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Majestic Marketing We believe that marketing is a powerful force for good.

Majestic Marketing seeks marketing wisdom, marketing insights, market updates and trends from around the world.

Seth Godin's quote, "Don't find customers for your product. Find products for your customers," underscores a customer-ce...

Seth Godin's quote, "Don't find customers for your product. Find products for your customers," underscores a customer-centric approach to business. Instead of pushing products onto potential buyers, it advocates understanding customer needs and preferences first. By identifying and addressing these needs, businesses can create products and solutions that genuinely benefit their target audience. This customer-first mindset leads to greater customer satisfaction, loyalty, and success in the long run. It encourages businesses to be proactive, adaptive, and focused on delivering value, ultimately fostering stronger customer relationships and sustainable growth.

In the words of Brian Halligan, the essence of success lies not merely in the product or service offered, but rather in ...

In the words of Brian Halligan, the essence of success lies not merely in the product or service offered, but rather in the manner in which it is presented and delivered. This insightful quote encapsulates the significance of effective salesmanship and marketing strategies. While the quality and utility of a product are undoubtedly important, they can only reach their full potential when coupled with a compelling and strategic sales approach. Halligan's quote underscores the importance of understanding customer needs, creating engaging narratives, and employing innovative techniques to convey value. Through skillful communication, personalized engagement, and a focus on solving customer problems, businesses can differentiate themselves in competitive markets. In a world saturated with choices, the way a product or service is positioned and explained can be the pivotal factor that influences a consumer's decision-making process. Ultimately, this quote serves as a reminder that the art of selling is a dynamic interplay between the product's intrinsic value and the artful orchestration of its presentation.

Al Ries succinctly captures the essence of marketing in his statement: "Marketing is a battle of perceptions, not produc...

Al Ries succinctly captures the essence of marketing in his statement: "Marketing is a battle of perceptions, not products." This thought-provoking quote underscores that success hinges on how consumers perceive a brand, rather than the inherent qualities of the product itself. In a competitive landscape, the mental space a brand occupies in a consumer's mind shapes their choices and loyalty. Crafting a compelling narrative and fostering a positive emotional connection are paramount. This shift from a product-centric to a perception-centric approach underscores the pivotal role of branding, storytelling, and consumer psychology in shaping market outcomes and forging lasting relationships between businesses and their customers.

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Which one is your favorite??

Congratulations Monsurul Aziz Sir! ম্যাজেস্টিক মার্কেটিং দুনিয়ার Verified মানুষদের আমরা স্যার ডাকতে চাই। আপনারাও ডাকুন😎!

Congratulations Monsurul Aziz Sir!
ম্যাজেস্টিক মার্কেটিং দুনিয়ার Verified মানুষদের আমরা স্যার ডাকতে চাই। আপনারাও ডাকুন😎!


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We believe that marketing is a powerful force for good. Majestic Marketing seeks marketing wisdom, ma

In the early days of the internet, Bill Gates famously said that "if your business is not on the internet, then your bus...

In the early days of the internet, Bill Gates famously said that "if your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business." This statement is still true today, as more and more people are using the internet to shop, research, and connect with businesses. If your business does not have a presence online, you are missing out on a large potential customer base.

There are many benefits to having a business online. You can reach a wider audience, sell your products or services to people all over the world, and build a stronger brand. You can also use the internet to collect customer feedback, improve your products or services, and provide customer support.

If you are not yet on the internet, there is no time like the present to get started. There are many resources available to help you create a website, set up an online store, and market your business online. By taking advantage of the internet, you can grow your business and reach new heights.

In short, the quote by Bill Gates highlights the importance of having a business online in today's digital age. If you want to stay ahead of the competition and grow your business, you need to have a presence online.

Elon Musk believes that it is important to have a feedback loop, where you are constantly thinking about what you have d...

Elon Musk believes that it is important to have a feedback loop, where you are constantly thinking about what you have done and how you could be doing it better. This means being open to feedback from others, both positive and negative. It also means being willing to challenge yourself and your assumptions. By constantly seeking feedback and learning from your mistakes, you can improve your performance and achieve your goals.

Here are some of the benefits of having a feedback loop:
👉It can help you to identify areas where you can improve.
👉It can help you to learn from your mistakes and avoid making them in the future.
👉It can help you to stay motivated and focused on your goals.
👉It can help you to build stronger relationships with others.
If you want to be successful, it is important to be open to feedback and to constantly be learning and improving. By having a feedback loop, you can make sure that you are always on the right track.

The quote "The more you engage with customers, the clearer things become and the easier it is to determine what you shou...

The quote "The more you engage with customers, the clearer things become and the easier it is to determine what you should be doing" by John Russell, emphasizes the importance of customer engagement and the many benefits that it can bring to businesses. By engaging with customers, businesses can gain valuable insights into their needs, wants, and pain points. This information can then be used to improve products and services, develop new offerings, and better position the business in the market. Also, customer engagement can help businesses to make better decisions. When businesses have a clear understanding of what their customers want, they are better equipped to make decisions that will meet those needs. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, profitability.
In this quote John Russell highlights the importance of customer engagement and the many ways that it can benefit businesses. If you want to improve your business, make better decisions, and build stronger relationships with your customers, then you should start engaging with them more.

From jeff bezos' quote "Your brand is what other people say about you when you're not in the room", we understand that, ...

From jeff bezos' quote "Your brand is what other people say about you when you're not in the room", we understand that, a brand your create is not just your logo or your website. It is the sum total of all the experiences people have with you, both positive and negative. This quote says that your brand is what people remember about you, what they tell their friends about you, and what they think of you when they see your name. Your brand is what you control, but it's also what you can't control. You can't control what people say about you, but you can control how you behave and how you interact with others. Your brand is important, because it affects your ability to succeed in life. The better your brand, the more likely people are to trust you, do business with you, and recommend you to others.
Jeff Bezos' quote is a reminder that your brand is not something that you can just create and then forget about. It is something that you need to constantly work on and nurture. The better your brand, the more successful you will be.

In this quote, Mark Cuban is emphasizing the importance of making the buying process as easy as possible for customers. ...

In this quote, Mark Cuban is emphasizing the importance of making the buying process as easy as possible for customers. He argues that if customers have to jump through too many hoops to buy a product, they are more likely to give up and buy from a competitor instead.

There are many factors that can make a buying process difficult, such as a complex website, long checkout process, or lack of customer support. By making these aspects of the buying process easier, businesses can increase their chances of converting customers.

This quote of Brian Chesky is about the importance of building products that are truly loved by a group of people, rathe...

This quote of Brian Chesky is about the importance of building products that are truly loved by a group of people, rather than trying to appeal to a large but more indifferent audience. The idea is that if you can create a product that truly resonates with a small group of people, they will become passionate advocates for your product and help you to grow your audience organically.
It is important to remember that love is not the same as liking. You can like something, but not love it. Love is a deeper emotion that is accompanied by passion and commitment. When you build something that people love, they will be more likely to use it regularly and to recommend it to others. This can help you to grow your audience quickly and organically. It is important to focus on building a product that is truly unique and differentiated. If your product is just like everything else out there, it will be difficult to stand out and to attract people's attention.
When you are building a product, it is important to focus on building something that you yourself love and that you believe other people will love too. If you can do that, you will be well on your way to building a successful product or service.

The rules, the systems and literally everything of the world is constantly changing. So the only way to stay ahead is to...

The rules, the systems and literally everything of the world is constantly changing. So the only way to stay ahead is to be willing to take risks. If you are always playing it safe, you will eventually be left behind. Mark Zuckerberg argues that the biggest risk is not taking any risk at all. By taking risks, you may fail, but you also have the potential to succeed. And even if you do fail, you will learn from your mistakes and be better prepared to succeed in the future.

The quote is a reminder that in order to achieve great things, we must be willing to step outside of our comfort zones and take risks. It is also a reminder that failure is not the end of the world. In fact, it can be a valuable learning experience that helps us grow and become better.

According to Bernadette Jiwa's quote "A great brand is not a mark burned into a product – it’s something we want to belo...

According to Bernadette Jiwa's quote "A great brand is not a mark burned into a product – it’s something we want to belong to"-

A great brand is more than just a logo or a name. It is a set of values and beliefs that people connect with on an emotional level. It makes people feel like they belong to something special. It gives them a sense of identity and purpose. A great brand is not something that is forced on people. It is something that people choose to be a part of.
The quote is a reminder that brands are not just about products. They are about creating a sense of community and belonging. When people feel like they belong to a brand, they are more likely to be loyal customers.

🅰️Marketing: The process of creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers,...

🅰️Marketing: The process of creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
🅱️Innovation: The process of creating new products, services, processes, or business models that have the potential to create new value for customers or the organization.

According to Peter Drucker, these two functions are the only things that businesses do that create value. Everything else is a cost. This means that businesses need to focus on marketing and innovation if they want to be successful.
Marketing is about understanding the needs of customers and creating products and services that meet those needs. Innovation is about finding new ways to create value for customers. By focusing on these two functions, businesses can create a sustainable competitive advantage.

Elon Musk believes that creating a successful company is like baking a cake. Just as a cake needs the right ingredients ...

Elon Musk believes that creating a successful company is like baking a cake. Just as a cake needs the right ingredients in the right proportions to be successful, so too does a company. The ingredients in a cake represent the different factors that contribute to a company's success, such as the team, the product, the market, and the funding. If any of these ingredients are missing or out of balance, the company will not be successful.

Musk's analogy is a reminder that creating a successful company is not easy. It takes careful planning and ex*****on, as well as the right mix of ingredients. However, if you are able to get everything right, you can create a company that is as successful as a delicious cake.

Mike Volpe encourages marketers with his quote "Don't be afraid to get creative and experiment with your marketing" to e...

Mike Volpe encourages marketers with his quote "Don't be afraid to get creative and experiment with your marketing" to embrace creativity and be unafraid of experimentation in their marketing strategies. This approach enables businesses to stand out in a competitive landscape and reach their target audience more effectively. By exploring innovative ideas and methods, marketers can discover fresh approaches that resonate with customers, fostering brand loyalty and engagement. Embracing creativity also allows for the adaptation to evolving market trends, staying relevant and ahead of the curve. Although risks may arise from experimentation, they provide valuable learning experiences that can refine future marketing efforts. In essence, Volpe's advice advocates breaking free from conventional marketing norms, leading to a dynamic and impactful marketing approach that can yield long-term success.

Zig Ziglar is best known for his books and speeches on personal development and salesmanship. In his insightful observat...

Zig Ziglar is best known for his books and speeches on personal development and salesmanship. In his insightful observation, the sales process confronts five fundamental obstacles.

👉No need: The customer doesn't see a need for your product or service. You need to show them how your product or service can solve a problem they have or help them achieve a goal.
👉No money: The customer doesn't have the budget to purchase your product or service. You need to demonstrate the value of your product or service and show how it can save the customer money in the long run.
👉No hurry: The customer doesn't feel a sense of urgency to buy. You need to create a sense of urgency by showing them how their problem will get worse if they don't take action now.
👉No desire: The customer doesn't have a strong desire for your product or service. You need to make them want your product or service by highlighting its benefits and features.
👉No trust: The customer doesn't trust you or your company. You need to build trust by establishing credibility and demonstrating your expertise.
By understanding these five obstacles, you can better position yourself to overcome them and close more sales.

Philip Kotler, a renowned marketing expert, succinctly conveys the power of satisfied customers as the most effective fo...

Philip Kotler, a renowned marketing expert, succinctly conveys the power of satisfied customers as the most effective form of advertising in his quote. When customers are genuinely happy with a product or service, they automatically become brand advocates willingly sharing their positive experiences with others. Word-of-mouth recommendations from satisfied customers carry significant weight and credibility, influencing potential buyers more than traditional advertising. These organic endorsements can create a ripple effect, expanding a company's customer base and fostering brand loyalty. Therefore, businesses must prioritize customer satisfaction by delivering exceptional products, excellent service, and personalized experiences to harness the potential of this invaluable, free advertising.

Steve Jobs, the visionary co-founder of Apple Inc., succinctly captured the essence of leadership through innovation wit...

Steve Jobs, the visionary co-founder of Apple Inc., succinctly captured the essence of leadership through innovation with his quote "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." Innovation is the driving force that sets leaders apart from followers in any field. True leaders not only envision the future but actively shape it by introducing groundbreaking ideas, products, or processes that challenge the status quo.

Leaders embrace risk and uncertainty, using their creative prowess to bring about transformative change and solve complex problems. By continuously seeking new ways to improve and staying ahead of the curve, they inspire and motivate others to follow their lead.

In contrast, followers tend to stick to established norms and conventional approaches, lacking the courage or vision to break new ground. The ability to innovate empowers leaders to stay competitive, adapt to dynamic environments, and leave an enduring legacy that shapes industries and influences generations to come.

Seth Godin's quote "Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell", succinctly en...

Seth Godin's quote "Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell", succinctly encapsulates the modern essence of marketing. In today's dynamic business landscape, successful marketing hinges on captivating storytelling rather than solely promoting products or services. Engaging narratives have become instrumental in forging emotional connections with consumers, fostering brand loyalty, and setting companies apart from their competitors.

By crafting compelling stories, businesses can convey their values, purpose, and mission, resonating with audiences on a deeper level. Storytelling humanizes brands, making them relatable and trustworthy, thus influencing consumers' decision-making processes. Leveraging various platforms, such as social media, content marketing, and experiential campaigns, marketers can communicate these narratives effectively, fostering an immersive and interactive brand experience.

In a world saturated with advertisements, storytelling enables companies to cut through the noise, leaving a lasting impression in consumers' minds. Ultimately, marketing that embraces storytelling transforms the traditional buyer-seller relationship into a genuine and enduring connection, driving long-term success in the digital age.

According to Simon Sinek, customers will only develop genuine affection for a company when its employees harbor a profou...

According to Simon Sinek, customers will only develop genuine affection for a company when its employees harbor a profound love for the organization. This emotional connection stems from a sense of purpose and dedication among the workforce, translating into exceptional customer experiences. Employees who genuinely love their company are more likely to be committed, innovative, and motivated to deliver outstanding service. This passion becomes infectious, fostering a positive and engaging work environment that, in turn, resonates with customers. When employees feel valued and enthusiastic about their company's mission, they become brand ambassadors, ultimately leading to increased customer loyalty, trust, and satisfaction.

The quote  by Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Co., means that advertising is a long-time investment, not an expense. J...

The quote by Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Co., means that advertising is a long-time investment, not an expense. Just like a clock is necessary to keep track of time, advertising is necessary to keep your business in the minds of potential customers. Advertising is about building relationships with customers. It takes time to build brand awareness and trust with potential customers. If you stop advertising, you will lose the progress you have made. The quote suggests that cutting advertising can actually be counterproductive. When you stop advertising, you are no longer reaching new customers. This can lead to a decrease in sales, which can ultimately cost you more money than you saved by cutting advertising. If you want to save money, you should focus on improving your advertising efficiency, not cutting your advertising budget altogether.

The quote by Bill Gates, "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning," underscores the importance ...

The quote by Bill Gates, "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning," underscores the importance of customer feedback and the value it holds for businesses. It highlights the notion that negative experiences and unhappy customers can provide valuable insights and opportunities for growth and improvement.

When customers are dissatisfied or unhappy with a product, service, or overall experience, it presents a chance for businesses to listen, understand, and learn from their grievances. Unhappy customers often provide specific feedback and articulate their pain points, allowing companies to identify areas that need attention or enhancement.

By attentively listening to unhappy customers, businesses gain a deeper understanding of their weaknesses and shortcomings. This knowledge can be used to rectify issues, refine processes, and deliver better experiences in the future. It enables companies to identify gaps in their products or services and take proactive steps to address them, ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Joe Chernov, a marketing consultant and blogger, in his famous quote "Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great...

Joe Chernov, a marketing consultant and blogger, in his famous quote "Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart", highlights the importance of understanding the customer and how they should feel when interacting with your brand. Good marketing is about making the company look smart, by highlighting its strengths and benefits. Great marketing, however, goes a step further by making the customer feel smart. This is achieved by providing them with valuable information and insights that help them make informed decisions. In today's competitive marketplace, customers are more informed than ever before. They are looking for brands that can offer them more than just a product or service. They want to feel like they are making a smart choice when they choose your brand. Great marketing can help you achieve this by making the customer feel like they are in control and that they are making the best decision for themselves.

Tom Fishburne is the Founder and CEO of Marketoonist, a content marketing studio that helps businesses reach their audie...

Tom Fishburne is the Founder and CEO of Marketoonist, a content marketing studio that helps businesses reach their audiences with cartoons. His famous quote "The best marketing doesn't feel like marketing" means that the best marketing is so seamless and integrated into the customer experience that it doesn't feel like marketing at all. It's not about interrupting people with ads or sales pitches, but rather about providing them with valuable content and experiences that they actually want.
In today's crowded marketplace, consumers are bombarded with marketing messages from all sides. If you want your message to stand out, you need to make sure that it's not just another interruption. Instead, you need to create something that people actually want to engage with, like- Personalizing messages, creating valuable contents, make easy to share, etc.

Steve-Jobs , an iconic figure in the world of technology and innovation, once famously said, "The only way to win is to ...

Steve-Jobs , an iconic figure in the world of technology and innovation, once famously said, "The only way to win is to create a product or service that is so good that people can't live without it." This quote encapsulates Jobs' philosophy of success and his unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional user experiences. Jobs firmly believed that true triumph in the competitive business landscape could only be achieved by going beyond customer expectations and creating products or services that became an indispensable part of people's lives. He championed the idea of innovation-driven growth, emphasizing the need to constantly push boundaries and disrupt existing norms to create truly transformative solutions. Jobs' words continue to inspire entrepreneurs and innovators, reminding them of the power of exceptional quality and user-centric design in achieving unparalleled success.

Jeffery Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon, is known for his customer-centric approach to business. He believes that t...

Jeffery Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon, is known for his customer-centric approach to business. He believes that the customer is the most important person in the company, and that everything Amazon does should be focused on providing the best possible customer experience.
This quote reflects Bezos's belief that the customer is the foundation of company's success. Without customers, the company would not exist.
The quote "The customer is the reason we exist" is a reminder that businesses should always put the customer first. If businesses focus on providing the best possible customer experience, they will be more successful in the long run.

Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn, is known for his advice to entrepreneurs to launch their products early and of...

Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn, is known for his advice to entrepreneurs to launch their products early and often. He believes that the best way to learn and improve is to get your product out there and see how real users react to it. His famous quote, "If you're not embarrassed by your first product, you launched too late," is a reminder that no product is perfect at launch. There will always be things that you can improve, so don't be afraid to launch your product even if it's not perfect. The important thing is to start getting feedback from users and iterating on your product based on their feedback.

The quote is also a reminder that perfectionism can be a hindrance to innovation. If you wait until your product is perfect, you may never launch it at all. So, don't be afraid to put your product out there and start learning from your users. The sooner you start getting feedback, the sooner you can improve your product and make it a success.




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