To the Federal Healthcare Student Community,
We are excited to announce the call for submissions for the 3d volume of Progress Notes, the first and only literary review by and for federal healthcare students. Progress Notes includes peer-reviewed fiction, reflective writing, poetry, and visual art from federally-sponsored healthcare students in a wide array of degree programs. The review aims to
provide a forum for students’ artistic expression as a way to support personal and professional growth. The 3d volume of Progress Notes will be produced in both print and online versions in Spring 2018. To check out our first and second volumes, access our website at: Submission categories and deadline:
Submissions are being solicited in the following categories: reflective writing, fiction, poetry, and visual art (including photography). The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2018. Submission details:
Submissions should be sent to [email protected]. Writers may submit up to three unpublished works. Visual artists may submit up to three unpublished individual images or a single thematically-linked collection of images. All submissions must include:
· a cover sheet that includes the following information: name, rank, current school and degree program, and anticipated graduation date
· a personal biographical sketch of 150 words or less
· a signed copy of the Progress Notes Copyright Notice
If a submission reasonably identifies an individual, consent should be obtained from the individual described or pictured for publication. For most submissions, authors can expect to hear back from the editorial team after January 31, 2018. Please feel free to disseminate this opportunity to your contacts in the Federal Healthcare Student Community as we look forward to the multidisciplinary involvement. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you for your interest in Progress Notes! Artist requirements:
- Currently enrolled in a school of medicine, nursing, dentistry, physical therapy, or other medical science
- Affiliated with USUHS, HPSP, or HCSP
Website info: Currently being updated!