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BigHeads Network Podcast Production • We help corporations Harness the FULL potential of podcasts

We’re a full-service podcast production company that helps corporations (like AmEx, Harman, Keurig, Korn Ferry, Panasonic and PepsiCo) leverage podcasts in more EFFECTIVE, STRATEGIC and even UNEXPECTED ways to reach key audiences including consumers, employees, remote teams, customers, candidates and more.


If you are in a LEADERSHIP position or focused on LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT, one of the CONVERSATIONS leaders need to be having (and sharing) is what I call the "Forever Skills" conversation.

In fact, this is one of the ten conversations I focus on in this (free) 3-episode PodCLASS:

Check it out and let me know what you think!


So myself, Bill Hahn (former CEO of Alcone Marketing) and Mike Nassar (former CEO of Hair Club) will soon be opening a boutique podcast production company focused on helping LEADERS have the CONVERSATIONS they need to be having.

It will be called……Talking Heads Productions (great name, right?).

If you're in a leadership role (or work in leadership development) and want to learn more about what we’re doing…and how we might work together…feel free to reach out.

(And no, BigHeads Network isn’t going anywhere.)


(LEADERS and LEADER DEVELOPMENT TEAMS...this one's for you!)

HERE is a link ( to a FREE, 3-episode YouTube "PodCLASS" I created called "TEN CONVERSATIONS LEADERS NEED TO BE HAVING AND SHARING" (and when I say "free"...I mean it - no strings cheesy sales pitch...etc.).

I hope you enjoy it...and get something out of it. I really had a blast doing it.

And if you do decide to check it out, please message me and let me know what you think........and feel free to share it.


Again, here is the YouTube link:


Just about every corporate group and team out there (marketing, communications, HR, sales, L&D, talent acquisition, internal comms, employee engagement, etc. etc.) are executing some form of HOSTED INTERVIEWS including podcasts, webinars, fireside chats and more.

But here's the problem. In SO MANY cases, the people responsible for enlisting the host and guests for these initiatives focus 99% of their energy on finding the right GUESTS and hardly any effort on finding the right HOST.

And that's a mistake...because if you end up with the wrong host, all your efforts can go right out the window.

That are some tips you can use for finding the RIGHT HOST for your next interview-based initiative......


If your company is thinking about launching a PRIVATE or INTERNAL PODCAST probably have lots of questions.

Well, I've been in the private podcast game for years and have developed (and even hosted) shows for AmEx, Harman, Keurig, Korn Ferry, Panasonic, PepsiCo and there isn't a question you could ask that I haven't answered.

With this in mind, I created a podcast featuring some of questions I hear all the time from marketing, HR, L&D, internal comms, talent acquisition, sales, innovation and PR teams.

Here's the Spotify link:

And if you have a question I haven't answered...or want more information about ones I have...or just need some help getting the private/internal podcast ball rolling at your company...feel free to reach out.


Is a PODCAST on your list of goals for 2024? If so, I'm more than willing to do a 30-minute "podcast jump start" call with you (free of charge).

Honestly, I LOVE having these kinds of calls...and don't worry - I won't turn it into a cheesy new business pitch (that's not my style).

Reach out if you're interested.


Many of you HR and L&D leaders out there are very familiar with the 70-20-10 rule/protocol for employee learning...but you may not have considered how INTERNAL/PRIVATE PODCASTS can help support it.


"One good CONVERSATION can shift the direction of change forever" - Dr Linda Lambert.

I love that quote...because I believe CONVERSATIONS ARE EVERYTHING and podcasts are a perfect vehicle to not only have conversations...but also SHARE them among whatever audience you think need to hear them - from candidates.


So many organizations talk about HUMAN LEADERSHIP...but there aren't many leaders who are willing to TRULY show their "human" side.

But Jim Farley (the CEO of Ford Motor Company) sure is!


We develop and create INTERNAL/PRIVATE PODCASTS for lots of companies...and we can't even tell you how many times we run into people who LOVE to say - "We tried that but it doesn't work at our company."

Thing actually WILL work if you just do these things.....


A lot of HR, internal comms, L&D, etc. teams are talking about EMPLOYEE WELL-BEING at the moment and how to foster that among employees.

And one area within "well being" that is starting to get a TON of attention and buzz is INTELLECTUAL WELL-BEING.

If that's a topic you are talking about or focused's an approach to consider.


One of the most frequently asked questions I get from companies about PRIVATE or INTERNAL PODCASTS is - do we really need a company like yours to help us...can't we just do it ourselves?

Here's what I tell them....


There are a lot of internal comms, HR, L&D, marketing, etc. folks out there who would love to launch a podcast (maybe their own show or one featuring a leader at their company)...but they're HESITANT (even intimidated) for a number of reasons.

Well, if you want some approaches, tools, strategies, etc. to help you get over the hump (and hit that record button)...l can help!

I moved to Wilmington NC a couple years ago and only knew a couple people...and wanted to meet more.Now, one of my perso...

I moved to Wilmington NC a couple years ago and only knew a couple people...and wanted to meet more.

Now, one of my personal INTERESTS is Land Rover Defenders...and it turns out there are (surprisingly) a LOT of them here in I started a meet-up/club. I call it DEFENDERS & DONUTS (my take on the popular "Cars & Coffee" meet-up event).

Little by little, more and more Defender owners started showing up...and over the past year or so I've made some great friends...and even some new BUSINESS contacts.

Turns out...using my INTEREST in Defenders was a great way to do some business NETWORKING and even hone my networking skills WITHOUT EVEN REALIZING I was doing it, since I was so comfortable with the topic and excited about doing it!

So basically, it helped me PERSONALLY and PROFESSIONALLY.

And it made my think - maybe that could be turned into a unique HACK internal comms/HR/L&D teams could mention to employees who know the importance of networking, but aren’t all that comfortable doing it.

In other words, explain how amplifying their passions, hobbies or interests can actually help them get more comfortable networking…and maybe even provide them with some approaches and ideas for how they could do it. Maybe even give them a forum to do it internally (like an internal podcast...sorry I couldn’t resist - hah!).

Anyway, I’ll leave that part to you.

Point is - it’s definitely a different way to build a necessary professional skill...and employees might appreciate you mentioning it since it will also help them personally.


Whenever I speak to companies about starting an INTERNAL PODCAST (one that's released exclusively to employees or specific teams/departments/groups...many of them share the same FEAR about launching a show, which is they're worried they won't have the content or time or resources to sustain it.....and it will flop.

Now...when I hear that...I immediately take the pressure off by introducing them to this LOOPHOLE.....


Sometimes you just gotta roll with the realities of a home podcast studio.



Obviously it's a unique INTERNAL COMMS and EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT approach...but it goes well beyond that!


Many HR leaders and groups I cross paths with are aware of the obvious/expected ways they can leverage PODCASTS, but they're surprised to learn about all the unique (even unexpected) ways they can use them.


When you're INTERVIEWING a candidate don't just dismiss their skills, hobbies and jobs that don't seem relevant to the role they are applying for. Start CONNECTING THE DOTS and look for unexpected connections.


Here's an approach you might want to STEAL because it could possibly help the employees and different groups in your organization better understand and more effectively communicate your BRAND (or company or product) STORY.

Of course, when many of us hear the term “Brand Story,” we immediately think, "Well that's a marketing group function"...but that's NOT TRUE. Telling the brand story is an EVERY GROUP FUNCTION. From customer talent acquisition...etc. Simply put, EVERYONE needs to know (and be able to tell) the brand story.

The problem is, many companies don't help them do it.

So, maybe consider producing a limited-run PRIVATE/INTERNAL PODCAST your employees and/or groups ONLY that focuses on helping them better understand the story...know when to tell the story...know how to personalize the story...and so on.

Personally, I think this will be one of the most appreciated internal communications you could do!

26/01/2023 the latest ELEPHANT

If you are a company leader (especially in areas like HR or Internal Comms) and you are not addressing the AI "elephant in the room" are out of your mind. Your employees are petrified right now and you cannot bury your head in the sand and hope this all goes away. You need to address it HEAD ON....and FAST!

Here's a strategy to do it......

There seems to be a little confusion out there in business land about what a PRIVATE PODCAST actually is. You see...many...

There seems to be a little confusion out there in business land about what a PRIVATE PODCAST actually is. You see...many people think that these kinds of podcasts are for EMPLOYEES ONLY. In other words, that they are an internal comms strategy.

And yes, they are...BUT "private" doesn't only mean "internal." Private means EXCLUSIVE (or locked-down)...which means you can release a private podcasts to ANY audience you choose.

For example, you could release a series exclusively to your CUSTOMERS or CLIENTS as a unique B-2-B strategy to build relationships, etc.

You could release a series exclusively to COLLEGE STUDENTS that you want to recruit. Talk about a unique (and current) talent acquisition strategy!

You could even release a podcast exclusively to CONSUMERS who purchase your product (even as an NFT podcast).

Simply put, there are TONS of opportunities to use private podcasts (beyond using them just for employees).

So start thinking about audiences you'd like to inspire, educate, inform and impact...and then produce a podcast exclusively for them!

"Many people already listen to at least one podcast. If you create an e-learning podcast for your employees, it is a con...

"Many people already listen to at least one podcast. If you create an e-learning podcast for your employees, it is a concept most will understand be comfortable with, and that leads to better engagement."

We've always loved that line from this article "THE VALUE OF USING PODCASTS FOR EMPLOYEE TRAINING."

Over the years we have developed and produced everything from comprehensive private (for employee ears only) podcast private podcast "extensions" designed to support/complement existing training curriculums...and we think every client we've worked with would agree with that article and say, "Using private podcasts for training works!"

And let's face it...wouldn't you rather be the company that uses a RELEVANT, CURRENT, EFFECTIVE and ENGAGING format like podcasts to train employees vs. the company that uses the OLD, STALE, INEFFECTIVE and downright BOOOOORING formats everyone has been using forever? Yeah, we thought so....

Podcasts have exploded in popularity and risen to become a mainstream form of media which is familiar to just about everyone. You can find podcasts


Corporations LOVE acronyms. In fact, we can't even tell you how many times, we need to stop a meeting and ask, "What the hell does XYZ stand for?" Hah.

So, let us give you some crucial PRIVATE PODCASTING advice in a familiar format --- If you're going to create an internal podcast, you NEED to come up with the R.T.L. before you begin.

What's RTL? Well, we're glad you asked. It stands for "REASON TO LISTEN." In other words, you need to give your employees a reason to listen. You need to give them content they will REALLY care about....content that will not only INSPIRE them, but ENTERTAIN them as well.

And we're telling you this because 99% of the time, leaders we speak with who want to do a private podcast series are only thinking about what they want to SAY, which (most of the time) is NOT what their employees or teams really want to HEAR. (Sorry, but it's true.)

So, there you go...another acronym for your ever-growing list!


We couldn't resist pulling this clip from one of episodes of the internal/private podcast we produce and John Palumbo co-hosts for Panasonic. This is John's co-host Brian (from Panasonic) discussing the power of PRIVATE podcasting.


Our reaction when a company tells us they don't need any "outside" help pulling together an INTERNAL podcast for their employees.

We've spoken to a bunch of people lately who have told us they can't even consider doing an INTERNAL PODCAST right now b...

We've spoken to a bunch of people lately who have told us they can't even consider doing an INTERNAL PODCAST right now because they are doing TONS of "other" internal comms initiatives (like videos and webinars) and their employees are getting fatigued.

Well, here's a study that proves SCREEN FATIGUE is real and provides support for using PODCASTS instead.

Simply put, STOP with the (boring) videos and webinars and START using PODCASTS to communicate with your employees!

New research from Spotify and MAGNA shows that podcast listening and TV watching have more in common than you might think. The difference? Podcast listeners are more receptive to hearing ads.


When a company tells us they're going to do another "webinar" instead of trying a PRIVATE PODCAST.

Believe it or not...your company can learn a thing or two from...COMIC BOOKS!First, consider the following:- Comic books...

Believe it or not...your company can learn a thing or two from...COMIC BOOKS!

First, consider the following:

- Comic books have huge FAN BASES that are incredibly passionate…and loyal.

- Comic books take into account HISTORY and HERITAGE.

- Comic books are EPISODIC. In other words, the stories are ongoing and that keeps fans interested and involved.

Now think about those things through your brand or company lens. Basically, they're all boxes you want to (and need to) check as well.

Of course, we wanted to explore this further so we had a comic book writer as a guest on the PRIVATE/INTERNAL podcast we produce for Panasonic and did some dot-connecting (cross pollinating) between comics and business.

One of the many eye-opening strategies we uncovered was something called the LEVITZ PARADIGM, which is a comic book approach that companies should 100% consider borrowing (stealing), especially when crafting their brand/product/company "stories." (Definitely do some Googling and check it out!)


If you're focused on fostering DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION at your company, consider having employees take IMPROV classes.


Well, as it turns out, Improv teaches people things like how to to BUILD ON EACH OTHERS to BUILD to be EMPATHETIC - basically all the skills employees need to be honing and building to support DEI at your organization.

With this in mind, here's what we've been doing. We've been introducing companies to our favorite Improv teacher who has been executing virtual classes with employees. Following each class, we invite a few employees who participated in the class to join us on a PRIVATE/INTERNAL Podcast show where they discuss what they learned during the class...and how it all ties back to DEI. The podcast is released exclusively to employees to amplify the message as well as give everyone listening an opportunity to weigh-in on the discussion.

All we can say is - this is like no other DEI initiative being done at companies. It's unexpected...experiential...truly impactful...and,! time you're considering a typical DEI "training"...maybe take things in a different direction and think IMPROV!



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