Jehová ha hablado Editorial Ministerios

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Jehová ha hablado Editorial Ministerios Esta página es la edición española de JHS Editorial, Inc en Facebook. Esta página tiene estudios


¡Por favor, desplácese hacia abajo para el estudio de la Biblia en español!
From the editor:
The work of this ministry continues, as I create new Bible studies (now in the Book pair of Job and Proverbs), and rework the previous studies. I am currently reworking the series of Bible studies in the Book of Acts, which had to be redone due to changes in the arrangement made after they were originally published. I am working the English translation now; later, I will add the Spanish translation of the study, perhaps in a few months.
I strongly suspect that I will not be able to finish a series of Bible studies for every Book in the Bible, as I am now 65 years old, and frankly, running out of time! I rejoice that God called me to this amazing work, even though it is widely ignored by American believers, and especially the KJV-only churches and pastors. Those who know about this work are scared to death of it, I believe! They are afraid to say anything about it, either pro or con. They don't understand it and continue to say the same old tired rhetoric about how the KJV has no errors, and that God intends the English-speaking world to use only the KJV etc etc.
Whatever! In the final analysis, this is the work of the Lord, and I can't wait to see their faces when they get to Heaven and realize that they were wrong on so many things.
Not their doctrines, you understand, because we agree on almost everything, and I agree with the Received Text only position 100%. We are actually close allies as Independent, Fundamental Baptists! So our differences aren't about Bible doctrine as much as it is the nature of the Bible itself, the Golden Ratio design of the Bible; which they are trying to steadfastly ignore, as if it isn't real; which is kind of hilarious, because I am certain that God is not pleased with their determination to remain blind and ignorant of the truth. All they are doing is storing up more wood, hay, and stubble for their meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ! And that makes me sad for them.
1 Corinthians 3:10-15: "According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise architect, I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let every man take heed how he builds upon it: for no man is able to lay a different foundation beside the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. And if any man builds upon this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or stubble: every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the Day of Judgment shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall test every man’s work of what sort it is: if any man’s work remains which he has built on it, he shall receive a reward; if any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire".
I will continue to restore the previous Bible studies in the Gospels, which I removed from online access a year or so ago, because I realized that they were not nearly as good or complete as I had originally hoped. But this was inevitable, because I have been learning how to publish a good Bible study since 2014 or so, and I made many mistakes in the beginning; and I have grown and adapted the techniques as I have learned.
That's a normal thing for every preacher, who can look back at the sermons that they created at the beginning of their ministry with both horror and laughter! Horror, because they said some things that they no longer believe, because they have learned what the Bible actually says. And laughter, because the early sermons were immature and shallow in many ways.
I believe that the Lord is coming soon! We cannot know the hour or the day of his Appearing; but we can discern the signs of the times if we are observant and study the Bible diligently.
I am homesick for Heaven! I am tired of this evil world, and I'm tired of the endless work on the Bible arrangement. It is exhausting, but fulfilling, knowing that God is using it for our good and his glory. His word never returns void, amen!
Isaiah 55:8-11: “‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts; neither are your ways my ways,’ says Jehovah. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and does not return there, but waters the earth, and makes it bring forth and bud, that it may give both seed to the sower, and bread to the eater, so shall be my Word that goes forth out of my mouth: it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing to which I sent it.’”

Del editor:
El trabajo de este ministerio continúa, ya que estoy creando nuevos estudios bíblicos (ahora sobre el par de libros de Job y Proverbios) y estoy rehaciendo los estudios anteriores. Actualmente estoy re-elaboración la serie de estudios bíblicos en el Libro de los Hechos, que tuvo que rehacerse debido a cambios en el arreglo realizado después de su publicación original. Ahora estoy trabajando en la traducción al inglés; más adelante añadiré la traducción al español del estudio, quizás en unos meses.
Sospecho firmemente que no podré terminar una serie de estudios bíblicos de cada libro de la Biblia, ya que tengo 65 años y, francamente, ¡se me está acabando el tiempo! Me alegro de que Dios me haya llamado a esta obra asombrosa, a pesar de que los creyentes estadounidenses, y especialmente las iglesias y los pastores que solo usan la versión King James, la ignoran en gran medida. Creo que quienes conocen esta obra le tienen un miedo terrible. Tienen miedo de decir algo al respecto, ya sea a favor o en contra. Ellos no lo entienden y siguen repitiendo la misma y cansada retórica sobre cómo la KJV no tiene errores y que Dios quiere que el mundo de habla inglesa use solo la KJV, etc.
¡Lo que sea! Al fin y al cabo, esto es obra del Señor y no veo la hora de ver sus caras cuando lleguen al cielo y se den cuenta de que se equivocaron en tantas cosas.
No sus doctrinas, ¿comprende?, porque estamos de acuerdo en casi todo, y estoy de acuerdo al 100% con el recibido texto sólo posición. En realidad, somos aliados cercanos como bautistas fundamentales e independientes. Por lo tanto, nuestras diferencias no tienen que ver tanto con la doctrina bíblica como con la naturaleza misma de la Biblia, el diseño de la proporción áurea de la Biblia; que ellos intentan ignorar con obstinación, como si no fuera real, lo cual es algo muy gracioso para mí, porque estoy seguro que a Dios no está complacido con la determinación de ellos de permanecer ciegos e ignorantes de la verdad. ¡Todo lo que están haciendo es almacenar más madera, heno y hojarasca para su encuentro con el Señor Jesucristo! Y eso me pone triste por ellos.
1 Corintios 3:10-15: "Conforme a la gracia de Dios que me ha sido dada, como sabio arquitecto, yo he puesto el fundamento, y otro edifica encima. Pero que cada uno tenga cuidado cómo él construye sobre ello: porque nadie puede poner otro fundamento que el que está puesto, el cual es Jesucristo. Y si alguno edifique sobre este fundamento con oro, plata, piedras preciosas, madera, heno u rastrojo: la obra de todo hombre se hará manifiesta: porque el Día de Juicio la declarará: porque será revelado por fuego; y el fuego probará la obra de cada uno de qué clase es: si el trabajo de cualquier hombre permanece, cual él ha construido sobre ella, él recibirá una recompensa; si el trabajo de cualquier hombre será quemado, sufrirá la pérdida; pero él mismo será salvado; sin embargo, como por fuego".
Continuaré restaurando los estudios bíblicos anteriores sobre los Evangelios, que eliminé del acceso en línea hace aproximadamente un año, porque me di cuenta de que no eran tan buenos ni completos como había esperado originalmente. Esto era inevitable, porque he estado aprendiendo cómo publicar un buen estudio bíblico desde 2014 aproximadamente, y cometí muchos errores al principio; y he crecido y adaptado las técnicas a medida que he aprendido.
Eso es algo normal para cualquier predicador, que puede mirar atrás y reflexionar sobre los sermones que creó al principio de su ministerio con horror y risa. Horror, porque dijeron cosas que ya no creen, porque han aprendido lo que dice la Biblia en realidad. Y risa, porque los primeros sermones eran inmaduros y superficiales en muchos sentidos.
Creo que el Señor viene pronto. No podemos saber la hora ni el día de su venida, pero podemos discernir las señales de los tiempos si somos observadores y estudiamos la Biblia diligentemente.
Estoy nostálgico por el Cielo! Estoy cansada de este mundo malvado y del trabajo interminable de organizar la Biblia. Es agotador, pero gratificante, saber que Dios lo está usando para nuestro bien y para su gloria. Su palabra nunca vuelve vacía, ¡amén!
Isaiah 55:8-11: “‘Porque mis pensamientos no son vuestros pensamientos, tampoco son vuestros caminos mis caminos,’ dice Jehová. ‘Porque como son más altos los cielos que la tierra, así son mis caminos más altos que vuestros caminos, y mis pensamientos más altos que vuestros pensamientos. Porque como la lluvia y la nieve desciende desde los cielos, y no vuelve allá, sino ello riega la tierra, y la hace germinar y producir, que ello puede dar semilla al sembrador y pan al que come, así será mi Palabra que sale de mi boca: no volverá a mí vacía, sino que logrará lo que yo quiero, y prosperará en aquello a lo que la envié".

Acts Study #7: Baptize in the Name of Jesus only, or in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? (Acts 1:1-8)


Study #14: Survey of Proverbs Chapter 1 in the Golden Ratio design
¡Por favor, desplácese hacia abajo para el estudio de la Biblia en español!
In this study, we will examine the first chapter of Proverbs according to the design of the Golden Ratio.
Please click on this link to read the study:
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Estudio #14: Una encuesta de Capítulo 2.1 del diseño de la proporción áurea de Proverbios
En este estudio, examinaremos el primer capítulo de Proverbios según el diseño de la Proporción Áurea.
Por favor, haga clic en este enlace para leer el estudio:
Si te ha gustado este mensaje, dale me gusta a esta publicación y a mi pagina de Facebook del ministerio (o sígueme) y comparte la publicación en Facebook o en tu sitio de redes sociales favorito. ¡Gracias!

All Bible quotations and the arrangement are found exclusively in the Kingdom Study Bible version, published by Jehovah Has Spoken Publishing Ministries. It is published for free in PDF format on this website. Click here to download your copy.


Study #13: Survey of Job Chapters 3-5
¡Por favor, desplácese hacia abajo para el estudio de la Biblia en español!
In this study, we will survey Chapters 3-5 to conclude our study of Job. There are many doctrines found in Job that are also found in other parts of the Bible; we will examine several of these.
Please click on this link to read the study:

If you enjoyed this message, please like this post and my ministry page (or follow me) and share the post on Facebook or on your favorite social media site. Thank you!
Estudio #13: Encuesta sobre los capítulos 3 - 5 de Job
En este estudio, examinaremos los capítulos 3 al 5 para concluir nuestro estudio de Job. Hay muchas doctrinas que se encuentran en Job y que también se encuentran en otras partes de la Biblia; examinaremos varias de ellas.
Por favor, haga clic en este enlace para leer el estudio:
Si te ha gustado este mensaje, dale me gusta a esta publicación y a mi pagina de Facebook del ministerio (o sígueme) y comparte la publicación en Facebook o en tu sitio de redes sociales favorito. ¡Gracias!


Study #12: Job was trusting in the sovereignty and wisdom of Jehovah (12:1 - 20:29)
¡Por favor, desplácese hacia abajo para el estudio de la Biblia en español!
In this study, I will use the Golden Ratio design of the Bible to explain Job Chapter 1.2. I will not go any deeper than this in the arrangement, because of the nature of the content of Job. Next week, we will examine Chapter 1.3 of Job.
The Golden Ratio design of the Bible is only found in one Bible version in English: the Kingdom Study Bible version (KSB), which is available as a free download from my website in PDF format at this link:
You can also use the web-based version in your browser at this link:
Please click on this link to read the study:
If you enjoyed this message, please like this post and my ministry page (or follow me) and share the post on Facebook or on your favorite social media site. Thank you!
Estudio #12: Job era confiando en la soberanía y de la sabiduría de Jehová (12:1 - 20:29)
En este estudio, Usaré el diseño de la proporción áurea de la Biblia para explicar el capítulo de Job1.2. No profundizaré más dentro la arreglo, debido a la naturaleza del contenido de Job. La semana que viene examinaremos el capítulo 1.3 de Job.
El diseño de la proporción áurea de la Biblia solo se encuentra en una versión de la Biblia en español: el Reino Estudio Biblia (REB), que está disponible para su descarga gratuita desde mi sitio web en formato PDF en este enlace:
También puedes utilizar la versión web en tu navegador en este enlace:
Por favor, haga clic en este enlace para leer el estudio:
Si te ha gustado este mensaje, dale me gusta a esta publicación y a mi pagina de Facebook del ministerio (o sígueme) y comparte la publicación en Facebook o en tu sitio de redes sociales favorito. ¡Gracias!

All Bible quotations and the arrangement are found exclusively in the Kingdom Study Bible version, published by Jehovah Has Spoken Publishing Ministries. It is published for free in PDF format on this website. Click here to download your copy.

Study  #11: Why do bad things happen to good people?¡Por favor, desplácese hacia abajo para el estudio de la Biblia en e...

Study #11: Why do bad things happen to good people?
¡Por favor, desplácese hacia abajo para el estudio de la Biblia en español! In this study, I will use an outline of Job from a famous Bible teacher, Dr J Vernon McGee, to compare with the outline of Job that uses the Golden Ratio design.
Because this kind of outline is typical of other Bible teachers, even the most famous and well-credentialed, this will easily demonstrate the superiority of the Golden Ratio design over all other ways of arranging the text of the Bible.
Dr McGee was a man of God who loved the Bible, a Fundamentalist. The intent is not to denigrate his memory or his abilities with the Bible; but only to show that unless you use the outlines that were made using the Golden Ratio design of the Bible, it is literally impossible to rightly divide the Word of God, no matter how much education you might have.
The reason that this is true is that the Golden Ratio design of the Bible comes from God, and it is a framework (a design) that is built into the Bible itself, the text and the documents. If you try to understand the Bible without it, you are going to fail. Yes, you can preach the Gospel without it; but it is equally important for believers to rightly divide the Word of God, or they cannot grow and mature as they should.
The Golden Ratio design of the Bible is only found in one Bible version in English: the Kingdom Study Bible version (KSB), which is available as a free download from my website in PDF format at this link:
You can also use the web-based version in your browser at this link:
Please click on this link to read the study:
If you enjoyed this message, please like this post and my ministry page (or follow me) and share the post on Facebook or on your favorite social media site. Thank you!
Estudio #11: ¿Por qué le suceden cosas malas a la gente buena?
En este estudio, utilizaré un bosquejo de Job de un famoso maestro de la Biblia, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, para compararlo con el bosquejo de Job que utiliza el diseño de la proporción áurea.
Porque este tipo de bosquejo es típico de otros maestros de la Biblia, incluso los más famosos y acreditados, Esto demostrará fácilmente la superioridad del diseño de la proporción áurea sobre todas las demás formas de organizar el texto de la Biblia.
Dr. McGee era un hombre de Dios quien amaba la Biblia, un fundamentalista. La intención no es denigrar la memoria de él ni sus capacidades con la Biblia; pero sólo para mostrar que a menos que utilices los esquemas que utilizan el diseño de la proporción áurea de la Biblia, es literalmente imposible dividir correctamente la Palabra de Dios, no importa cuánta educación puedas tener.
La razón por la que esto es cierto es que el diseño de la proporción áurea de la Biblia proviene de Dios, y es un marco (un diseño) que está incorporado en la Biblia misma, el texto y los documentos. Si intentas entender la Biblia sin ella, fracasarás. Sí, se puede predicar el Evangelio sin ella; pero es igualmente importante que los creyentes dividan correctamente la Palabra de Dios, o no podrán crecer ni madurar como deberían.
El diseño de la proporción áurea de la Biblia solo se encuentra en una versión de la Biblia en español: el Reino Estudio Biblia (REB), que está disponible para su descarga gratuita desde mi sitio web en formato PDF en este enlace:
También puedes utilizar la versión web en tu navegador en este enlace:
Por favor, haga clic en este enlace para leer el estudio:
Si te ha gustado este mensaje, dale me gusta a esta publicación y a mi pagina de Facebook del ministerio (o sígueme) y comparte la publicación en Facebook o en tu sitio de redes sociales favorito. ¡Gracias!

All Bible quotations and the arrangement are found exclusively in the Kingdom Study Bible version, published by Jehovah Has Spoken Publishing Ministries. It is published for free in PDF format on this website. Click here to download your copy.


Isaiah 30:33: "For Tophet is ordained of old; yea, for the king it is prepared; he has made it deep and large; its pile is fire and much wood, and the breath of Jehovah, like a stream of brimstone, kindles it."

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Hello friends,

I am preparing the next study. It was delayed because I moved to another state. It should be published by this evening or tomorrow.
Thanks for your interest in the Word of God, Amen.

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Not long ago, it was proven that the chicken came first before the egg, proving evolution wrong...

But speaking of the chicken-and-egg question, did you know the eggshell itself disproves evolution! There are so many problems to solve in the first place if the developing chick is to survive the three-week incubation period inside the egg.

One major challenge posed by such development is how to breathe within the egg. If the egg was perfectly sealed, the chick would quickly suffocate. Yet if the eggshell was porous, its contents could seep out.

The answer is a semi-porous eggshell, where oxygen can come in without letting the valuable contents inside leak out. The shell has 7,000 pores of ideal size and location to allow oxygen to enter and carbon dioxide to exit. If the pores were larger or smaller or wrongly spaced, the effectiveness of the whole system deteriorates and the chick dies.

This delicate problem of providing oxygen and eliminating carbon dioxide while maintaining the integrity of the eggshell had to be solved before the first chick developed—of any kind of bird, not just chickens. It took foresight and planning to come up with the thousands of right-sized pores at their precise positioning at the time needed to do their job. It took Intelligent planning- it took a CREATOR!


2 Thess 2:11-12: "And for this reason, God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe the Lie, that they all might be condemned, who did not believe the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

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The Bible mentions "the fountains of the deep" several times. During the Flood, we are told, God opened the fountains of the deep, suggesting seismic activity. When God ended the flooding, we are told that God closed the fountains of the deep, suggesting that they continue to exist, albeit with less water than at creation. In 1997, scientists said that they may have found an astonishing reservoir of water deep in the earth.The water they believe they found does not exist in huge underground oceans. The water is tied up in minerals, held there by the tremendous pressures and temperatures deep in the earth. Researchers have shown, for example, that a mineral called wadsleyite – which exists only at temperatures above 1,800 degrees (F) and is found as deep as 400 miles below the earth’s surface – can still hold water. Scientists have figured that if 60 percent of this layer is wadsleyite, as seismic data indicate, it could contain enough water to fill 10 oceans. Researchers have also analyzed the amount of this water that is brought to the surface during volcanic eruptions and concluded from their findings that there could be enough water deep in the earth to fill 30 oceans!


"Atheism is so senseless. When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. This did not happen by chance." "The true God is a living, intelligent and powerful being." - Sir Isaac Newton


Study #10: The true power in the Universe is Jesus Christ, not Satan (Job 1:1 - 2:13)!
¡Por favor, desplácese hacia abajo para el estudio de la Biblia en español!
Some believe that Satan is only an idea or a myth; some believe that Hell will be a place of wine, women, and music. What does the Bible say about Satan? Please click on the link to read the study.
If you enjoyed this message, please like this post and my ministry page (or follow me) and share the post on Facebook or on your favorite social media site. Thank you!
Estudio #10: ¡El verdadero poder en el Universo es Jesucristo, no Satanás (Job 1:1 - 2:13)!
Algunos creen que Satanás es sólo una idea o un mito; otros creen que el In****no será un lugar de vino, mujeres y música. ¿Qué dice la Biblia sobre Satanás? Por favor, haga clic en el enlace para leer el estudio.
Si te ha gustado este mensaje, dale me gusta a esta publicación y a mi pagina de Facebook del ministerio (o sígueme) y comparte la publicación en Facebook o en tu sitio de redes sociales favorito. ¡Gracias!

Watch this video if you have a Google phone!

Watch this video if you have a Google phone!

In this video - android settings you need to turn off now or is someone tapping or tracking my android phone. How to turn off or stop tracking android phone...



Few people know that we have several amazing recorded genealogies going all the way back to Noah and his sons. The reason? It seems that the modernists have decided that in the case of these historical records, because they agree with the Biblical record, they cannot be true and therefore must be censored from our history books. Interestingly, we are not talking about questionable fragmentary records with no external corroboration. We have no less than 4 recorded genealogies going all the way back to Noah or his sons: The Anglo-Saxons, Norwegians, Danes, Icelanders, and 5 if we include the oral traditions Miautso people of China, for they too have claim their descent from Japheth (Lo Jah-phu). Each of these separate people groups had knowledge of the Great Flood, Noah and the Ark.

Bill Cooper's "After the Flood" is an excellent resource on this topic.


Hey everyone, I found another scammer profile on FB. This is a link to a search for the name of John D. Johnson. It reveals literally dozens of fake profiles with the exact same name and profile picture, pretending to be a general in the US Army. So beware if he sends you a friend request.
It looks like this scammer uses several other profile pictures, but I'm pretty sure they are all the same person.
Unbelievable these liars. They will not escape the judgment of God.
He even has the gall to post "Prayer to get this nation back to God"! God has it all recorded for judgment.



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The Kingdom Bible Version

This is a sample snip photo of 1 Corinthians, Chapter 1.4, from the printed edition of the Kingdom Bible Version.