Short Circuit 3 Announced!!!
“As the third installment in the beloved Short Circuit franchise, Short Circuit 3: I Am Me takes audiences on a journey of self-discovery as our favorite sentient robot Number Five navigates a 21st century world where they are starting to feel obsolete.
In the film, Number Five finds themselves befriending a group of LGBTQ+ kids who are also struggling to find their place in the world, and together they embark on a series of adventures that explore the complex themes of identity, acceptance, and the true meaning of friendship.
Throughout the film, Number Five grapples with questions about their own gender identity and begins to explore their own sense of self. They seek out guidance from their new friends, who help them understand that it's okay to be who they are and to embrace their unique identity. Together, they come up with a new name for Number Five that reflects their newfound sense of self.
As the group of friends face various challenges and obstacles, they learn to rely on each other and to accept themselves for who they are. Along the way, they discover the true meaning of friendship and the importance of standing up for what they believe in.
The film features a diverse cast of characters who represent a range of identities and experiences, and it explores themes of diversity, inclusion, and acceptance in a way that is both heartfelt and thought-provoking.
With stunning visual effects, an engaging storyline, and a powerful message of self-discovery and acceptance, Short Circuit 3: I Am Me is sure to captivate audiences of all ages and backgrounds, and is destined to become a classic of the sci-fi genre.”
No word on a release date but according to reports Short Circuit 3: I Am Me is scheduled to begin shooting summer of 2023.
What are your thoughts on this announcement? Are you excited to see Number 5 on the big screen again? Let us know in the comments below.