Their books are available through email or at book signings in St. Mary's County, Maryland. Joyce and Ellynne have collaborated on a number of projects over the years. They published "Ellynne's Top Tomato Cookbook" in 2012. It contains recipes that Ellynne created, Joyce Illustrated, Myra Raspa edited, and wines selected by Grace Fuller of the Leonardtown Winery. One of the happiest aspects for th
em is that this was completely created by a group of friends who retired from the St. Mary's County Public Schools and who all live in St. Ellynne and Joyce's next brain child was a children's book in 2013 called "Halloween Fright on a Chesapeake Night," which featured three adorable but not so fearless cats who go trick-or-treating. And then in the Spring of 2015 Joyce and Ellynne published their third book "The Chesapeake Cats and the Easter Surprise" about three cats and their reaction to an unusual Easter Bunny. So this page is about the happy work that brought these two women to the next step on their journey which was to form Breton Bay Publishing. It formalizes in a small way their years of collaborating and recognizes that they are on a journey that is fulfilling heretofore hidden aspirations for using their creativity in a material way. This page reflects the joy of producing from virtually nothing to producing solid and original ideas in the form of books. Importantly this page is a way of announcing to their friends and to their public that they are here and they are creating books that people want and like. Watch for more books, Joyce and Ellynne are brimming with ideas.