This page is in conjunction with my Facebook Group of the same name and my website also of the same name. The only difference between them is that this page features my creative writing and photographic talents. Our website address is and our Facebook Group address is
Cracker Lives Matter
This group was created to celebrate all asp
ects of Cracker life. We will discuss politics
as it relates to Cracker lives as well as Cracker culture and sports. Since the vast majority of American Crackers are Saltine Crackers this group is for them. What to do about White - Hispanics confuses the s**t out of us though. Please be advised that since the vast majority of Crackers in America are Conservative this group will focus on Conservative Cracker issues. If you are a Liberal Cracker troll who somehow eludes our security and you start posting Liberal crap here our Seargeant At Arms Jim Savage will be dispatched to deal with you accordingly. Be advised that Jim is a Southern Rebel who has been known to shoot Yankee Lib interlopers invading his yard on sight. Should Jim's services be required the Administrators of The NAACP will NOT view his actions as cyber murder , suppression of free speech or any other Liberal spin but rather Litter Prevention. You might want to consider that I am the owner of this page and while I am a Redeemed Yankee Jim can barely stand me. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!! Please be advised that I and the administrators , do not censor anybody for any reason short of incitement to violence , slander , p**n or Liberal trolling. FAIR WARNING !!!! if you are a minority Cracker you will see highly objectionable material posted here from time to time. While I understand why you would object to it I'd like you to approach it with the mindset of proving the HATERS wrong In a civilized and courteous manner. Be a Jackie Robinson in other words. I'd also like you to understand that this is your chance to understand the anger on the other side of the racial issues du jour.. If you are a non minority Cracker I would hope that you would state your political positions and the roots of your anger in a polite courteous and non racist way. Look at it as a chance to make your Brother and Sister Crackers of differing persuasions understand your concerns. Be a JFK in other words.