LUTG RADIO Jesus loves you. Jesus came for the whole world.Get saved. for for posts.


Is this the same guy that stomped a woman working at a dollar general or some retailer that was trying to get him a bag of ice? The woman said everyone in the area is afraid of him. So they don’t help when he throws a tantrum and starts beating, stomping and kicking people. The woman is a single mother and needed that job to support her child. She had to quit or was let go. Even the police won’t do much according to the reporter. He gets arrested and then released.
Do you think he like that with his children, wife/girlfriend, momma or daddy? Is there anyone he respects?


US Postal Service

We knows it’s hot outside. What can residents do to gelpbb by you? Do you want us to help?
For example:
1. every other house put a block of ice out and use a fan to blow air in the direction of the sidewalk. This cools the area and air.
2. Leave an ice chest on the porch full of ice and bottled water, Powerade?
3. Open the doors to the package areas for Apt complexes cause they are air conditioned.
4. Pick up mail at the post office counter on 100 degree days!
5. Put a fan in the mail area if it’s outside for Apt complexes?

Please say something. You talk to the unions but y’all not talking to the citizens whose mail needs to be delivered. It’s how we get our resources.

We want you to be healthy, live long and prosper. So please talk to the people and companies you deliver mail to so we can help.

HBCU Florida University/College duped Scholarships lost, medical divisions not realized and real small donors didn’t giv...

HBCU Florida University/College duped
Scholarships lost, medical divisions not realized and real small donors didn’t give cause of a deceptive act.

I am not a lawyer. This is only a point of view.
Contact a lawyer, accountant or financial professional who specializes in the gift of the nature.

HBCU’s, Alumni and all colleges and universities and educational systems, if a donor is offered to give or transfer stocks from their company, tell them to cash in the stock and give you a cashier’s check from a reputable bank. Confirm the check by calling the back from their public ally listed number, walk into the bank to confirm assets and cash the check off of that account and put the cash in the school’s account that way it will not adversely impact your school.

Millions intended for scholarships, athletics facilities, the nursing school and a student business incubator will not be realized.

Do you realize The United States of America began cause a group of people wanted to have the freedom to worship? Another...

Do you realize The United States of America began cause a group of people wanted to have the freedom to worship? Another group wanted to be free and treated equally as any other man and women wanted the full rights of a person to be able to worship freely, buy and own land, a business, be single or married or wear pants in the freezing winter, the freedom to vote their choices.

Now we have it all and the oppressor Donald J. Trump, former president and republican candidate wants to renege on The freedoms of men and women to choose for themselves like he reneged on countless dealings in New York the city, the place he called home.

If a man will trash his own home what will he do to your home? Don’t let former president Donald J. Trump trample on your home. Protect all of your freedoms. Vote Kamala Harris for President of these United States 🇺🇸 of America!

Together, we can finish the job for the American people. Are you with us? Join our campaign to re-elect Kamala Harris today!

 , for the love of God, spirit s*x is real! STOP IT!  You are using demons to Accost women, opening doors to sin for you...

, for the love of God, spirit s*x is real! STOP IT! You are using demons to Accost women, opening doors to sin for yourself and the person you are bothering. This is akin to r**e. It’s unwanted. Ask God for your own wife. Stick with only her. is result of actions.

“Worship Through It"- Tasha Layton & Chris BrownStream & Download: Tasha Layton on Spotify:


President Joe Biden
If Joe don’t run we don’t vote! Let’s Go Joe! Vote Joe Biden for President of the USA Tuesday November 5, 2024! Biden-Harris Ticket. Vote for Joe! Let’s Go Joe!!!!


Christians, body of Christ Jesus. Pray for the safety of the Republican convention, attendees, and security and law enforcement even if you ain’t a Republican. We are praying for their lives so they can receive salvation and the gift of long life with good health and prosperity. Isaiah 54:16-17, Psalm 91, Mathew 6:9-13, numbers 6:24-27. Amen.


This is The United States of America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. We the people of the ISA support freedom of speech that doesn’t stomp on the rights of others. So, if you believe in a god called Sammy and another man believes in a god called Jill then that’s their business. It ain’t your business to tell them they can’t believe. If you want to talk with them about your beliefs and they agree to talk fine. If you want to stand in the park and speak about your faith fine, it’s a public space. No body cares. Just don’t strap a bomb to your chest or pull out a rifle and start infringing on the right to life and Liberty for others. Don’t be selfish. For. Me Any god that ain’t Jesus is the adversary called satan. This is my right to say so. You may think my God is the adversary. That’s your choice to believe whatever you want, just don’t be selfish in your beliefs by going and killing a bunch innocent people. EMPTYHEADS not welcome in the USA. BE BY THESE WORDS OF WISDOM!!


Thank you Heavenly Father for the salvation of the true Jew by the blood of Jesus (every gentile )
Acts 13,
37 But he, whom God raised again, saw no corruption.

38 Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins:

39 And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.

  -no teeth needed here!

-no teeth needed here!

 , when you employ people remember to treat them fairly as you yourself would want to be treated. Working for free and b...

, when you employ people remember to treat them fairly as you yourself would want to be treated. Working for free and being forced to pay you to live in your house while they clean 18 hours a day 7 days a week is called slavery. It was abolished. And just as the slaves of years past revolted so did these poorly paid slave-like employees. Kindness is free. Generosity of paying correctly and on time it what you demand from all of your businesses, investments, etc. Why not do the same for your domestic contracts like household staff. The pleasure of your presence will not pay the bills of the staff nor put food on the tables of these Indian families or any that are exploited. This family business has been around for over 100 years and all are billionaires, about $14billion and for some strange reason they refused to show kindness and respect and pay correctly to the people that took care of all their household daily requirements of their household. Money is never to be loved. Money is a tool. People are to be loved and cherished. Strike good deals with your employees not slave wages.

stop working for free. If you encounter this leave. Go to the police. Call your family and tell them what’s happening. Just leave.

Ajay Hinduja and his wife, Namrata were charged with human trafficking and sentenced to four years in prison.

Applying the word of God to the leaders of the church doesn’t mean you don’t love them as Jesus loves the church( John 1...

Applying the word of God to the leaders of the church doesn’t mean you don’t love them as Jesus loves the church( John 13:34-35). Rather, it is justified by God. Jesus paid the price to deliver us from sin, not to cover it up. Forgive and move forward allowing Jesus Christ to bring correction to that person(s). If they won’t receive correction from Jesus Christ, (proverbs 12, 3:11, 15:10,Jeremiah 2:30), The Holy Spirit, you can’t change that person, let go imitating Jesus as in Ephesians 5:1-10. See Titus 1,

1 Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness;

2 In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;

3 But hath in due times manifested his word through preaching, which is committed unto me according to the commandment of God our Saviour;

4 To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.

5 For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee:

6 If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly.

7 For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;

8 But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;

9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.

10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:

11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.

12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, the Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.

13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;

14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness; In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began; But hath in due times manifested his word through pre...

This is what happens to the adversary of Jesus Christ.  Read it and get saved. All those that follow the adversary will ...

This is what happens to the adversary of Jesus Christ. Read it and get saved. All those that follow the adversary will be judged for their own sin and thrown into the lake of fire. This is a real thing that will happen. Read it for yourself.

Prayer of forgiveness

Then I saw an angel descending from heaven; he was holding the key of the Abyss (the bottomless pit) and a great chain was in his hand. And he gripped and overpowered the dragon, that old serpent [of primeval times], who is the devil and Satan, and [securely] bound him for a thousand years. Then he....


You what I just an email from Joe Biden for the presidential re-election 2024. In it he said Trump raised $141 million on campaign contributions. My question is how much of that went to the Republican campaign offices to pay the workers and the rents and the utilities. I know they love trump but what has he done for them lately? Vote Joe Biden for President 2024. Oh he is Catholic, kept his babies and didn’t punish people for making bad decisions.


Some men bound with demons will hurt those they love. They enjoy the sin of that spirit so much that they violently object to truth. I witnessed such a thing at a young age. I tried to stop it but witchcraft was used against me. The young man’s heart spoke telling the older man to stop doing bad things.

The older man was prancing in the living room to no music like a female on a mission. I asked to go outside and shovel snow with the younger boy. He said no it’s cold. I got sick a lot back then. I said ok. He was taking off his coat that was too small. He had beautiful chocolate perfect skin. He was tall about 5ft 10 at age 12. He was skinny and kind.

Just then the older man came over with cigarette hanging from his lip and forcefully zipped up the boy’s coat. It was apparent the coat was too small. I had wanted the boy to go back outside to get away from the older man. I knew something life altering was about to happen because this man was filled with an evil spirit and a petty man.

He forced the zipper deliberately snatching the boy’s neck in the zipper. This caused terrible scarring. He had keloid in his blood which cause tumors to grow when skin is severely damaged. They grew all over his chest and back. He was in the hospital getting steroid treatments which changed his good personality. It took years but he forgave the man. But instead of receiving forgiveness, the man began to call the boy a fag for playing and watching over his little sisters.

He would help us comb the baby doll heads. Most boys would break the dolls but he was gentle. He would help his mom by watching out for his sisters keeping them quiet while she slept or was cooking. She worked 12-16 hour days.

It turns out it was the older man that was the homos*xual. He got caught performing oral s*x on one of his men. No one called him a fag. They just loved him as he was not wanting to bring more shame on him. Forgiveness for him is extremely hard to give cause he is ashamed of himself. The boy forgave him before he died and let me know he had forgiven. He said in front of me to the man that he forgave him. It was the pain in his body that was so difficult to deal with daily. By the grace of Jesus Christ the boy forgave his oppressor.


Remember Jesus loves you. Many men related to you and not, have odd senses of right and wrong. Taking bets to see if they can coax you into fornicating with randoms is evil. So no matter how much they proclaim to be for Jesus Christ, their minds are fully with the adversary aka sataum/satan. Rebuke it and go forward choosing not to sin. They constantly tell you to stay out of their business but they manage to be all up in yours to the point of taking monetary bets for you to have s*x. Sending men your way giving out your information. This is called prostitution. A w***e charges and knows his/her choices. You aren’t a w***e so don’t let anyone pimp you out. He did it with a dentist bill he didn’t want to pay when you were 14 and a virgin an older age is no different. Luckily Jesus sent a God fearing woman into the room. An evil male is an evil male no matter the relationship. If he hated you at six years old, 10, 14 and adult verbalizing his hatred of you ain’t nothing changed. He is the real w***e, a man without loyalty, never trust.

Congratulations Sha’Carri Richardson 100m Champion,

Congratulations Sha’Carri Richardson 100m Champion,

The Prefontaine Classic 2024 witnessed a turn of events as Sha’Carri Richardson, the rising star of US track and field, clinched victory.

The best thing you can do for any person of any age is tell them the truth, Jesus Christ is Lord and paid the price for ...

The best thing you can do for any person of any age is tell them the truth, Jesus Christ is Lord and paid the price for the sins of the whole world. Even though they go through stuff Jesus is with them. Tell them to call on His name for help. He requires their permission to help. Jesus loves you as you are no cleanup required.


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