Wanna see a few thousand project happy gifts loaded up to be shared all across Erie County? OHgo
Amazing Grace was written by John Newton, a slave trader who nearly died in a shipwreck, and who eventually became a minister. He penned the famous words of "Amazing Grace" for a sermon for his 1773 New Year's service at the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul. In 1970, Judy Collins' version gave the song new life. Collins said she believes the song is one of "hope and healing. It has a feeling about surviving terrible things. But it gives you a moment of hope. Sometimes that's all you need, isn't it?"
Mural magic with @shoresandislands
Had a few things planned for Halloween but lost track of time so here are a few shots from today.
Robin’s art for Chalk It Up Sandusky.
I put up a 360 camera, walked away, had some drinks in OhTaco while I waited for the time-lapse to finish. All in a day’s work.
Hanging around at @ohiobikeweek
When we started kicking around ideas for the eclipse I wanted to get back to our roots. Do our own thing our own way. After some debate, I encouraged Chase to perform a song that could capture a mood instead of a tune that could easily be translated into something literal. Was it the right choice? For me, yeah, it was definitely the right choice. And I’ll say this, yesterday when we stood on a rooftop watching the sun hide behind the moon, and silhouettes of birds darting to fading light on the horizon, darkness has never felt so good.
Musician: @chaseeaglesonmusic (follow him on YouTube and be one of his almost one million subscribers)
Producer: @susanprentice (best producer & photographer this side of the Mississippi)
Camera Operator & Hot Content Maker: @maxwellfrey (filmmaker extraordinaire)
Gimbal Operator: @will.rosekelly (Will is a talented music video director leaping his way to stardom)
Head Grip: Steve Prentice (Steve helped carry us all the way to the top)
Location: @hohlerfurnace (amazing location provided by amazing people)
Filmed in #Sundusky Ohio (a place that shines bright even from within the darkness)
#eclipse #sanduskyohio #pinkfloyd #comfortablynumb
When we started kicking around ideas for the eclipse I wanted to get back to our roots. Do our own thing our own way. After some debate, I encouraged Chase to perform a song that could capture a mood instead of a tune that could easily be translated into something literal. Was it the right choice? For me, yeah, it was definitely the right choice. And I’ll say this, yesterday when we stood on a rooftop watching the sun hide behind the moon and the silhouettes of birds darting to fading light on the horizon, darkness has never felt so good.
Musician: Chase Eagleson (follow him on YouTube and be one of his almost one million subscribers)
Producer: Susan Porterfield Prentice (best producer & photographer this side of the Mississippi)
Camera Operator & Hot Content Maker: Maxwell Frey (filmmaker extraordinaire)
Gimbal Operator: Will Rosekelly (Will is a talented music video director leaping his way to stardom)
Head Grip: Steve Prentice (Steve helped carry us all the way to the top)
Location: Hohler Furnace & Sheet Metal(amazing location provided by amazing people)
Filmed in #Sundusky Ohio (a place that shines bright even from within the darkness)
#eclipse #sanduskyohio #pinkfloyd #comfortablynumb
Experimenting with timelapse. Not great clouds today. Better clouds would’ve sold the effect more.