے کیونکہ خُدا خُوشی سے دینے والے کو عزِیز رکھتا ہے۔

I don't know if there's an issue that divides the body of Christ more than the issue of finances. In some churches, sad to say, money is addressed more than Salvation, more than the 2nd coming of Christ, more than teaching the Word, more than pointing people to Christ. Money has become the chief conerstone in many churches. Some have gone as far as using it to intimidate congregants, to line-up the pockets of pastors and their families, to silence abused victims or to buy the silence of elders to look the other way when sin is committed by pastors and/or leadership. Tichanotsanangura (we will be held accountable).

Let me give a brief context of Chapter 9. Christians in Jerusalem and Judea were going through a rough time because of their faith. They had been persecuted for choosing to be Christ-followers. This persecution has left then living in severe poverty. So, Apostle Paul decided to mobilize relief from fellow believers in surrounding churches from Achaia, Asia, Galatia, Macedonia, and Corinth.

That said, today's verse is addressing the manner in which believers ought to give...the condition of our heart. While many like to limit this verse to finances only, it goes beyond that. It refers to anything we decide to give - money, time, gifts & talents, clothes, school supplies, etc. Any resource you can think of to give to another person, the church, school orphanage, etc.

Apostle Paul in this whole chapter is narrating the kind of giver we ought to be.

1. "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give." This tells me that there's a conversation that needs to happen in my heart before I give. Out of that conversation, I should know what I am willing and able to give. This knowing should be thoughtful and purposeful. What I'm able to give, meaning I should not be shipping my credit card to give. In other words, my giving should not leave me in debt.
2. "not grudgingly, or of necessity." My giving should not be at the expense of my family obligations or my own bills. Sacrificial offerings are not in the New Testament. I should never give out of obligation, under duress, out of fear of what are people (pastors) going to say. This business of giving away all your monthly salary with a promise of some return in the future will only live you and your children hungry and homeless.
3. "for God loveth a cheerful giver." My giving should be out of reverence for God not out of fear of man. When I give, I should have peace that passes all understanding, not nervous about what I will need to do in order to cover the gap, who I will need to borrow from to pay the outstanding rent. We serve a God who owns cattle on a thousand hills, He is not desperate for our funds. What God is looking for in us is obedience. We are to use wisdom in all areas of our lives, including in our giving. Generosity implies surplus. You cannot give what you don't have. We give out of overflow. Now, are there times that God will impress on you to give more, absolutely BUT he always gives back with interest. Think of Abraham when God asked him to sacrifice his son, Isaac. God was looking for Abraham's obedience. As we all know that story ended with surplus, God providing a ram in the bushes (Genesis 22).

Today, as we go about our day, let us not forget that the ultimate gift that Apostle Paul is referring to in verse 15, is the gift of Salvation thru Jesus Christ. You may not be able to give material things, but you can give the eternal gift of salvation. Share with others the serving knowledge of Christ.

2 Corinthians 9:15, "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!"

Let's make it a blessed and productive day in Jesus's name, Amen. ~Pastor Tee


Today's devotion comes from Proverbs 16:9 BSB, A man’s heart plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.

Zvirevo 16:9, Mumwoyo make munhu anoronga gwara rake, asi Jehovha ndiye anotonga kufamba kwake.

Izaga 16:9, Umuntu angalungisa indlela yakhe engqondweni yakhe, kodwa uThixo nguye olawula izinyathelo zakhe.

‫امثال 16:‏9
آدمی کا دِل اپنی راہ ٹھہراتا ہے پر خُداوند اُس کے قدموں کی راہنُمائی کرتا ہے۔

April 26, 2022, I was on a plane from Zimbabwe. It's my tradition to stand by the big window of the plane and take in God's creation and glory on every flight. So, on this day as I prayed, marveling not only at the creation but also at the life God has graciously gifted me, I heard God's audible voice, "You will be back in December." I was taken aback and God repeated it. It was so clear and loud that I thought the people standing next to me heard it too. I began to "help God see reason" informing Him (as if He didn't know already) that my finances as they stood makes that impossible. After a few minutes of "hitting back," I surrendered with, "Nevertheless, not my will, but Thy will be done."

October 30, 2022, I received a message in my Messemger from someone I'd never met or connected with in any way. She informed that she was an Evangelist, and while she was Europe for a God assignment, God impressed upon her heart to go to December. She was to land in Zimbabwe on the 7th and return on the 14th. She needed someone to help her plan and connect with ministries on the ground. She narrated how she didn't know anything about Zimbabwe, and when she Googled it, my name popped up.

Long story short, she purchased my ticket, and on December 3, 2022, I landed in Zimbabwe in advance of her arrival to make arrangements for her evangelism activities.

On the plane in that April day, like Sarah in Genesis 18:9-12, I scoffed when God informed me that I would be back in Zimbabwe that December.

I did not plan to return to Zimbabwe that same year. I had spent an unplanned 6 month stay (a testimony for another day). I was planning on staying at home and working as my finances were depleted, but God controlled and ordered my steps.

God is Soverign. He created us for a purpose. So, while we plan our future, it is God's plan for us that prevails.

People plan for children prior to menopause. From a biological perspective, there was no way Sarah would conceive in her 90s. At this point, her womb had closed shop. Abraham was pushing 100. Naturally, how could this be? Yet, God established that which He had promised Abraham.

In 1 Samuel 17, King Saul gathered up his warriors and camped in the Valley of Elah and drew up their battle line to meet the Philistines. But when they heard of Goliath's taunting, they retreated in fear. But God orchestrated for David to be the one to kill Goliath.

Joseph was engaged to marry Sarah, but when he realized she was pregnant, he planned to break off the marriage plans in a dignified way, for he was said to be a righteous man. But God sent an angel to visit him in his dream and tell him not to break his marriage plans but to marry Mary, who was carrying our Lord Jesus Christ.

I am sure you, too, have testimonies of times you had planned for one thing but ended up in completely different situations with a better outcome than you would have had your plan come to fruition.

Often, we want to force our plans because we have calculated the risks and anticipated a specific outcome. To us, that's tangible. Whereas faith is to trust things we don't see but believe they will. (Hebrews 11:1). We find it challenging to surrender our plans for God's plans because often, God does not reveal the outcome in advance, except that it is good (Jeremiah 29:11). We want to be the ones who control both the narrative and the outcome.

Solomon, in our verse, is showing us that ultimately, it is God who is in control, and His plans will prevail.

Today, as we go about our business, may we come to a realization and acknowledge our limitations in planning for the future. Tikangobata kuti hatisirisu tiri panyanga tichabatsirikana. Uyezve, tokangobata kuti hatina kuzvisika, muridzi wechisikwa, manufacturer ndiye anoziva chikonzero chechunhu chaakagadzira. Saka kuswera tichipokana nehurongwa hwake kupedza nguva uye kunotitungamira kugomba remoto. (The sooner we realize that there is a manufacturer, the Creator of humans, whom He created for a purpose, the better our lives will be. Our contentment lies in operating according to the manufacturer's settings. All else will lead us to Hell).

Let's make it a blessed and productive day in Jesus's name. Amen. ~Pastor Tee


Shalom. Today's devotion comes from James 1:2-3 BSB, Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you encounter trials of many kinds, [3] because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

Jakobho 1:2-3 Hama dzangu, muti mufaro chaiwo, pose pamunosangana nemiedzo mizhinji yemhando dzose, [3] nokuti munoziva kuti kuedzwa kwokutenda kwenyu kunobereka kutsungirira.

UJakhobe 1:2-3 Bazalwane bami, lapho lisehlelwa yizilingo ezitshiyeneyo, kubaleni njengentokozo epheleleyo [3] ngoba liyakwazi ukuthi ukuhlolwa kokholo lwenu kukhulisa ukubekezela.

‫یعقُوب 1:‏2-‏3
[2] اَے میرے بھائِیو! جب تُم طرح طرح کی آزمایشوں میں پڑو۔ [3] تو اِس کو یہ جان کر کمال خُوشی کی بات سمجھنا کہ تُمہارے اِیمان کی آزمایش صبر پَیدا کرتی ہے۔

Considering it pure joy when going through the storm does not come naturally to us. That is why we need to have a personal relationship with Christ and build up our faith by studying the Word. Faith, like our heart, arms, legs, is a muscle. When you want these organs to function and serve you well, you have to exercise. Whether you join a gym; run, walk, or cycle in your neighborhood, join a sport; it doesn't matter. What's important is that you are stretching those muscles each time. When you come back from the exercise, you feel pain in your body, but as the day goes, your body feels better, and the more you do it, the more endurance you build.

The same principle goes for our faith. The more we study the Word, listen to sermons, listen to Gospel music, pray, fast, etc., the more endurance we build spiritually.

So, when trials come your way, it doesn't mean that the trial itself is a joyful event, but the perspective by which you go through it is what changes. As you grow in your faith, you will look at trials from God's perspective:
1. God has a purpose for every trial. Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that all things work together for good to those that love God and are called according to His purpose."
2. God will turn it around for your good.
3. God is building our character, strength, and reliance on Him.

Today, as we go about our business, let us be encouraged to know that His Word is our greatest weapon. When Jesus was tempted by Satan in the dessert after 40 days of prayer and fasting, guess what? He used to endure and defeat Saran? He used the Word, "It is written..." (Read Matthew 4:1-22).

I encourage us to be students of the Word of God. It is the only thing that can sustain you in times of trials and temptation. The devil is too canning for us to fight him with our own strength and intelligence. We need the Word within us. For Christ to reference the Word, it means Ge had the Word within Him already. So, like Him, let us store up the Word in us so that we are able to rely on it in times of trouble.

Let's make it a blessed and productive day in Jesus's name, Amen. ~Pastor Tee


Shalom. As I approach my 58th birthday, I invite all my friends and family to support my mission of empowering newly-arrived African women in the US, helping them to settle safely and productively, and avoid the human trafficking dangers I faced upon my arrival. Thank you for your anticipated generosity, support, and encouragement. With much love and gratitude.

How we treat each other matters.  Relationships should never be based on materialistic benefits.  Be intentional in rela...

How we treat each other matters. Relationships should never be based on materialistic benefits. Be intentional in relating with others, add value in as much they add value to you.

Children are resilient but do not overestimate that resilience.

Children are resilient but do not overestimate that resilience.

Shalom! Shalom! 🌍 Calling all immigrant women with entrepreneurial aspirations! 🌟 Embark on a transformative 12-week entrepreneurship journey with us. Gain the skills, mentorship, and resources to turn your ideas into thriving ventures. Prepare to shine at the Arise Pitch Competition as program participants are eligible to showcase their innovative ventures. Take the first step towards realizing your dreams—apply now and embrace the path to success! 💼✨For those interested, please feel free to donate to our cause *via Zelle, 9146188800* or inquire for other options. *We are a 501c3 nonprofit organizations therefore your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Thank you for your support.*✨


Sharing the plight of immigrant and displaced women in the different parts of the world

Shalom.  You are invited to join us on Zoom to continue the Dialogue following the recently launched organization, Diasp...

Shalom. You are invited to join us on Zoom to continue the Dialogue following the recently launched organization, Diaspora Women Arise, to:

☆ Share the plight of immigrant and displaced women in the different countries our guests reside (Zimbabwe, South Africa, China, Pakistan and US)
☆ Share some stories we've come across impacting Women from DV, GBV, employment challenges, family expectations, human trafficking, etc.
☆ Then we will talk about what DWA is offering and
☆ Our call-to-action to our viewers.

Immigrant women often find their voices stifled, especially where it matters most, being able to tell our truth. Our Own Voices provides a safe and empowering platform for immigrant and displaced women to share their journeys, overcome challenges, inspire others and each other. We encourage the women we serve to reclaim their voices, speak their truths, and inspire others through their journeys of resilience and courage. Through storytelling and creative expression, we aim to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and foster a community of support and understanding and embracing diversity.

Join us for S12: E5 - How to Handle Common Marital Conflict (Diaspora Living)We have all heard the saying, "fight fair" ...

Join us for S12: E5 - How to Handle Common Marital Conflict (Diaspora Living)

We have all heard the saying, "fight fair" but what does that really mean? Can conflict be resolved or we learn to just live with it and hope one day it will go away? What if your spouse doesn't like confrontation, does this mean you will always win in every argument? Can all conflict be resolved through prayer and fasting? What does the Word teach us about resolving conflict in marriage?

The Dialogue with Pastor Tee tomorrow will address these and other questions Christian couples living in the Diaspora have concerning conflict:
- Finances including sending $$$ "home"
- Parenting from a distance
- Disagreements when you live in different countries
- Parenting in the Diaspora
- When household roles shift (women as breadwinners)
- Intimacy & sexual relations, what if one has lost drive
- What if my spouse joins me in diaspora later and he/she doesn't like my friends
- What if we cannot agree on the church to go to

Join us on Zoom 1pm EST (See flier for different time zones)

Shalom! Shalom!  Join us this Saturday as we discuss the plight of the "undocumented" and new arrivals in our community....

Shalom! Shalom! Join us this Saturday as we discuss the plight of the "undocumented" and new arrivals in our community. We will have an open and frank Dialogue about:
- Definition of "undocumented" and "new arrivals"
- Stories from UK's COS program and the impact on new arrivals
- Do "undocumented" and new arrivals have any recourse when they are being abused by employers?
- What resources are available to people in abusive situations?
- Survival tips for those in these situations
- What, if any, is the responsibility of the believers and Church?

We invite anyone, with a story to share, let's put it out there so others will know they are not alone and that there is help. It is OK if you want to remain anonymous, it is your right. Reach out to +19146188800.

The Dialogue with Pastor Tee: Modern Day Slavery - The Plight of the Undocumented and New Arrivals
Saturday, April 13, 2024 - 1pm EST


Shalom! Shalom! Please join me for an open Dialogue. We will be talking about the challenges of Digital Marriages re: marriages of convenience.

Shalom! Shalom!  Please join me for an open Dialogue this evening at 7pm EST (check flier for different countries' time ...

Shalom! Shalom! Please join me for an open Dialogue this evening at 7pm EST (check flier for different countries' time zones). We will be talking about the challenges of Digital Marriages regarding:
- intimacy and sexual relations
- reuniting after being apart for extended period
- dangers of marriages of convenience

Join via Zoom

Meeting ID: 878 169 8280
Passcode: NextGen828

UPDATE: Shalom everyone.  My sincerest apologies, we have to postpone due to 2 funerals at two of our guest speakers, re...

UPDATE: Shalom everyone. My sincerest apologies, we have to postpone due to 2 funerals at two of our guest speakers, respectively. We will resume tonight at 7pm EST. I know it will be late for our brethren in other nations but we hope you will be able to catch it on our FB or YouTube channels. I covert your prayers that I do not allow the devil to derail me on this assignment the Lord has given me. Much grace and God bless you.

Shalom! Shalom! On The Dialogue with Pastor Tee in 11 hours we have Season 12: E3, Normalization of Digital Marriage (Diaspora Living) Part II.

Join us for a thought-provoking Dialogue on this hot topic. Let us hear your thoughts, your situation and your recommendations. These days, spouses are making seemingly hard choices of living thousands of miles from each other in the hope of building a better future. But for believers is that choice in line with God's intent for marriage? What do you do when the initial plan was to live apart for 1 year, 2 years at the most and the harsh realities of immigration processes - that no-one tells you about by the way (or you chose to ignore reason) - adds a lifetime between your reunion? Are you being faithful to you spouse while "waiting for your papers"? Has your spouse cheated on you and blamed it on distance? How are you managing your sexual needs, financial needs, intimacy needs, etc.? Is it worth it? Are you rethinking the Diaspora life now that you are living the truth? More importantly, what does the Word of God say? I invite you to come, let us reason together and help each other grow and live our marriages the way God intended for us.

Pastor Tee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: The Dialogue with Pastor Tee: Normalization of Digital Marriages (Diaspora Living)
Time: April 4, 2024 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 878 169 8280
Passcode: NextGen828

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