Thank you for your support during 2018. Smash Fabric Records is entering its 10th year alive!
I am pleased to write that Smash Fabric Records has released yet more good music this year. At the same time, I have to admit that for me personally, this year has been critically busy on too many front other than music itself, so the music has not been working out in a fast pace.
Let me just mention the importance of music, and what roles people behind the good music posess. For the professional aspect of it, it has become way too difficult to make a living on music today, both in the label industry and from the artist side of it. I happen to be in both roles on the “free” basis, and it all boils down to the time available to work for free so that people who is listening to music on increasingly worse playback systems, can listen to the well made production for 10 seconds, for then to skip to the next track (which gets the same fate).
Even though I love music, I have trouble prioritizing this kind of work above other daily to-do’s and quality time with my family. And I know several other people having the same issue. I’m not going to stop doing music, and I neighter won’t I stop being a small actor in the indie music business with this label.
Enough talk about me. Smash Fabric Records still represents a small selection of great music, and will still be doing that in the future. In the past, we’ve been committed to music genres such as metal as well as the foundament from electronic music, through the idea that all music can be great. All music IS great, but it’s not a good idea to take on everything at once. As per now, we still represent a couple of metal albums through our distribution channels, but unfortunately with less and less time to help out other musicians, all work with marketing get incredibly hard, especially when the label is no longer established as an all-round label, but a niche label, just like a lot of other labels out there.
However, for me personally, finalizing my new studio is of top priority, and will take most of the sparetime available the first months of 2019. This means no new signings the first part of the year, but this does not mean that the label is dead. I’m planning new music for my own project, Blue Paper Project, and the label will also be open for other chill music artists during the year. Please get in touch if you want to be a part of our collective.
See you in 2019!
Kind regards, Jon Berntsen, founder.