NAS Ads In arabic "NAS" means "People" & "Ads" means stories. So NAS Ads is all about stories, news of people from all around the world. What will NAS Ads need from you?

Will NAS Ads post my personal, business or motivational story? Offcourse, NAS Ads is always open for the people and will published stories given by you. Will NAS Ads charge for the promotions etc? No, it’s free and open for all the people around the world. You need to inbox the following things for your product, Stories to be promoted. STEP 1
Brief inspirational Story, when, where and how you sta

rted business. It should be in english. STEP 2
Pictures of your products Included yourself. STEP 3
Link to social media of your product or address. Regards

Richard A. Jones was picked out of a lineup of potential robbers 20 years ago.He was 25 at the time and had two daughter...

Richard A. Jones was picked out of a lineup of potential robbers 20 years ago.

He was 25 at the time and had two daughters. The problem? He didn’t commit the crime.

Incredibly, he met a man in prison who was nearly identical in appearance to him and also had the same first name. Inmates kept confusing the two for each other.

Richard Jones on the left and Richard Amos on the right.

It turned out Amos was the one who actually committed the robberies. Richard spent 19 years behind bars for a crime he didn’t commit.

He got out at 42 and is now suing for $1.2 million in damages. You can only hope he gets his money.

With thousands of followers on Twitter, the profile  began to be successful with images of a beautiful young motorcyclis...

With thousands of followers on Twitter, the profile began to be successful with images of a beautiful young motorcyclist passionate about high speed:

Almost daily, posted photos wearing special outfits next to his bike. The clicks yielded hundreds of likes, comments, and shares.

In her profile, Azusagakuyuki wrote about motorcycles and also posted provocative pictures of herself.

With red hair, eye makeup, and feminine features, most people have become card-carrying Influencer fans on two wheels.


Some sharp-eyed followers began to be suspicious of the images and to notice discrepancies, such as an arm that looked too hairy for a young girl:

The truth came out during the airing of a TV show: the alleged young biker was a 50-year-old man named Zonggu, who used editing apps to get more engagement on his profile.

The report managed to capture on camera the moment he took off his helmet, revealing the middle-aged man with long hair.

It’s November 1985. A Colombian family is living peacefully in the agricultural area of Armero, with their mother and fa...

It’s November 1985. A Colombian family is living peacefully in the agricultural area of Armero, with their mother and father supporting the family on the modest income they pull together by working diligently at their jobs. The mother, Maria, is a nurse and has had to leave home to go on business.

Whilst she’s away, a local volcano explodes into life.

Come nightfall and Omayra, along with the rest of her family, are still wide awake. They can’t sleep because the unfurling ashfall is keeping them in a state of nervous anticipation. Things are much, much worse than they could ever imagine though. The volcanic eruption has triggered lahars, a violent type of mudflow, and one of them steamrolls its way through Armero, engulfing the town and killing thousands of its residents:

Omarya’s father, who had spent his life gathering rice and sorghum to support his family and protect their livelihood, along with the girl’s aunt, are amongst those who perish immediately.

By the grace of God or the devil’s depravity though, Omarya herself survives. Initially, she’s trapped completely under the rubble but is a fighter, so breaks open a gap just big enough to slide her hand through, allowing her to gain the attention of the rescue team.

They manage to free her up more so that her head at least was able to see the light of day above the cold, muddy water. However, there was a glaring problem — her legs were trapped. Keeping them anchored was sections of a wall, an iron bar stuck in her hip, and her dead aunt, whose hands were clutched tightly onto her legs.

For sixty hours, rescuers did absolutely everything within their power to keep her alive, and to try to free her:

Omayra was immensely brave throughout the whole ordeal; she sang songs, chatted with the workers, and asked for sweets and soda. As the end of that time frame approached, it became increasingly clear that saving her was an uphill battle though. To do so would require amputation of her legs, and doctors decided they didn’t have the necessary equipment to ensure she’d survive that procedure within these conditions.

She then began falling in and out of consciousness and hallucinating, saying she couldn’t be late for school and mentioning a Maths exam. This, along with the fact that her eyes had turned red, her face bloated and her hands whitened, forced the cold reality of the situation upon her and the people who’d been trying to save her — she was going to die. Shortly afterward, she slipped out of consciousness for the last time.

The kicker is that she needn’t have died if the authorities had properly heeded warnings about the volcano and/or had adequate resources and supplies in place ready for such a disaster. They didn’t though, and even necessities like shovels, cutting tools, and stretchers soon ran out. Omayra died only as a result of other people’s poor planning and devil-may-care attitude. To think, she would have been forty-eight this year, a woman still well in the prime of her life, living it the way she wanted, and yet that future was snatched away from her.

This 15-year-old girl lived during the Inca Empire and was sacrificed as an offering to the gods. Yes, she is mummy!Foun...

This 15-year-old girl lived during the Inca Empire and was sacrificed as an offering to the gods. Yes, she is mummy!

Found in 1999 near the summit of the Llullaillaco volcano in north-western Argentina, it was an exceptional find for archaeology as it was one of the best-preserved mummies, as there was even blood and internal organs in her body. The excellent state of preservation is due to the fact that the body had been kept in dry cold conditions at more than 6,000 meters above sea level for the last 500 years.

What's something that you just don't understand how can happen?🤯This post is not meant to offend anyone. If we misunders...

What's something that you just don't understand how can happen?🤯

This post is not meant to offend anyone. If we misunderstand something, please do not insult us, but explain it to us.

Indians are sometimes incomprehensible, we don't understand their kind of religiosity.

The Yamuna is a sacred river, just like the Ganges. Both rivers are the most tremendous industrial wells.

Here you see Indians taking their sacred bath in the industrial waste.

This ceremony is known as Chath Puja 😶‍🌫️

People fast (even without drinking water ), take this sacred bath, and make sacred offerings to the sun at sunrise and sunset. If you do not live near the river, you can also bathe in a pool or lake, as long as you can see the sun.

The holiest river for Indians is the Ganges. It is one of the most polluted waters in the world. Untreated sewage is discharged into it, and industrial wastes, agricultural effluents, partially burned or unburned co**se remains from funeral pyres, and animal carcasses all contribute to the pollution of the Ganges.

Yet Indians who bathe in it stubbornly continue to believe that it is good for them and harmless.

In many types of research, nowhere have we seen so many deformed babies as in India. They are born deformed or with several supernumerary limbs. But if a child has four arms and four legs, she is worshipped as the goddess Lakshmi.

We also find many illogical things in this country that border on denial of reality. But that Indians apparently don't even see how poisonous it is, we can't understand.

And that so much s**t is dumped into the waters when they are sacred to them.

- Please do not offend anybody in the comments. Elaborate clearly in a well-mannered way.


There is a tribe found in Zimbabwe called "Vadoma", they carry a genetic "ectrodactyly" (defect) in which they only have...

There is a tribe found in Zimbabwe called "Vadoma", they carry a genetic "ectrodactyly" (defect) in which they only have two toes, commonly called "Ostrich Claws".

People in this tribe are prohibited from marrying or having marital relations with people outside the tribe.They use their feet to their advantage to easily climb trees and gather food.

The vadoma do not see this as a genetic defect but rather a blessing that is passed on from generation to generation.

24-year-old Israeli climber Nadav Ben-Yehuda, who was 300 meters from the summit of Everest, gave up his dream of conque...

24-year-old Israeli climber Nadav Ben-Yehuda, who was 300 meters from the summit of Everest, gave up his dream of conquering the planet's highest peak in order to save an injured Turkish climber.

Ben-Yehuda described the incident as follows: "I passed two fresh co**ses. The co**ses were fresh, because they were the bodies of people on the same ropes along which I climbed, realizing that they were dying and not having the strength to move, people did not crawl away, but buckled up, and fell into a coma and died, those who continued to move stepped over them.

When I saw him, I recognized him. It was Aydin Irmak (Turkey), we met him in the camp. He was unconscious, he had no gloves, no oxygen, no crampons, his helmet was off. He was waiting for the end. Other climbers walked past him without lifting a finger, but I knew that if I passed by, he would surely die. I knew I should have at least tried to save him.

Aidin and I started the descent, it lasted 9 hours. It was very difficult to carry him because he was heavy. From time to time he regained consciousness, but then turned off again. When he came to, he screamed in pain and this made our descent even more difficult. Very slowly, but we descended, but at some point my oxygen mask broke, a little while later we met a climber from Malaysia, who was also on his last legs. It became clear that it was completely impossible to go further. I yelled at the climbers I met going up and demanded some oxygen for the two wounded, some responded...

They reached the camp, were evacuated by helicopter to Kathmandu, and were hospitalized. Everyone got frostbite, Nadav Ben-Yehuda suffered severe frostbite on his fingers as he was forced to take off his gloves during the rescue operation.

“I was faced with a choice - to be the youngest Israeli to climb Everest, which would be great for my career, or to try to take a climber off the mountain - I chose the second option and I managed to do it ... Thanks to everyone who helped me in preparation and taught me, which gave me enough strength to go down the mountain myself and pull down the one in need of help "

(Nadav Ben Yehuda, 2012)

A Man was stuck in a lift. Liftman guard helped to open lift and rescued from lift In Gurgaon.Rather than saying thanks,...

A Man was stuck in a lift. Liftman guard helped to open lift and rescued from lift In Gurgaon.
Rather than saying thanks, the man Repeatedly Slapped Liftman, Guard.

- This is shocking.
- This type of financial muscle feels they are immune to cultural morality.
- This man must be punished.
- It is a must to learn to respect other men regardless of their status, job, religion, caste, etc.

Images from viral video

Do you know that during dialysis, blood is removed from the body through the red tube, passed through the dialysis machi...

Do you know that during dialysis, blood is removed from the body through the red tube, passed through the dialysis machine, and then reintroduced into the body through the blue tube.

This process is repeated for four hours while the patient remains immobile in bed.

The procedure is carried out three times a week, which results in twelve times a month, and each time it takes four hours, which results in a total of forty-eight hours a month.

For those not affected, this process of flushing your kidneys occurs automatically 36 times every day with zero effort or discomfort.

Always be grateful for what you have. ❤️

Pic source: Med Knowledge

Do you know? All mammal foetuses have an eponychium to protect the lining of the uterus. In humans it is in the form of ...

Do you know?

All mammal foetuses have an eponychium to protect the lining of the uterus. In humans it is in the form of skin covering the sharp edges of the nails.

In Baby horses its in form of "feathers", AKA faery fingers or golden slippers (real name eponychium). They protect the mother's uterus during gestation and birth canal during parturition from damage from the otherwise sharp and dangerous hoof kicks. They harden and fall off very soon after birth.

So which of the favour of your lord would you deny?

This man has just lost his dog and cries inconsolably for the death of his friend who suffocated to death after a terrib...

This man has just lost his dog and cries inconsolably for the death of his friend who suffocated to death after a terrible fire broke out in the house where they lived...

When you cry for an animal, do not think that you are weak because only those who have or have had a dog understand the emotional bond that is created between an animal and its owner.

An Animal and his Friend ..🐾😪🕊️💞

Clement Vallandigham was a popular American politician who accidentally shot himself.In 1871, Thomas McGehean was on tri...

Clement Vallandigham was a popular American politician who accidentally shot himself.

In 1871, Thomas McGehean was on trial for the murder of a fellow, Tom Myes.

Vallandigham desperately needed to prove that his client, Thomas, was innocent. His theory was that the victim was killed by a gun in his pocket while rising from a kneeling position.

He picked up a pistol which he believed was unloaded to recreate the scenario, he shot himself in the stomach. He died the following day.

He is currently holding a record for being one of the oldest known African lions in the wild Amboseli National Park.He i...

He is currently holding a record for being one of the oldest known African lions in the wild Amboseli National Park.

He is currently over 17 years old and has successfully been fighting to protect his territory for over a decade. He still reigns over a big pride of females and cubs , however since 2017 he is on his own , his brother and comrade in arms , Ambogga , died in a territorial fight , Loonkito himself was badly injured but survived . Since then he fights bravely on his own territory and family .

At night in Equatorial Africa, the skies above fill with some of the strangest-looking animals in the world: the hammer-...

At night in Equatorial Africa, the skies above fill with some of the strangest-looking animals in the world: the hammer-headed bats. But even though the flying mammals may look like carnivores that would feast on blood, their real diet mostly consists of figs.

These fruit-eating bats have also been known to enjoy snacking on other produce like bananas, guavas, and mangos.

To consume these fruits, the hammer-headed bats simply suck out the juice and pulp and spit out everything else.

Then, they move on to the next fruit tree to continue their nightly feast. When they've had their fill, they return to the trees of the African lowlands that they call home, roosting high above swamps and other moist areas in small groups.

A reporter asked Cristiano Ronaldo: Why does your mother still live with you? Why not build her a house?Cristiano Ronald...

A reporter asked Cristiano Ronaldo: Why does your mother still live with you? Why not build her a house?

Cristiano Ronaldo: "My mother raised me by sacrificing her life for me. She slept hungry so I could eat at night. We had no money at all. She worked 7 days a week and evenings as a cleaner to buy my first football equipment so that I could become a player, my complete success is dedicated to her. And as long as I live, she will always be by my side and have everything I can give her. She is my refuge and my greatest gift.'

Money does not make people wealthy. In fact, some people are so poor all they have is money.

True wealth is found in gratitude for the gifts and blessings in life. ♥️

Mother cheetah was captured chasing a lion after it tried to kill her cubs in Kenya's Masai Mara National Reserve.Hooray...

Mother cheetah was captured chasing a lion after it tried to kill her cubs in Kenya's Masai Mara National Reserve.

Hooray for MOMS! (Especially this mommy cheetah!)

I met a man today. His name is Marcus. On my lunch break, I had the urge to go get slimjims and off I went because I jus...

I met a man today. His name is Marcus. On my lunch break, I had the urge to go get slimjims and off I went because I just had to have them. On my way there, I noticed a man laying in the road and a bicycle. Everyone was going around him and I immediately pulled over and jumped out of my car.

He was trying to keep his head off the hot road but was talking about his neck and back hurting. His foot looked to be broken as well as it was stuck between the wires in the back wheel of his bicycle. He had been hit by a car and I sat there with him, had him rest his head on my leg while one hand kept his head still and the other blocked the sun from his eyes. Paramedics and fire rescue showed up and I stayed...and was even able to help get him into a neck brace and onto a back board.

Once he was on the stretcher, I grabbed his backpack and told the EMT his mom had called and to please let her know which hospital they were taking him to and we parted ways.

Originally, my coworker took this photo to show our boss as proof in case we were late back to work.. I had no intention of keeping it but I love how natural it was for me and how calm I was able to keep him...and it makes me SO MUCH MORE excited to get into the fire academy.

So Marcus, if you see this, I hope you are okay and have a speedy recovery🌻❤

Credit: Tiffany Mills

A boy in Bangladesh risked his life when he jumped into a flood-swollen river to save a fawn from drowning. The boy, Bel...

A boy in Bangladesh risked his life when he jumped into a flood-swollen river to save a fawn from drowning. The boy, Belal, disappeared and onlookers feared the worst — until he resurfaced, holding the tiny fawn safe above his head. Belal’s heroism would have gone unnoticed if an international wildlife photographer hadn’t been on hand to document the scene!

Photo credit: Curtito.

Will NAS Ads post my personal, business or motivational story? Offcourse, NAS Ads is always open for the people and will...

Will NAS Ads post my personal, business or motivational story?
Offcourse, NAS Ads is always open for the people and will published stories DM by you.

Will NAS Ads charge for the promotions etc?
No, it’s free and open for all the people around the world.

What will NAS Ads need in order to promote article or any thing on the page?
You need to inbox the following things for your product, Stories to be promoted.

Brief inspirational Story, when, where and how you started business. It should be in english.

Pictures of your products Included yourself.

Link to social media of your product or address.


A man spotted an abandoned dog on the road. Stopped the car and was received like this 💛That is really a heart touching ...

A man spotted an abandoned dog on the road. Stopped the car and was received like this 💛

That is really a heart touching picture ❤💛

We hope he adopted that dog and yes, you'll never have a better friend than that dog 💞🐕

They treat big animals badly :O They’ll try to eat anything. They can physically manage to kill. We don’t think they’re ...

They treat big animals badly :O

They’ll try to eat anything.
They can physically manage to kill.
We don’t think they’re worrying about feelings.

They just think “Mmm, lunch.”

At least you can’t say they discriminate.

A man killed a big ox, lit the grill, and said to his daughter: "Daughter, call our friends, family and neighbors to eat...

A man killed a big ox, lit the grill, and said to his daughter: "Daughter, call our friends, family and neighbors to eat with us... Let's feast!"

His daughter went out into the street and started screaming, "Please help us put out a fire in my father's house!"

After a few moments, a small group of people came out; and the rest acted as if they hadn't heard the cries for help.

Whoever came ate and drank until they swelled up.

The stunned father turned to his daughter and said, "I don't know any of the people who came, I've never seen them before. Where are our friends and family?"

The daughter said, "These people came out of their homes to help us put out fires in our house, not for the party. These are the ones who deserve our generosity and hospitality."

Conclusion – "those who don't help you during your fight, shouldn't eat with you at the victory party".

70-year-old Francis Romero was in a coma in hospital. His dog was allowed to stay with him, and did not leave him day or...

70-year-old Francis Romero was in a coma in hospital. His dog was allowed to stay with him, and did not leave him day or night. After a month Francis woke up from the coma with the words:

"Where is the white angel who constantly whispered that everything would be all right?"

Let's promise today, to protect all animals.

Muhammad Mashali was a doctor who treated Egypt's poorest citizens completely free of charge for 50 years. Mashali passe...

Muhammad Mashali was a doctor who treated Egypt's poorest citizens completely free of charge for 50 years. Mashali passed away in 2020 at the age of 76.

He spent 12 hours a day in the clinic and received 30-50 patients a day. Not only did a line of people form in front of his ambulance every day, people would approach him on the street and he would give them medical advice. Dr. Muhammad Mashali never had a car or even a telephone. He walked from home to work.

When a rich man heard about his story, he gave him $20,000, a car and an apartment. But a year later, when his benefactor returned to Egypt, he learned that the doctor had sold his car to help poor patients and bought new medical equipment. When Muhammad Mashali graduated from Cairo Medical School in 1967, he explained why he wanted to sacrifice himself for the good of others:

"My father sacrificed his life so that I could become a doctor. Then I promised God that I would not take a penny from the poor and live a life of service to people of all cultures and religions."

In Brazil, people saw this scene and were curious, after all, you don't often see two elderly men walking together on a ...

In Brazil, people saw this scene and were curious, after all, you don't often see two elderly men walking together on a street, especially at this age and holding hands.

But the daughter of the gentleman in the light blue shirt said that they have been friends for many years, since childhood, and the shortest one is almost blind.

And as they are already elderly and by medical advice they should go for a walk, so the friend drives every day to exercise together.

Friends are not those who are close to you only when you have money or something to offer them.

A true friend is by your side until the last day of your life.

Did you know?On Gandhi’s assassination, his photo appeared on the front page of Pakistani newspaper and the Pakistani ne...

Did you know?

On Gandhi’s assassination, his photo appeared on the front page of Pakistani newspaper and the Pakistani newspaper called him a Martyr.

The paper also recalls how the news saddened the people of Karachi.

Heart Breaking ❤️‍🩹

Heart Breaking ❤️‍🩹

Marine Staff Sergeant William Bee's brush with death with a Taliban sniper has become one of the most iconic images from...

Marine Staff Sergeant William Bee's brush with death with a Taliban sniper has become one of the most iconic images from the War.

He was in Garmsir, Helmand Province, in 2008 when the bullet hit a wall just inches from his head while he wasn't wearing a safety helmet.

The Halle Berry Oscar Kiss?2003 the Oscar winner "Adrien Brody" grabbed, bent her backwards and kissed presente "Halle B...

The Halle Berry Oscar Kiss?

2003 the Oscar winner "Adrien Brody" grabbed, bent her backwards and kissed presente "Halle Berry". He did not have her permission.

Quick remember everyone. DO NOT force a kiss on someone EVER.

It is literally sexual assault.

Ms. Berry said that she did not expect or want this to happen and was very unhappy about it.

She went along because she panicked and didn’t know what to do.

A French Boy Introduces Himself To Indian Soldiers Who Had Just Arrived In France To Fight Alongside French And British ...

A French Boy Introduces Himself To Indian Soldiers Who Had Just Arrived In France To Fight Alongside French And British Forces, Marseilles, 30th September 1914.

Picture is colourized by Marine Amara :)




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