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Postmodern Openings Postmodern Openings Journal is published on behalf of Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences.

Best wishes for a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year, filled with love, peace, happiness and prosperity!From all ...

Best wishes for a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year, filled with love, peace, happiness and prosperity!
From all of us at LUMEN.

Identifying the Students’ Needs for Guidance at Vocational and Technical Anatolian High SchoolPublished  in Postmodern O...

Identifying the Students’ Needs for Guidance at Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School

Published in Postmodern Openings, Vol. 11 No. 4, 2020.

Authored by: Serdar Özmen, Cigdem Hursen

Article available at:

The purpose of this study is to identify the needs of vocational and technical Anatolian high school students for guidance. A mixed research methodology is employed in this descriptive study. With the guidance needs analysis survey, quantitative data was collected about the needs of students for guidance from a total of 2228 participants including 1437 students, 304 teachers and 487 parents. The qualitative data in the research were collected from school counsellors employed in vocational and technical high schools, from the heads of guidance services employed in guidance research centres, from psychological guidance and counselling specialists working in the Ministry of National Education, from psychological counsellors representing Turkish Psychological Counselling and Guidance Association and those engaged by educational unions. The research revealed findings that the students need intensive guidance on topics such as identification of future career goals, learning effective studying methods, self-knowledge of interests and abilities, knowledge of professions and their basic requirements, focusing attention during lessons, protection from addiction, knowledge of developmental features of adolescence, university admission exams and opportunities for higher education. Furthermore, it was revealed that the guidance needs of the students were not met sufficiently, they needed services in all areas of personal-social, educational and career guidance, female students needed guidance services more than male students, and students felt more need of guidance services at higher grades. In line with the results of the study, further recommendations are presented to provide for the guidance needs of students.

Public Facilities Assessment MethodologyPublished  in Postmodern Openings,  Vol. 11 No. 4, 2020.Authored by: Ana Opris, ...

Public Facilities Assessment Methodology

Published in Postmodern Openings, Vol. 11 No. 4, 2020.

Authored by: Ana Opris, Andreea Necsulescu (Popa)

Article available at:

The paper presents the results of several substantiation studies concerning public facilities assessment for various Romanian municipalities, made in order to substantiate urban development plans. The study outlines main methodological steps for public amenities assessment emphasizing the importance of the territorial context, socio-economical context, as well the necessity of development of a compulsory legal frame at national level. The studies conducted by the authors tried to develop specific methodologies designated to assess public facilities provision at city level in order to propose their enhancement if case. The study compares different public facilities assessment conclusions for several cities in Romania and outlines that the average offer and need (public request) is generated by different elements (built and natural), not only the perceived urban barriers but also the unseen elements (as perceived neighbor hoods, sense of belonging of different urban areas). Also, one of the conclusions of this survey is that public amenities (green areas, education facilities, leisure, cultural health and transportation facilities) are one of the main features of urban structure that has to be addressed when planning development at urban or zone level. This focus on public amenities approach can substantiate development decisions at urban level, despite that it is the most disregarded element due to urban development pressures, especially within the new urban development areas. Assessment of public facilities provision at urban level should be subject of the urban development plans in terms of sustainable urban development.

EU Funds Absorption: Case of RomaniaPublished  in Postmodern Openings,  Vol. 11 No. 4, 2020.Authored by: Laura Marcu, To...

EU Funds Absorption: Case of Romania

Published in Postmodern Openings, Vol. 11 No. 4, 2020.

Authored by: Laura Marcu, Tomislav Kandzija, Jelena Dorotic

Article available at:

Article studies the absorption of European funds in Romania for the two post-accession periods: 2007-2014 and 2014-2020 and highlight the situation in Romania regarding the amount and evolution of European funds received (in relation to its contribution to the EU budget), the structure of these funds, the evolution of the absorption during the two intervals by program type and Romanian areas of development as well as difficulties encountered and the solutions adopted to overcome them. The analysis is based on primary statistical data provided by the Romanian Government and the European Commission, as well as studies and reports on national particularities and problems of absorption of European fund in Romania. In addition, a qualitative analysis of legislative and institutional framework aims to point out weakness and causes that hindered the absorption of funds. Paper highlights the increase of funds absorption in the current financial framework compared to the previous and emphasizes weaknesses in the Romanian institutional framework. The fact that many of the difficulties manifested in the first stage after adhesion were counter through appropriate solutions, enable better management of funds, which places Romania to the EU average in terms of rate of absorption. These solutions concern the improvement of administrative capacity (information, transparency, implementation, relationship with beneficiaries).

Determination of Differences in Personality Characteristics in Indi-vidual Types of Perfectionism in Humanistic Sciences...

Determination of Differences in Personality Characteristics in Indi-vidual Types of Perfectionism in Humanistic Sciences

Published in Postmodern Openings, Vol. 11 No. 4, 2020.

Authored by: Dominika Doktorová, Nikola Piteková

Article available at:

The main goal of this work is to compare the personality characteristics in individual types of perfectionism. In order to determine the perfectionism, we used Frost’s Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (F-MPS) and NEO five-factor personal inventory (NEO-FFI) for personal characteristics. There questionnaires were administered to humanistic science students (N=344) in the age span of 19 to 26. Through the non-hierarchical aggregate analyse we identified three types of perfectionists in the sample: functional, dysfunctional perfectionists and non-perfectionists. The comparison of the individual typed of perfectionism with personality characteristics showed statistically significant differences in the following way: compared to the other two type the dysfunctional perfectionists achieved the highest score on the scale of neuroticism. Other differences between the perfectionist types did not show any statistical importance.

The Problem of Self-Disclosure of Self-Harming Behaviour in AdolescencePublished  in Postmodern Openings,  Vol. 11 No. 4...

The Problem of Self-Disclosure of Self-Harming Behaviour in Adolescence

Published in Postmodern Openings, Vol. 11 No. 4, 2020.

Authored by: Slavka Demuthova, Ivana Vaclavikova, Lenka Selecka, Marek Blatny

Article available at:

Self-disclosure is the key prerequisite for the provision of help and professional intervention in the case of mental difficulties. Self-harming behaviour is a problem in this area that has been a remarkably strong taboo, and as such, this form of behaviour is often hidden. The most at risk category in this context are adolescents who demonstrably receive the least psychological intervention and for whom self-harm is a high-risk behaviour (considering its prevalence, health risks, lethality and consequences for their future mental health). This study observes the prevalence of self-harming behaviour (45.3%) in a sample of 2,210 adolescents aged from 11 to 19, and subsequently observes the willingness of the subjects to self-disclose self-harming behaviour in a sample subset of 1,002 self-harming adolescents (mean age = 15.37; 68.6% female). 55.2% of self-harmers were willing to provide data on this topic; and only 51.5% of them stated that they had disclosed their self-harming behaviour to someone else, most frequently to their peer(s) (80.0%). Female subjects disclosed this information significantly more often than men (p = 0.000) and were significantly more willing (p = 0.025) to provide data about their behaviour in this area. There were no age specificities observed in the self-disclosure by self-harming adolescents. The analysis of the results suggests a need to provide the target group of adolescents with information regarding the help available to self-harming individuals as well as a need of further scientific observation of possible barriers, facilitators or interventional (e.g. personality-related) variables.

Fiscal Instruments to Protect the Business Environment in Times of PandemicPublished  in Postmodern Openings,  Vol. 11 N...

Fiscal Instruments to Protect the Business Environment in Times of Pandemic

Published in Postmodern Openings, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2020.

Authored by: Daniela Hudelcu

Article available at:

Starting with the decree of the state of emergency, the business environment in Romania was severely affected in terms of organization and operation. Companies without cash and debts to the state budget, felt the interruption/suspension of the activity acutely, even within a legislation granting fiscal facilities, pre-existing the establishment of the state of emergency. The speed with which things evolved, viewed in the economy as a whole, normative acts regarding some fiscal-budgetary measures and the behavior of the business environment determines even today a careful analysis of the future situation of all factors involved in economic development. This article aims to draw attention, the effectiveness of those fiscal protection instruments with immediate applicability to large companies, given that the economic impact on small and medium-sized companies was felt more strongly, according to legal regulations.

Libraries Reaction of Romania to the Crisis Caused by COVID 19Published  in Postmodern Openings,  Vol. 11 No. 3, 2020.Au...

Libraries Reaction of Romania to the Crisis Caused by COVID 19

Published in Postmodern Openings, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2020.

Authored by: Agnes Erich

Article available at:

Nowadays, given the global crisis generated by the new coronavirus COVID-19 that led to the installation of a global pandemic, the role of libraries, regardless of their type (public, academic, university, specialized etc.), is very important, given that they represent the main sources of trust in the distribution of verified information. The way they responded to the challenge was different from case to case. Public libraries were the first to realize that they need to find solutions to stay in touch with their users, using the new media technologies, bringing to them credible and up-to-date information on topics of interest to each citizen or for each institution. Knowing the aspects of information literacy (especially digital literacy) have proved indispensable to be able to relate in this virtual form. In this paper we want to do a research on the mechanisms identified by each type of library to come in real support of users, given that fake news has invaded social media and it has become increasingly difficult for ordinary people to assess the correctness and the veracity of the information. The analysis was performed on all 41 county libraries plus the Metropolitan Library of Bucharest, National Library of Romania, Library of the Romanian Academy, as well as on a number of university and specialized libraries, the aim being to observe their reaction capacity and adaptability in times of crisis.

Subjectivity of Western Personality: Limits of RationalityPublished  in Postmodern Openings,  Vol. 11 No. 3, 2020.Author...

Subjectivity of Western Personality: Limits of Rationality

Published in Postmodern Openings, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2020.

Authored by: Olga Poroshenko

Article available at:

If we don’t go deep into scientific definitions and interpretations, then such words as “Self”, “Subjectivity”, “Internal World” appear to be the same. At least, they all stand for something inside the human, inside the intimate spiritual world that is hidden from curious eyes.

That all would be fine and even congruent with us, only that internal world was not so fragile. What terrible tragedies do we experience when confronted in minor internal conflicts with others arising from “misunderstanding”, “non-inclusion”, not to mention life tragedies, such as, “solitude” and “self-destruction”.

So, western personas, you and I, face an insolvable contradiction: we want to create, as we are subjects, but postmodernists forbid us. Since it is forbidden to change the external world, there is only one choice: to refute the external world and turn your gaze into yourself.

If we freed our mind from pragmatic chains, we would clearly see that sociological problem of self-identification is a more fundamental problem; it is a problem of self-justification of “my I”, i.e. a problem of my personal anthropodicity.

Oriental metaphysics is impenetrable to the West. The entire “esoteric” line of European philosophy from Plato to Heidegger can be called the “technique of translating” oriental metaphysics into the language of European science. Our western “Universal Spirit” is the same as that of the Indians, i.e. one for all. Therefore, it is up to the East to demonstrate it, and the West - to describe it, to each their own.

Shakespeare’s Vivid Presence in the Age of PostmodernityPublished  in Postmodern Openings,  Vol. 11 No. 3, 2020.Authored...

Shakespeare’s Vivid Presence in the Age of Postmodernity

Published in Postmodern Openings, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2020.

Authored by: Esther Peter (Andraș)

Article available at:

This paper aims to address the complex interrelations between William Shakespeare’s theatrical work and Postmodernism, substantiating the idea that the Bard has not become obsolete in contemporary culture. The playwright’s timelessness and transcendence do not require acknowledgement as the postmodern world continues to embrace his aesthetics ardently. Many social issues of Shakespeare’s plays have determined ideas that we consider universally true: ideas about human character, ethics, leadership, love and betrayal, gender and race. These topics have been reimagined in postmodern literature, film and in the fields of psychology, sociology, business, political theory and law. In wrestling with the provocative questions and scenarios Shakespeare created, we question our own assumptions and beliefs, clarify our own thoughts, and become better thinkers. Although Shakespeare’s plays may not always anticipate postmodern ideologies, they definitely generate a wide array of discussions relevant to the age of Postmodernity due to the universality of the themes, tendencies and attitudes, ranging from history to politics, from tragedy to comedy. Considering Shakespeare’s popularity as the most quoted and appropriated author, it is hardly surprising to discover that contemporary critics have been concerned with re-examining his plays in order to strengthen or defy certain postmodern discourses. Far from exhausting all possibilities, the present article seeks to produce generalizable knowledge and encourage further transdisciplinary research.

Coding with Patience (Programare cu Rabdare) – a Non-Formal Educational Initiative to Increase the ICT SkillsPublished  ...

Coding with Patience (Programare cu Rabdare) – a Non-Formal Educational Initiative to Increase the ICT Skills

Published in Postmodern Openings, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2020.

Authored by: Bogdan Patrut, Stefan-Alfred Maris, Simina Maris

Article available at:

Non-formal learning in ICT refers to various situations that are not covered by the classical schooling system: either the students want to learn something that is not in the curricula offered by their schools, either they want to enhance the knowledge acquired at school. Moreover, non-formal methods offer a friendly environment oriented to learning and acquiring not only the desired competencies, but also cross-competencies like cooperation, critical thinking, innovation, entrepreneurship and other life and career-oriented skills.

From this point of view, this paper will present a case study of a non-formal educational entity in ICT (Coding with Patience) which focuses on enhancing programming competencies of young people. This is a private initiative that promotes collaborative learning, aiming to offer equal opportunities through inclusive education. The present outcomes of the initiative will be compared with its objectives and further development directions will be detailed.

Some Reflections on Transparency as the First Economic DisinfectantPublished  in Postmodern Openings,  Vol. 11 No. 3, 20...

Some Reflections on Transparency as the First Economic Disinfectant

Published in Postmodern Openings, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2020.

Authored by: Raluca Anica Onufreiciuc

Article available at:

Better access to information and administrative transparency are known for their popularity in recent years. Open data portals and transparency index have been slowly enabling public participation together with citizens’ engagement and commitment.

From a business and economical perspective, these two principles are closely related to fairness promotion and the empowerment of a smarter and more informed choice. The following paper analysis how the lack of transparency instruments and several transparency measures taken especially in crisis times can affect public trust and also which are the possible solutions community actors such as business sector can contribute with.

Beyond Cultural Identity. A Critique of Horizon Zero Dawn as an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem SimulatorPublished  in Postmod...

Beyond Cultural Identity. A Critique of Horizon Zero Dawn as an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Simulator

Published in Postmodern Openings, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2020.

Authored by: Andrei Nae

Article available at:

The post-apocalyptic game Horizon: Zero Dawn is a role-playing game that simulates the adventures of Aloy, a female protagonist, in a world where human civilization has returned to its premodern stage of development and the world’s fauna has mysteriously become robotic. The cause for this regress into premodernity is revealed by the game’s embedded narrative which explains that life on earth had almost become extinct as a result of a military AI going rogue. Implicit in the game’s embedded narrative is a strong critique of global capitalism that highlights how neoliberal ideas such as corporate governance, deregulation, and automation imperil life on the planet. Despite its critique, gameplay is structured on the very principles that the game’s narrative claims to reject. The world of Horizon: Zero Dawn simulates an entrepreneurial ecosystem in which the player must identify opportunities and manage resources in such a manner as to successfully beat the game. The in-game economy encourages the accumulation of natural resources and features no in-built mechanic to account for the environmental consequences of the playable character’s actions, notwithstanding the environmental critique of the game’s narrative. This article argues that, contrary to its scripted narrative, Horizon: Zero Dawn naturalizes capitalism by means of its procedural rhetoric. I further argue that the overt critique of capitalism diverts the player’s attention from the capitalist principles that support gameplay, thus, paradoxically, consolidating the ideological nature of gameplay. The game’s endorsement of capitalism dovetails with a meritocratic worldview which inflects the game’s approach to cultural identity and diversity.

Challengers to Conceptual Understanding of Sustainable Development Regarding Decentralization of Power and Responsibilit...

Challengers to Conceptual Understanding of Sustainable Development Regarding Decentralization of Power and Responsibility in the Conditions of the Postmodern Society

Published in Postmodern Openings, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2020.

Authored by: Myroslav Kryshtanovych, Rostyslav Dzanyy, Elzara Topalova, Ilmira Tokhtarova, Nataliya Pirozhenko

Article available at:

Globalization processes and crisis tendencies of modern society prompt them to be solved primarily in the framework of management, top-level management, and government management. Reforming in most developed countries goes in two directions: delegation of authority to places, decentralization of power and, accordingly, strengthening the responsibility of local authorities for decisions made, in accordance with the accumulation of experience and competencies, will certainly contribute to the sustainable development of territories. The idea of decentralization of power is quite young, since almost until the twentieth century, federalized (decentralized) states were perceived as weak, which corresponded to reality in the conditions of constant wars of conquest. As historical examples come to mind two remarkable events that occurred at different times in different countries, and, accordingly, had different consequences. The vital activity of people in society, the way of their self-affirmation and development in the world, socio-historical practice. Since the socio-historical practice of people is based on their activities, in which there is not only a rapid transformation of the natural and social conditions of life of people, but also of themselves. The basis of socio-historical practice of people is world experience, embodying various contacts of people with nature and with each other in the process of various activities, where the leading role belongs to management and self-government. With the development of the economy and the growth of individual demand, due to the increasing complexity of social contacts, society was faced with an increase in social contradictions.

The Phenomenon of the Institution of Education in the World Order of Postmodern GlobalizationPublished  in Postmodern Op...

The Phenomenon of the Institution of Education in the World Order of Postmodern Globalization

Published in Postmodern Openings, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2020.

Authored by: Yuliia Korotkova, Svitlana Romanyuk, Lesia Vysochan, Lesia Shkleda, Liudmyla Kozlova

Article available at:

Globalization as a phenomenon of the modern world in recent years has spread to the educational system. Under these conditions, new values of the mechanism of education were formed and formed: the first is aimed at recognizing education as the most important principle of cultural genesis, and the second, on the contrary, suggests a decline in interest in education as a means of creative self-realization. These contradictory positions are global in nature, but do not depend on the national-state and cultural characteristics of educational systems. The trend towards globalization is manifested in the following areas: the development of the global economic environment, the emergence and mass distribution of PCs and the Internet, as well as the involvement of the educated population of non-European countries such as India, Japan, South Korea, China in the scientific and technological process. At the same time, the leading trend is the intensive growth of cultural diversity as independent entities. Since education is an integral part of any modern person, the educational sphere is influenced by those trends that characterize global dynamics, as well as determine general and individual worldview and moral dominants, affecting individuals in the design of world order. Globalization is a fairly new state of world organization and evidence of the formation of a new type of culture. However, its origins and trends have long been deeply embedded in the bowels of culture, it demonstrates the general nature of globalization, and manifests itself through cultural universals. Their most significant component is generally accepted sociocultural values, which can become the basis for the development of modern society.

The Crisis of Power as a Problem of the Development of Public Administration in the Postmodern WorldPublished  in Postmo...

The Crisis of Power as a Problem of the Development of Public Administration in the Postmodern World

Published in Postmodern Openings, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2020.

Authored by: Iryna Isaienko

Article available at:

One of the leading problems of the theory of globalization is the interaction of the modern state, public groups and the power system as the main source of development of the state and society. Today there is a sharp decline in the economic role of the state in the context of globalization of national markets and the monopoly regulator of the political and social system, typical of the states of the industrial era, leading to a crisis of civil society, developing within the framework of national statehood. However, such a world in the form of a “world power” does not arise, just as a global social community arose, similar to a nation. There is also a significant differentiation of nations with a tendency to primitivization, clericalization and archaization of social structures and public consciousness and, in general, an increase in the heterogeneity and conflict of modern societies. Such dramatic changes have affected the degradation of the system of power relations, including the social mechanisms of subordination, which are fundamentally unconscious of either the economy or administrative sanctions. However, the modern state, although it has lost a significant part of its capabilities and functions, continues to be the basis of social life within its territorial borders. The main objective of the study is to study the characteristics of the crisis of power in the postmodern world.

The Importance of Employer Branding in Recruiting Young TalentsPublished  in Postmodern Openings,  Vol. 11 No. 3, 2020.A...

The Importance of Employer Branding in Recruiting Young Talents

Published in Postmodern Openings, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2020.

Authored by: Ecaterina Chițu

Article available at:

In the context of globalization, organization no longer have the capacity to offer long – term and linear careers. The insecurity circumstances in which the employees live have led to the loss of the reference values, as well as a change in the expectations and behaviors of the employees. Thus, in order to attract talent, but also to retain current employees, organizations are increasingly focusing on the employer brand.

Attracting and retaining the young talents that ensure the success of the organization, generating a potential for real representation of the existing asset, is a necessary imperative nowadays. The importance of the image of the organizations has increased in the last period due the increased competitiveness between the organizations that aim to recruit the highest qualified young talents.

Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of employer branding in recruiting young talents.

The methodology used is based on a qualitative approach, focused on the analysis of specialized literature, online magazines, press articles, etc.

The results show that the new generation of talent presents new needs such as authenticity, transparency, spontaneity and a clearly defined purpose, and in order to attract young talent, organizations must take into account the image of the company that reflect the needs and desires of this category. The employer brand transmits and image of this employees, as well as of the potential employees, this image not being sufficient for attracting, retaining and motivating the young talents. Thus, the external messages transmitted by the employer brand must be in accordance with their own reality.

Postmodern Picture of Reality of Scientific Knowledge: Evolution by Epistemological DiversityPublished  in Postmodern Op...

Postmodern Picture of Reality of Scientific Knowledge: Evolution by Epistemological Diversity

Published in Postmodern Openings, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2020.

Authored by: Volodymyr Bekh, Alla Yaroshenko, Tetiana Zhyzhko, Vatiliy Ignatyev, Roman Dodonov

Article available at:

The modern world is colorful, diverse, contradictory and not without contradictions. Accordingly, the problems of the modern world are a combination of various problems closely intertwined and interconnected. So, the study of the fundamental foundations of cognition becomes relevant, among which the postmodern methodology stands out as particularly pluralistic, in its development it responded to the trends of the time and was always aimed at solving problems of a particular person, distinguished by the “humanity”, “reality” of thought. Within the framework of postmodernism, representatives of this trend pose problems that are difficult to solve. Firstly, this is due to the fact that postmodernists claim that, on the one hand, speech-discourse constructs reality, and on the other, reality itself determines discourse. Secondly, they emphasize that there is no place for a general theory either in science or in humanitarian studies, while this statement is part of theoretical knowledge. Third, in discussing consumer society, cultural pluralism, postmodernists turn to “realistic ontology”. So, putting forward the thesis that society is a kind of product of discourse, they voluntarily or involuntarily uphold the idealistic epistemology. The ideas of postmodernism can be perceived very differently. A certain number of people may “not accept” the views of postmodernism, depriving its representatives of an essential role in modern philosophy of science.

Historical Types of Rationality and Irrationality in the Structure of Post-Modernist ConsciousnessPublished  in Postmode...

Historical Types of Rationality and Irrationality in the Structure of Post-Modernist Consciousness

Published in Postmodern Openings, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2020.

Authored by: Yuliya Bekh, Oleksandr Riabeka, Viktor Vashkevych, Vasyl Zinkevych, Yana Chepurenko

Article available at:

Modern culture as part of social life reflects the processes and changes occurring in the environment and in the minds of people. In an industrialized society, one can identify a certain tendency, which is the tendency of modern culture to remythologize. However, it is worth noting that at the same time, an opposite trend arises, which is aimed at its complete destruction. Both trends were formed due to a new type of rationality - postmodern rationality with its plurality and relativism. Today, researchers explain postmodernism as an era not only of the development of social reality, but of consciousness. Along with this, a completely new perception of reality as chaos appears, where new patterns of organization and operation of today's reality are created. Human consciousness has its own mechanisms for streamlining experience. Such a mechanism, which consists in the sphere of consciousness, is rationality. The term “rationality” itself is interpreted as the ability of thinking to create a special world of ideal objects and transform it into an object of activity, guided by the principle of the identity of thinking and being. Within the framework of scientific rationality, one can distinguish between classical, non-classical and post-non-classical rationality of postmodernism. In the public mind in the twentieth century. a new type of rationality has emerged - the postmodern rationality, formed due to cultural changes, such as a crisis in the field of science, art, a crisis of the spiritual life of society, social development along the path of globalization.






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