Bay Racer Mini4wd Regulation
1,Your Car Can’t not use un-fitted parts.
2, Only Tamiya Motor accepted, any modify, add-on, remake on the motor will be disqualified.
3, Only Regular Batteries, or NI-MH, which run as 1.2~1.5V is allow.
4,Maximum size of the Car: Wide:105mmmm, Height: 70mm, Length: 165mm, Ground Clearance: at least 1mm, Minimum car weight (batteries and motor included): at least
5,Maximum of 6 roller installations total.
6, Car must run as 4 wheel drive.
7, any modify can’t not damage the race track or other car. And there’s may have special rule or Regulation for Official race or special event, which will be announce before the event. and We(Bay Racer) reserve the right to make the final decision of the race detail.
比賽限制 :
1. 車輛不可使用非規格零件
2. 限制使用田宮馬達(不可拆解,加工,重繞)。
3. 需使用1.2~1.5V電池皮完整電池 (低自放Ni-MH、鹼性ok),禁止使用鎳鎘、鋰鐵、鋰電池。
4. 限車寬105mm、車高70mm、車長165mm、離地1mm以上、車重90克以上。
5. 導輪限制最多六顆
5. 車體及車殼可以加工、輕量化.
6. 車輛必須四輪傳動,不可改二驅或者直接驅動.
7. 改裝車輛不得有危險或有破壞軌道之虞。
注意事項 :
1.每回合結束可以更換電池,鎖緊零件 大型比賽期間,嚴格禁止變更設定、偷換零件
4. 當日比賽圖形可能因為場地或其他因素做些微修改比賽開始後軌道將不再做任何異動也不得有異