As much as we love reading the final published articles that appear in each edition, often it’s the pursuit of the story that intrigues us most. There have been more than a handful of articles that have literally taken months and even years to research and ultimately gather up enough information and visuals to complete the story. The photos below are from the Tamworth area, and just a small part of such a story … a story of the King’s Pines.
Hundreds of years ago, the eastern white pine in these forests were known to grow over 200 feet tall and straight as an arrow. These majestic pines enticed the attention of the king of England enough to send his men to the region to mark and then return later to retrieve thousands of trees to be used as masts for shipbuilding. While none of these massive trees exist today there are still many that have survived reaching heights of over 150 feet tall, right here in the White Mountains and into western Maine. How these trees were identified, felled, and transported to the coastline, was nothing short of intriguing and somewhat lost in history. Finally, our understanding of the story will be published in the upcoming summer edition.