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The attention of the Gambia Prison Service (GPS) was drawn to a publication made by the Voice Newspaper dated 9th May 2024, with the headline; “Mile 2 wardens accused of sexually-Harassing inmates”.

In the same article, the Voice Newspaper claimed to be quoting the ‘2021 Annual Activity Report of office of the Ombudsman to the parliamentary committee on Finance and Public Accounts Committee (FPAC)’ has made numerous unfounded claims ranging from harassment of prisoners, beatings, lack of medications, feeding among others.

However, to avoid ill-informed conclusions by well-meaning Gambians, the management wishes to set the record straight and clarify on some of the unsubstantiated allegations mentioned in the said report.

1. On the issue of feeding as reported in the Newspaper, the management of the prison wishes to emphatically make it clear that the government of The Gambia is more than committed to providing enough feedings for the inmates at the prison. Following the change of the government in 2016, the government of The Gambia conducted an assessment of the country’s prisons with the desire of addressing some of the key issues they are encountering. Providing good meals for the prisoners was among the issues highlighted. We can clearly say that since then, the yearly budget for the prisoners feeding alone has significantly improved. In fact, to set the record straight, the government of The Gambia has increased the budget for prisoners feeding from 27 million dalasis in 2023 to 47 million dalasis in 2024. This clearly demonstrates that the current government under the leadership of President Barrow, is committed to addressing the challenges the prison services are encountering.

Meanwhile, only individuals who are currently remanded at the prison by our reputable courts are allowed to receive food from their family members.

2. In the same report, the author, still quoting the ombudsman report, claimed that some disciplinary officers at the Mile Prison beat inmates and sexually harassed them. The management of the prison unequivocally denied such claims. It is important to note that since the change of government in 2016, the GPS is among the most reformed security and public institutions in the country. The management of the prison will never allow any inmates to be subjected to any form of harassment, talk less of beatings. Beatings of prisoners have never happened and it will never happen under this current administration and certainly not in this current government.

3 Again, on almost a daily basis, the senior management of the prison aside from their continued routine to the prison, do convene meetings at the prison administration building. Top among the issues discussed during such convergence, is about the welfare and condition of the prisoners. Almost in all of these meetings, the director general of the Prison do strongly emphasised the need for the prisoners rights and dignity to be respected at all times. Therefore, under no circumstances he will allow harassment or beatings of prisoners to be conducted at the prison.

4. It is also important to note that this current administration is developing a lot of policies and guidelines that are geared towards ensuring that prisoners' rights are respected. These are all measures put in place with a view to ensure that no prisoner is subjected to any form of beatings among others as claimed by the report.’

5. On the issue of “strip searching” which is a practice of searching a person for weapons or other contraband suspected of being hidden on their body or inside their clothing, we want to clarified despite the fact that these are accepted norms everywhere in the world, but in the Gambia prisons, we ensure that inmates are not thoroughly subjected to these practise. However, when inmates are brought to the prison, we ensure that they are searched in order to ensure that they don’t get in the prison with any object or any other things at the prison. Even those officers that do administer these searches, are always advised to do so with utmost respect to the individuals.

6. Again, on numerous occasions during these searches, prison officers do at some instances detect some items from people that are brought to the prison or relatives of prisoners that come to visit their loved ones.

6. On the issue of shortage of medications at the prison, we want to authoritatively report that prisoners' health condition is among the top priorities of the prison administration. Due to the commitment of the management, a qualified and experienced health worker was employed by the GPS. Therefore, with his dedicated team, they are doing everything possible in ensuring that prisoners' health is improved. If there is no medication at the prison, we always request medications from the relevant authorities. Where a prisoner (s) needs medication and there is a shortage of medications, we always ensure that the individual is referred to the country’s main referral hospital Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital or any nearby hospitals.

7. On the issue of no ambulances at the Janjangbureh prison, we wish to state it clearly that there are three vehicles at the said prison. A brand new es**rt van and two other new pick-up Toyota vehicles. These are all geared towards ensuring that the issue of transportation from Janjangbureh to Bansang Hospital becomes a thing of the past.

The management of the prison will continue to do their best in ensuring prisoners right, dignity are respected at all times. We will continue to provide that enabling environment for them.

Additionally, we will continue to work with all respected public and private institutions in the country namely; the office of the ombudsman, National Human Right Commission among others all geared towards nation building.

We wish to state that the government of The Gambia through the Ministry of Interior and the Gambia Prison Service (GPS) is more than committed to reforming the country’s prison as it is manifested in the massive reforms that have been undertaken for the past years.

Finally, we urged the members of the press who are our critical partners to always contact the department for any clarifications on anything that is fit for public consumption.

Director of Admin
Signed by spokesperson of the GPS



1. The Coach Can Play For The Team If He Wants To: Many might not know this but a coach is part of the team and can sub a player and step on the pitch to play. A typical example is with Gianluca Vialli who used to play for Juventus and later coached Chelsea, he was still capable of playing and so usually subbed himself when the need arises for him to step in. So don’t be surprised when one day a coach decides to play for his team.

2. Referees Can Be Substituted: For most of our lives that we’ve watched football, it is not common to see a referee being subbed but in the Fifa soccer rules, this is accepted. If a referee is unable to continue with the match, he can be subbed with an assistant referee to take over the match.

3. Linesmen Can Issue Cards: The assistant referee is supposed to inform the referee of offenses which happened on his blind side and decide whether to give a card. If the referee gives the mandate to the linesman, he can issue a card based on what he saw, but the responsibility lies on the referee to give the assistant referee the go ahead according to the Fifa Rule 6.

4. A player cannot be offside from a goal kick, corner or throw-in: During goal kick, corner or throw-in, even if the player is in an off-side position, it is not counted. This has caused many teams goals when they assume it is an off-side and it takes them by surprise.

5. A substitute cannot take a corner or a throw-in to restart the match: When a ball goes out for a throw-in and the team decides to sub a player, the new player who just stepped in cannot take the throw to restart the match. You probably never knew this right?

6. It is illegal for a goalkeeper to roll his sleeves up: A goalkeeper is allowed to wear long sleeves due to their role but one thing they cannot do is to roll the sleeves up to form a short sleeve, they can be given a card for that.

7. A goalkeeper can't pick the ball once he has let it out of his possession until another player has touched it. After catching a ball, a goalkeeper can't pick up the ball again if he decide to drop it until another player has touched it. If he disobeys, he will receive a card it is either for him to kick it or allow another player to pass it back to him before he can pick it up.

8. A linesman can officiate a match: itis absolutely legal for an assistant referee to take over the match and officiate if the referee can't continue with the match, so basically a linesman is also a referee who can do everything a ref does.

Now that you know, don't be too quick to challenge decisions of match officials.

Source: FIN

The Only Tool To Conquer Anger Is Forgiveness.I will never revenge again, I was about to retaliate of all what they offe...

The Only Tool To Conquer Anger Is Forgiveness.

I will never revenge again, I was about to retaliate of all what they offended me since my childhood up to my adulthood.

The good tidings of prophet Yusupha, the messiah Jesus, prophet Musa, Sulayman son of Dauda and the last messenger Muhammad (s,a,w) and the tales of Pharaoh of Egypt, king Ni**od of Shinah and king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.

The revelations and mercy of Allah makes me think of the evitable death.

Why as a man of God should I revenge to my fellow human being, they are part of me from Adam the first man ever created by Allah.

SUPPORT THE NEEDY ON EDUCATION Donate To Help Build Community School At Jambang Jelly Where Quranic Memorization, Arabic...


Donate To Help Build Community School At Jambang Jelly Where Quranic Memorization, Arabic And Nursery School Basic Knowledge Will Be Propagated To The Needy Within Our Local .Community.

The project is to construct 8 rooms, that will includes Quranic Memorization, 1 office, Arabic school and nursery school.

The students will be in two categories, morning classes for the permanent students and evening classes for both temporal students and elderly person who wants to recite the Quran perfectly.
Please you can donate in any kind or cash as Sadaqah Jariyah charity and send it through wave 🌊 on_+2209581558 or contact_+2202423322.

Sadaqah Jariyah is charity that continues to benefit people long-term and continues to earn the giver rewards, even after death.


Is this fair?

- In November 2023, the cabinet had a meeting and approved the increment of transport and residential allowances for Civil Servants. No one gave them Ebbeh or Nan Mburu to increase the allowances.

- In a letter to the Ministry of Finance, the Personnel Management Office wrote that President Adama Barrow and his minister have considered and approved the increment of Transport Allowance from D1,500 to D2,500 and Residential Allowance from D1,700 to D3,000.

- But in January 2024, the same President Adama Barrow and his ministers decided to wakh-wakhet, canceling the allowance increment.

- At the Judiciary, a memo from the judicial secretary today landed on the desk of the financial controller, ordering him to stop the additional D1000 increased to the House to Office (transport) allowance.

- The judicial secretary also ordered the financial controller to recover the four months earlier paid to their staff.

- Some of the staff at the Judiciary are very angry right now. They disclosed to What's On-Gambia: "Our financial controller wants us to return the D4000 that was paid to us from January to April 2024. We did not ask for the increment. It was the cabinet that decided it and later canceled it. Why should we return the money?"

OUR ADVICE: Don't return a single butut. Protest and stop accepting every nonsense thrown at you by the government.


FROM A FOLLOWER: With regards to your recent post about the shortage of ID and license cards, it's also important to note that despite the name "biometric", the Gambia Immigration Department has no available data on these IDs.

Evidence of my claim is here.

I first registered in 2022 and got an ID card number ______ 210 011. This cost me just D450, if I remember.

Somewhere in 2023, I lost my documents and went back to get another ID card. Thinking that it's digital and biometric, they will just have to scan my fingers or search through using my previous ID card number. But to my surprise, I was taken through a fresh registration, and the worst of all is that a new ID card number was generated for me. ID card number ______ 210 026. This process cost me D1200, I have no problem with that.

A few days ago, I came across a picture of my old ID in my PC, and I was like, wow, the only Gambian with two different IDs.

Please ask the GID where is is the "DATA"?


Dear What’s On Gambia,

Your story claiming to be from an insider of the Gambia Ferry Services that the planned trip to the Netherlands for the procurement of two new ferries from Damen Shipping Company was halted because of my unavailability to travel is totally false.

For your information, I have not travelled outside of The Gambia since January this year. I have always been in the country.

The truth of the matter is that the General Manager and two seasoned engineers of the Ferry Services, the MD of the GPA and I were to travel to the Netherlands in mid April to negotiate the process of buying an additional new green solar powered ferry but the trip has been rescheduled to the end of April to attend to the urgent repair works of Kunta Kinteh Ferry and to finalize the Port Concession negotiations. The contract signing of another brand new solar powered ferry which is a grant from the African Development Bank (AfDB) is expected to take place in Banjul this coming week after receiving their “no objection to the procurement process.”

It has to be noted that because government is procuring two brand new ferries to be built from scratch means that even if the contract is signed today, the ferries will be built through a phased period of 16 months.

Your source reported as if traveling to the Netherlands to sign the contract will get the ferries delivered the same day. No!!! That is totally misleading. The truth is that this Government has learnt critical lessons from the previous government’s buying of ferries. Thus this government is buying brand new purposely built ferries that are agile and specific to our conditions. These new ferries will use clean solar energy instead of heavy fuel that will definitely cut cost.

Finally for your information, no Minister of Transport has been more resolute about the situation of the ferries than me. Two months after being appointed, I instructed the purchase of new engines for the entire fleet to assure safety and reliability of service. The reason Kunta Kinteh is docked for maintenance today is thanks to that effort as those new engines have now arrived in the country and are being fixed on Kunta.

Similarly, the Management of GPA and Ferry Services have scheduled a complete overhaul of the Kanilai Ferry once maintenance works on Kunta Kinteh are completed shortly.

Once again I remind What’s On Gambia that our doors are opened for any clarifications.

Ebrima Sillah
Minister of Transport, Works and Infrastructure
Thank you, Honorable for the clarification. For The Gambia, our homeland.


Here is something I came across today, a 1972 resignation letter from then Vice President Sheriff M.Dibba and Sir Dawda’s reply.

No. 1 Marina Parade
Bathurst, The Gambia
15th September 1972

Dear Sir Dawda,
You informed me during the course of our discussion on 13th September, that preliminary Police enquires have revealed that the Land Rover involved in the recent smuggling incident, collected my brother (who was onboard the vehicle at the time it was arrested in the Republic of Senegal) at No. 1 Marina Parade and that the contraband goods impounded by the Senegalese Authorities were allegedly loaded into the Landrover at the said premises.
I would like to assure you that I stand high among all Gambians in condemning this shameful crime which had not only caused serious embarrassment to your Government, but to my humble self and it is my view that all the culprits should be brought to justice.
In view of the circumstances on this matter. I have regrettably decided to resign from the office of Vice President, in accordance with Section 46(c) of the constitution with effect from today. In taking this decision, I wish to inform you that I have no knowledge of this crime when it was being committed, and that I wish to declare my innocence.
Finally, I would like to thank you, and all my colleagues in the Government for the way in which all of you co-operated with me in the ex*****on of my duties as Vice President and leader of the House of Representatives and you can continue to rely on my loyal support for the Party and Government.

Yours very sincerely,

Dear Sheriff,
I have received your letter of 15th September 1972 in which you informed me that in view of the serious embarrassment caused to the Government by the involvement of a member of your family in a recent smuggling incident, and considering that the contraband items were alleged to have been loaded on a vehicle at No. 1 Marina you have decided to resign from office of Vice President with effect from 15th September 1972.
With much reluctance I accept your resignation. I appreciate the dedication and high sense of responsibility to the Nation which has prompted this difficult decision on your part, and I can assure you that I have no doubts as to your innocence. In hope therefore in consonance with your pledge of loyal support for the Party and Government you will continue serve as Minister of Finance. In keeping with the usual practice in these matters. I am publishing your letter and my reply for the information of the public.

Yours sincerely,


Police corruption?

Fenda, a young mother in Gunjur, wanted to kill herself. She drank poison.

The police were called and Fenda was rushed to the Brikama District Hospital, where she was briefly admitted and discharged.

Fenda’s family was asked to pay D3000 to kill the case. The police allegedly threatened that if they take the matter to court, the young mother might spend the rest of her life in prison for attempted su***de.

The family decided to borrow money from one of their neighbors and gave it to one Colley, a CID officer.


A man was suspect!ng his wife of cheating he decided to go to his village and consult a juju man. The juju man told him to come back in two weeks bringing along some sample of sand from his yard. 🤔🤔🤔So the man went back after two weeks with the sample of sand.🚶🏼🚶🏼🚶🏼The juju man performed his r!tuals and said to the man...."I don't know if you can handle hearing this. The man said go ahead. I want to hear it.👀👀👀The juju man said the two boys you have are not your sons, your daughter is seeing five different men and your wife is pregnant for your younger brother".The man started laughing. The juju man asked him why he was laughing, after all these bad news. The man responded, I don't know if you can handle this. The juju man said go ahead. The man said, I was running late and I forgot to bring the sand sample from my yard, so I dug out some from your compound. 🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃😂😂😂😅😅 BABALAWO SHOUTED

✍️📸: Unknown





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