
Uniquelahoma Uniquelahoma is an online magazine that highlights people, artists, and events all over Oklahoma. We What Is Uniquelahoma? We are history. We are information.

Perhaps to start, defining what we are not is the best way to describe us. We are not a news source to find the latest local and world events or a magazine to entertain. We are not the norm that is packaged and labeled to fit into a category. Instead, we are an island unto ourselves. We are unveiling; we are timeless. We tell timeless stories about people, places, and events that never go out of s

tyle regardless of when they were written. We share content that matters and gains value with the passage of time. We tell stories about all of us and how we make positive impacts in Oklahoma and the people and places which give us our identity. Our mission is to create a continuous record of Oklahoma’s identity at its best, and in those moments, we are delivering ourselves from the worst. No matter how far you reach back into our archives, you will experience stories that are as relevant today as the day they were published. We believe everyone makes a difference and everyone has a story. We bring what is unique to our stories, photos, and other content you won’t find anywhere else. We are an invitation for you to interact with us with what you find interesting and unique about Oklahoma. Whether it is photos, story ideas, or even an anecdote you wish to share, we want you to be part of what we are building. As you delve into our content, you will discover people who share their unique experiences with all of us. We are all individuals connected through our home, heritage, and history. We hope that all of you will become one with Uniquelahoma and discover what it is to be a part of the unique that is Oklahoma.

The complaint had been provided by a local kid working at the market Mrs. Smith frequented. The war was now in its third...

The complaint had been provided by a local kid working at the market Mrs. Smith frequented. The war was now in its third year, and the government was offering food rations


Editor's Note: The following article is a fictional story based on true events that occurred in Tulsa from the early 1900s through WWII. The story of the Hex house and its owner Carol Ann Smith are well documented and can be easily found with an internet search. But we at Uniquelahoma thought it wou...



Some people will spend the last several minutes of their lives hunting down the snake that bit them never realizing that it is not the poison in the snake that is killing them but the poison it left inside them.
C.L. Harmon

What we see today in the Woody Guthrie Center stems from a seed planted all those years ago and then grown in the barren...

What we see today in the Woody Guthrie Center stems from a seed planted all those years ago and then grown in the barren soil of Black Sunday...


What we see today in the Woody Guthrie Center stems from a seed planted all those years ago and then grown in the barren soil of Black Sunday...


Out With The Fairly New, In With The Newest
C.L. Harmon
So, I have my arm mid-way inside my dryer as though I am in some odd lover’s embrace trying to figure out why she, my better half, isn’t drying. After a quick tutorial from a YouTube video and a prayer, I am hoping they are the answer to fixing her without the learned skill to do so. As I fumble around the trap door hidden under the multiple pieces I had already removed, I began to think about why I am on the bathroom floor needing to work on a dryer that is not that old and has not been abused in any way. And then I began thinking about the other items I own that I have worked on in the past couple of years that are really not that old either. That pushed my thoughts even further into the realm of, “why am I having to fix these things and why are they broken?”
After all, these items are not that old. These are not items ancient with years of wear and tear on them. It was at this point, my brain began the curious trek into the past where I believe it all began. Spurred on by a video I had recently viewed of a refrigerator from the 1950s, my thoughts wandered into a different time, a more innocent and less profit-oriented time. It was an impressive appliance, this refrigerator with fine attributes that anyone would find alluring and attractive. Simple and yet an engineering marvel with beauty, finesse and functionality that would have certainly been a head-turner in her day. Without a doubt the whole package. And then I began searching my childhood memories for a time when a technician was sent out to repair our family fridge. There wasn’t one. Nor was there a memory of my father with his hands in the personal space of it introducing it to his tools. It just always seemed to work. It was always cold and the drawers always opened…something my modern one has issues with. Maybe smooth drawer functionality is lost to history?
On rare occasion, there was a TV repairman who would visit our home and he would work a bit of magic to bring back a beautiful picture. But he never brought a new set with him because what we had was still a working marvel that only needed a few minor adjustments or a simple part. He always left with his tools in tow leaving behind a working TV set and a happy family.
Back into the present with my repairs continuing and a floor full of tools in my way and shop vac blocking the doorway, my mind once more moved back to the distant past where I believe quality in manufacturing began its journey (or descent) into the present. I imagined, that sometime after that 1950s refrigerator was built and in a drab boardroom there was a proposal that sounded something like this, “ya know, we sold 5,000 units last year. If we make them a little less durable and add a bit more to the esthetics, in five years we could be selling 10,000 units per year. People are much more willing to consider new when their current unit begins to malfunction. And the new esthetics, well that will be the edge we need to push consumers into the new models.” And in that proposal, the modern age was born. Slowly at first. Just a gizmo here or an internal gadget there that wouldn’t last 20 years any longer but ten, or maybe even eight. Just a few small issues that get consumers thinking that a new product might not be a bad idea with the current one beginning to show signs of wear. Before anyone knew it, small issues grew into larger issues. And with these, the phrase, “they just don’t make things like they used to,” was born. Soon after, that phrase would become part of common vernacular.
What I can’t seem to understand is how no one in that boardroom could understand or maybe not care that if they do it, so will others. And that ultimately means when they purchase needed and wanted items from other manufacturers as consumers, they too will not be getting the best that manufacturer can produce. How could they have not foreseen or possibly not cared that other businesses would most assuredly follow in their footsteps. And yet, they chose to do it anyway. And this 70 odd year journey from high quality to to low grade now has me on this tool-cluttered floor with my arm intimately engaged in the inner workings of this not so dated machine. A machine that should have continued drying several more years before I had to make an acquaintance with its private parts. And yet, here I am…involved in a messy mechanical relationship that I truly wish I was not involved. One of many unwanted relationships I find myself in these days. I am sort of a “one appliance” type of guy. I like long lasting relationships where we grow old together, create a bond and take care of each other’s needs. So much for the good old days, I guess. Out with the fairly new and in with the newest.
This may be the way of the world today, but it most definitely does not make it a better world than what we once had. The truth is and will always be that quality makes money. It always has. Innovation may bring in customers, but it will not keep them if those innovations lack quality. Only pride in workmanship will guarantee returning customers. If you as a company feel it necessary to manufacture junk, then I wish you well with all of YOUR new purchase relationships that come from those who have learned to produce the same low quality products you do. Just remember though, these new products require that special touch that only you and your tools can provide to keep it running smoothly. Not sure it mentions that in owners manual, but it most certainly should. Happy Repairs!

According to legend, in the late 19th century, the Indians brought their sick ones there and leaned them against the roc...

According to legend, in the late 19th century, the Indians brought their sick ones there and leaned them against the rock to be healed.


Legends are a critical link that connects us to our ancestors and are a positive force from our Creator. Are these true stories or based on actual events? I believe the legends of the Healing Rock speak for themselves. The Main Player, Moonhead Wilson Moonhead Wilson, a Caddo Indian, John Wilson, wa...

Step back in time while experiencing luxury at Tulsa's historic Ambassador Hotel. From its rich history to its modern re...

Step back in time while experiencing luxury at Tulsa's historic Ambassador Hotel. From its rich history to its modern revival, this iconic landmark offers a unique blend of past and present. Discover why it's rated the #1 hotel in Tulsa!


Tulsa Ambassador Hotel: Luxury, History, and Revival The word timeless evokes worth, history, and nostalgia. It’s a title earned, like the wisdom of the old. To be in its presence is to be transported to an era where the past was the present. People spoke differently, dressed in long-ago fashions,...


Unfairness is a tool of the feeble minded. Those with integrity think outside the accepted constructs to expand the boundaries of normal thought and help empower all, while the weak in morality attack the righteous and moral from the confines of their willful ignorance and insecurities.
C.L. Harmon


Sometimes we have to disassemble parts of our lives even though we don’t see anything amiss. What we don’t realize is that something inside is failing and its eventual failure will make it forever inoperable. Other times we learn that what is broken in life doesn’t always mean mending is needed. What we don’t realize is that some things are never going to work again regardless of effort or cost.
The rest of the time we believe everything is going to work out because we were led to reassemble what we need to keep and to toss out what we no longer need.
C.L. Harmon


The Puzzle of Life
Life begins to make sense when you begin sorting the pieces. We must first understand that each piece has purpose and is purposefully designed differently. As we sort, we begin to understand that seeking the corner pieces first and the border pieces second is how we get a picture of what we are building. And then we begin filling in the vast empty space between those borders. As we sort in the beginning, we begin looking for that piece which is us. Eventually we may learn that we are not a corner piece or even a border piece, but our place is somewhere in the middle. And that may lead us to believe that we are less important than those on corners and borders. But the more pieces we place, the more we understand that no puzzle is complete without all the pieces. And that makes each piece just as valuable as the others. Without those filling the vast space, those border pieces we were envious of are empty. And without those borders we are just incomplete space.
C.L. Harmon


Ten Pessimistic Truths:
Many people don’t care what you have to say unless you make them money or are giving them directions.

The world is evil. No matter how much good you put in the world, you can’t change that.

With every generation something good is lost and it will never come back.

If you do not have a charitable heart when you’re poor, being rich won’t change that.

Many of the people you call friends will abandon you when you have nothing to offer them.

Some will wrong you if it benefits them and could care less what it costs you.

Doing the right things is not a guarantee of the right outcomes.

There is no growth without pain or wisdom without suffering.

There is no earthly treasure more valuable than integrity. Once it has been sold, it will never be returned.

If you cannot accept that what you have is enough to make you happy, then you will never be happy no matter how much you acquire.

One Optimistic Truth:
You have the free will to choose your attitude, forgive and live by faith. And within these lie the power to overcome every pessimistic truth that would otherwise destroy you.
C.L. Harmon


Finish what you start, there’s too much left undone in the world.
Be kind to strangers. To them you may be a needed friend.
Stand up for what is right. What is wrong has stood for too long.
Forgive others, it’s about you not them.
Practice kindness, it’s a skill set in need of experts.
Watch what you say. Your words may be bullets for those gunning for you.
Lead by example. Follow others only because they have set the example.
Live in peace. You do not own the chaos of others.
Accept what is out of control today and devise a plan to take control tomorrow.
Love with all that you are now and with passing time, that love will become the times of your life you loved the most.
C.L. Harmon


At some point in life you will reach a crossroads where everything matters or nothing matters. There will be no right or wrong option, only a right or wrong perspective from which to choose.
C.L. Harmon


We are held by only threads. Just thin fragile strands keeping us from insanity and the darkness which holds it. And when the violence of humanity pulls at those threads, I remember those tiny fragile threads hold more than my existence. They hold everything in my life that has been and will someday be. And if they can hold all of that, then don’t ever think you carry enough weight to break even one of them.
C.L. Harmon


Sometimes the breeze will not come, it will not bring relief from the scorching sun. Sometimes the daylight will be but a few moments and the darkness will consume our hours. Sometimes the deserved rest will not come even when the hard days of labor have been paid. Sometimes the hardest of times will overstay their welcome and the better times will become lost on their way to us. And sometimes, we will lose more than we believe we can survive. And most assuredly they will all seem unending. But since the beginning, the breeze has always blown again, the daylight has always found the sky, rest always comes, better times find their way out of the wilderness, and survival still exists in the will to persevere. Always know that every next moment is a beginning and each closing moment is an ending.
C.L. Harmon


We can hope and we can hope not. But we should always choose wisely because sometimes what we hope for is not what we need and what we hope not for is exactly what we need disguised in hopelessness.
C.L. Harmon


We cannot fathom the power which resides inside us. The complexities of how our creation came into being are beyond human comprehension. We possess emotions and desires that cannot be measured or defined and have been placed in an existence so vast, its creation cannot be explained. We feel, breathe, laugh, cry, and think without any knowledge of how such actions were originated inside bodies which decay into dust. And all of these miraculous happenings have been created for one purpose, to love. When we accept this, we will finally understand that the miracle is not how we exist, but for whom we exist.
C.L. Harmon

I believe that God sometimes speaks to us through earthly ways when He wants us to know what is coming our way. It just ...

I believe that God sometimes speaks to us through earthly ways when He wants us to know what is coming our way. It just so happens that I have been praying for good fortune recently after a couple negative incidents. Today, not one but two four leaf clovers were in my yard…and so visible, they could not be missed. Science says the odds of finding one is one in ten thousand. The odds of finding two in the same area only minutes apart must be astronomical…or divine.
The Lord has spoken!


Peace seems to be in the darkest of places. It rests in the places we avoid, the places we don’t want to go. We tend to believe it is evasive, when in actuality, it’s just distant from the chaos we create. When it calls to us, we listen instead to the noise around us. When we see it approach, we ignore it and focus on the distractions in our lives. When we feel it near, we turn to our problems because they are familiar. All these things we do to avoid going into the darkness. And yet the darkness is not where peace chooses to be, but the only place our choices allow it to exist.
C.L. Harmon


People do not fear others because of their strength or power, but because of their willingness to travel into the depths of darkness. And it is the sins they bring from those depths that most choose to not match in order to stay in the battle.
C.L. Harmon



If ever you find yourself in the company of one who claims people are replaceable, then know you are in the company of a fool. Our entire essence speaks to exactly the opposite. We are all designed differently from one another to be unique. And when in that company, allow that person to speak so others present can learn to recognize idiocy.
C.L. Harmon



Ten Actions For Peace
1. Remember that every evil or corrupt person you encounter is only temporary. Death and/or justice will see to it.
2. Pray, especially when you are angry.
3. Always have a time-consuming project in the works.
4. Start and finish at least one thing every day.
5. Take refuge in the fact that your forgiveness of others has no bearing on the justice God metes out to those who have wronged you.
6. Do one nice thing for yourself and two for others every day.
7. Laugh with others, but most importantly, laugh at yourself.
8. Trust there is a plan and you have a purpose in it. If everything was perfect at creation, there would have been no need for God to add humans.
9. Engage with nature. It has a voice and a soul. It also holds secrets to serenity it is willingly to tell.
10. Accept that you are perfectly made to be imperfect. If there were nothing to learn, nothing to become, nothing to overcome, and nothing to experience in failure, there would only be meaning in existence as it is and not in the growth that allows it to be what we choose.
C.L. Harmon



Take the high road no matter what it cost. Because those who are against you are willing to drag you on the low road with them all the way to hell to get what they want.
C.L. Harmon


If the truth you know comes from a liar, then those lies become your truth. And when that false truth falters and the real truth presents itself, there will be no lie elaborate enough to conceal it and no liar cunning enough to hide from it.
C.L. Harmon


Today, do something for your soul. Do not let it be ignored because thoughts of worry become all too consuming or because matters of the heart become the focus of every beat. Talk to it, let it breathe, allow it to fall in love with the best parts age has allowed of you. It will remind you that thoughts wander becoming lost to infinity, that the heart will cease to one day beat, but that it will always be inside listening, loving and waiting to walk with you home.
C.L. Harmon


There are people who recognize your value and those who do not. Be leery of those who do not; those are the same people who place value upon that which you know to be worthless.
C.L. Harmon



There are three things that will illicit prayer when it is not willingly given out of reverence: an active foxhole, tragedy, and pain. War, disaster, and suffering are all under the control of our Creator to stop. If we wonder why such actions are allowed, perhaps we should consider that these allowances show just how valued our communication is to Him.
C.L. Harmon



There is a good chance you will not get what you want most from life. And there is a one-hundred percent certainty that you will not get everything that you want in life at the same time. No matter the amount of prayer, sacrifice or dedication, the only thing that is absolute is that the above is true.
What is further true is that happiness is free and most people will never take it, choosing to put good in the world does not mean others will choose the same, and further true is that others with less talent and credentials will reach levels we will not. That knowledge is the key to every type of freedom.
Everything in life boils down to one word, acceptance. Simply put, what we choose to accept determines the amount of peace we will have. When we choose, its opposite cannot be true in our lives. If we choose that the world is a loving place, then we cannot accept it as a world of hate. If we choose to live a life of faith, then doubt becomes only a word and not an outcome and vice versa. And when we choose to believe life is unfair, what is fair will be ignored so the former is our reality and unfairness becomes our norm.
Acceptance is either a prison or freedom, but it will never be both at the same time.
C.L. Harmon

Mindset & Peace

Mindset & Peace

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The words below are not so much a Mindset, nor were they intended to be. I wrote them to help someone I know who is struggling with finding peace. I shared part of it with a friend who pointed out how much it might help others too. As such, I have decided to share it here. I have edited it somewhat to make it more generalized than personal, but the meaning is not lost. Maybe this will help someone struggling with finding peace as well.

I agree that many have it harder than a lot of people and often we feel we are on the short end of the stick. And this is unfortunate to say the least. The thing is though that even if we have it worse than every other person in the world, it still would not change what we must do to have peace in our lives.
There are people in the world who have what many of us think is “all”. They seem to get everything they want and things seem easy for them. But those things are not peace. God knew when He designed us that we would chase every desire we had and would not make time to put Him first or even make Him part of our lives. So He provided only one way to have what we desire above all else…to have peace. And that one way is only through Him. Think about all the things in life that we have wanted. Maybe it was a pair of shoes, a car, a tool or anything we really wanted for Christmas or a birthday. Almost all of those things now are lost, broken or just don’t mean much anymore. They no longer have value. This is because they give us enjoyment for a time, but not a lasting peace. God’s peace, however is like having something new all the time. It makes us feel good, takes away worry, and frees us to feel joy. Money, success, perfect health, a great job and anything else in life will always lose its value because our souls are not designed to seek the materialistic of this world but to seek the peace of the Lord. Our minds however seek the materialistic because it is the tool we use to sustain ourselves in life. And the devil uses our desires to trick us into believing that we need them because they will make us happy. But our souls won’t allow it. Our souls will not let us rest in peace because the soul wants to connect with God more than the mind wants to connect with our desires. As such, we end up living unhappily not having peace through God or through our desires even if we acquire them. This is where many people find themselves, and often for great lengths of time.
But if we know that having everything we desire will never give us real happiness and joy, then we should also know that they are not worth making us unhappy when we don’t have them. When we accept that God is all we need to make us happy, we will be at peace and thus happy. Once God knows He is first among all our desires, He will then give us all the rest we dream of because we have given Him what He wants and put Him first. It is true that happiness is a choice. But we must understand that it is equally true that not every choice brings happiness and ultimately accept that only one choice brings peace.
C.L. Harmon


I am not sure when I became broken. Sometime between the innocence of my creation and my emerging adulthood something changed. I became what my Creator did not want me to be. But what I didn’t know was that spending a life mending what was broken and learning how to minimize what I was breaking was a life perfectly broken. Every repair put me back together in a way that being fixed made me more valuable than when I was new.
C.L. Harmon



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