We cannot hand the right to understand and use media and technology to the advantage of those whose desire it is to deceive. So, more churches must realize that they deserve to understand and use one of the most powerful medium of sharing information on the planet. Media ministry should not be taken lightly, because media works itself into every facet of church life. Though our work is basically "
behind the scences" but our purpose is no less important than anyone else's. Therefore, we must strive to equip ourselves to work as a team that is committed to the service and glory of the Lord. We must remember that the result of our efforts may lead someone to the Lord. ABOUT GRACEVILLE MEDIA
Graceville Media is a media ministry platform that showcases the most creative and innovative kingdom ideas and seeks to equip the Church with media ministry strategies and the necessary skills and knowledge on the technical areas included under the umbrella of Media Ministry. OUR AIM AND OBJECTIVES
1. To be the most inspiring and creative comtemporary Gospel media brand through the expression of the creative arts- music, comedy, dance, drama, poetry, fashion etc...
2. To equip ministries to effectively use media as a ministry tool and get more result from their media content.
3. To provide Media support to all ministries in the Church to utilize the media ministry as a worship and outreach tool.
4. To help ministries to use all aspects of media ministry to reach up to God, into the Church and out to the world.
5. To help ministries to understand the role media play within the context of Church Ministry and evangelism. OUR SISTER BRAND "GRACEVILLE ONLINE!"
WHY GRACEVILLE ONLINE! Are you passionate about propagating the Gospel to the ends of the earth? it's time to take advantage of one of the most powerful medium of sharing information on the planet. Now, it's your turn to shape the next era in church history. You have a role in determining where the church goes next and it largely depends on your response to two words: social media. Social media has become a significant part of our modern civilization and more than 2 billion people use the internet around the world. Its purpose is to promote and aid communication. It is not only changing how we communicate, but how we interact with each other. Sarah Zay, of USA Today, stated that ”with the rise of websites such as Facebook, social networking may be on the verge of replacing traditional personal interactions for the next generation". Graceville Online! is a video, audio and picture sharing website dedicated to quality online Gospel media content. It allows members/visitors to watch, upload and share their videos, audios and pictures to a Global audience. Members can automatically import videos, along with their title, discription, tags and thumbnail from other video websites. Example: youtube etc...
Popular categories on Graceville Online! includes God’s generals, Gospel Hits, Interviews, Comedy zone, News update, Movies, Documentaries, Education, poetry etc…
Our mission: To propagate the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth, if you will permit me to say “church without walls”. Create an account today for free! Registration process:
Visit www.gracevilleonline.com to register and start sharing your videos, audios and pictures to the world.