⦁ Time with us
⦁ Respect to everyone
⦁ Integrity
⦁ Events
⦁ Discord Voice
⦁ Socializing
⦁ Recruiting active members (Not just spot fillers)
⦁ Recruiting respectful members
⦁ Recruiting social members
Ranking Levels
Tier Levels
Tier One
Tier One - Members with a Tier one rank withing the community are here to have fun and participate in community events. While they are the backbone of the community they are not expected to complete difficult tasks regarding community upkeep.
⦁ 1NM4T3: (Novice Member)
1. Participate in squad meetings and activities
2. Know and follow the 'C.O.C (http://gamerscodeofconduct.com/)
3. Follow the two main bi-laws
4. Support the game of their chosen Squad
⦁ CR4ZY 1NM4T3: (Intermediate Member)
1. Participate in squad meetings and activities
2. Know and follow the 'C.O.C (http://gamerscodeofconduct.com/)
3. Follow the two main bi-laws
4. Support the game of their chosen Squad
⦁ 1NS4N3 1NM4T3: (Veteran Member)
1. Participate in squad meetings and activities
2. Know and follow the 'C.O.C (http://gamerscodeofconduct.com/)
3. Follow the two main bi-laws
4. Support the game of their chosen Squad
5. Help support new members within the community
Tier Two
Tier Two - Staff members are part of the squad management tier. They are responsible for training new members into the community and helping resolve any conflicts that may arise within their chosen squad.
⦁ M4N14C: (Staff Member) Levels based on the metrics of our Ranking
1. Staff members can be called the most important rank in M4N1C G4M3RZ, they work with and are the first officer that new members meet
2. Staff member's main job is to be prepared at all times to train new members into M4N1C G4M3RZ. They are the lowest rank allowed to train new members into the community
3. Staff members must know and understand how to run a background check on new squad members
4. Staff members must know and follow the C.O.C (http://gamerscodeofconduct.com/)
5. Staff members must participate in squad meetings
6. Staff members must know all the squad officers
⦁ PSYCH0 M4N14C: (Senior Staff Member) Highest Member Level
1. Must know and follow the C.O.C (http://gamerscodeofconduct.com/)
2. Must play the game their squad is based on
3. Responsible for organizing and hosting squad activities such as workshops and game nights
4. Takes meeting attendance and notes in absence of Co Squad Leader
5. Must have full knowledge of the ranking structure
6. Must know the name of all the Squad Leaders in their Division
7. Cannot hold this rank without M4N1C G4M3RZ in heir GT
8. Should know and understand how to run a background check on new members
9. Must know how to fix bios and locations
10. Responsible for solving minor problems within the squad
11. Need to know all the names of the squads in their division
⦁ L34D 1NST1G4T0R: (Squad Leader)
1. L34D 1NST1G4T0RS Take insight and training from the Co-Founders, to help supervise their squads
2. The adult squad must be 15 years or older
3. Responsible for the squad, if the squad fails it falls solely on the General
4. Must go to division meetings, or assign a member from the squad to attend on their behalf, and take notes
5. Make sure that training of officers is done correctly
6. Can rank suspend up to one week with the acknowledgment of the squads COFO
7. Hold two squad meeting a week, and relay divisional meeting information that comes from the division meeting
8. Required to greet all new members of their squad
9. Must know and follow the C.O.C (http://gamerscodeofconduct.com/)
⦁ C0 1NST1G4T0R: (Co Squad Leader)
1. Should be assisting the Squad Leader in completing his/her duties in M4N1C G4M3RZ
2. C0 1NST1G4T0RS are Squad Leaders in training and will be expected to maintain the squad in the absence of their General
3. Must play the game their squad is based on
4. Required to greet all new members of their squad
5. Must know the ranking system, and all the duties of the ranks below them
6. Must know the duties of the Co-Founder
7. Must know who can rank suspend, and how long a member can be rank suspended
8. Must know the requirements of all the ranks, and how and when to promote squad members
9. Must know and follow the C.O.C (http://gamerscodeofconduct.com/)
10. Must know how members can maintain their membership in M4N1C G4M3RZ
M4G4 Tag to your name
⦁ Novice to intermediate in 2 weeks. With 25%activity
⦁ Intermediate to veteran 3 weeks with 55% activity in the squad-based game and 2 recruits. Quick way. Name game to M4G4 gamer tag with 2 recruits and over 50%activity in their novice stage
⦁ Staff member M4G4 not required. Must have been in the clan for 30days+ and have had a 45%+activity rating in the squad-based game.
⦁ Senior staff. M4G4 not required. Must have a 50% activity rating in squad-based games. Attended 85% of squad meetings and shown active presence on our sites.
⦁ Co squad leader M4G4 gamer tag required. 60% activity rating in the squad-based game. 40% of community event participation and in the community for 45days +
⦁ Squad leader. M4G4 gamer tag required. 65% squad-based game activity. 60% of community event participation. Strong forums present.
⦁ Tier 3 ranks will be decided by the owner and council. M4G4 gamer tag is required for all tier 3 ranks. Knowledge and active implementation of The Gamers C.O.C (http://gamerscodeofconduct.com/) must be shown before considering for tier 3 ranks is possible.
Representing our Tag
If your gamer tag represents our community M4G4 then you may not compete or recruit outside to another gaming community until your gamer tag no longer reflects us. Please refrain from competition with our community and be advised all recruits recruited by you while you are using our logo on your gamer tag will belong to M4N1C G4M3RZ.