Hi Spotters from all over the world! Coming back from the Top Marques in Monte Carlo, my brother and I, had a great idea to celebrate OUR passion for supercars and to share it with all of YOU! This is the first Award for car spotters and this is HOW IT WORKS:
-every spotter must send to OUR INBOX (personal message) a maximum of ONE photo per day
-every week your photos will be published on this p
age and voted by you
- photos will be divided in different albums week by week
-the most voted photo will be celebrated as BOTW (best of the week)
-the vote corresponds to the "like" of Facebook
-the competition will last untill next year and so there will be 50 BOTW (last two weeks of the year will be organised differently; see below)
-the BOTW wiil be published on our Instagram account
-all the BOTWs will be voted in a final competition during last two weeks of the year that will ratify the winner of the CarSpottingAward
- every week will be declared the WISHCAR ( wish to see car) that will give an extra bonus to the first one who will see it
- WISHCAR picture has to be taken including a DEVICE which shows the day and the hour of the shoot to proove you have seen that car durign that week! There are some BONUS that can increase your number of likes:
- ONE-OFF car: +10% of likes
- car limited from 2-10 pieces: +9% of likes
- car limited from 11-25 pieces: +8% of likes
- car limited from 26-50 pieces: +7% of likes
- car limited from 51-100 pieces: +6% of likes
- car limited from 101-250 pieces: +5% of likes
- car limited from 251-500 pieces: +4% of likes
- WishCar: +5% of extra likes
Competition is going to start on FIRST OF JUNE 2014 and is going to end on the 17th OF MAY 2015
The winner of the award will have some special prices and will be declared as THE BEST SPOTTER OF THE YEAR