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Rebbe Nachman teaches that the day you were born is the day Hashem decided the world could not exist without you! Can you imagine any happier day than that?! Thank You Hashem and Afiko . man are on a mission to reinvigorate every birthday party, with a brand new track rocking the celebration of the opportunity to be an essential part of Hashem’s master plan.

In honor of my brother Matisyahu. You make the world a better place TYH for creating you.

TYH Music / Mendy Portnoy / Farbrengable Studios

The day you were born is the day Hashem decided The world can't exist without you Hey Happy Birthday ya יום הולדת שמח spread the blessings Spread the birthday vibes Spread it all around it's the day you were born Spread the blessings all around

Director - Carlos Wigle
Producer - Ari Silman
Director of Photography - Atara Wolf
Gaffer - Berry Cohen
Camera Operator - Lucas Ruderman
Jib Operator - Alex Gau
Grips - Mendel Laine, Joe Hughes
Puppet Design: Rivki Kumer / Tunza Tulle
Art Department - Mimulo - Chani Frankel and Freida Levin, Balloon Van Gogh, Shaina Dubroff Cakes, Alejandro Rodreguez
Graphic Design Yakov Josephy, Tzviya Kravitz
Production Assistant - Rochi Katzman
Casting Director - Mimi Friedman
Editors - Atara Wolf, Sarah Katz
Colorist - Derek Johnson
DJ - DJ Farbreng / Izzy Drihem
Location - Bison & Bourbon
Choreography - Avi Goldstein, Joe DiLegge , Shmulik Stell, Alex Gau
Cast - Binyamin Babayof, Chaim Gerlitz, Shui Feir, Mimi Friedman, Leo Cohen Solel , Chazak Lipczyc, Rochi Katzman, Tatyana Kalko, Aislinn O'Connell, Moshe Landy , Menachem Landy, Mendel Perl, Avi Kohanbash, Ami Avraham, Chaya Rina Zeitler, Yael Ross, Rochel Ross, Sarah Schuman, Yehuda Blonder, Yitzchok Moully, Hannah Müller, Alejandro Rodreguez, Shmuel Taurog, Joe Hueges
Thank You Roy Baron


Join Rav Yonasan Schwartz this Tu B'Av Together in a day of Tefillah!

Yad L'Achim Tu B’Av Together for shidduchim is Sunday / Monday Aug 18/19

📖 Free Tefillah in Amuka
🌎Global Tefillah with Jews Around the world
🎙️2 Live Events

📅Sunday. Aug 18 : “Shidduch Chizzuk” with Rabbonim, Shadchanim and Singers
📅Monday Aug 19 : “Global Tefillah” with Gedolim & Rabbonim

Submit names for tefillah + download FREE ArtScroll Tehillim + Watch LIVE events


קרא עלי מועד לשבור בחורי

פיר שעה פון אינהאלטסרייכע חומר און דאקומענטארישע קאנטענט איבער פארשידענע עפאכעס ביי כלל ישראל אין ציון וירושלים.

יעצט עוועילעבל ↓

פאר גרופעס / ישיבות ביטע שיקט אן
אימעיל צו
[email protected]
און מיר וועלן זיך פארשטענדיגן


From Darkness To Dawn: The Sephardi Legacy -

A Chazak UK Original Documentary

This compelling documentary chronicles the extraordinary journey of the Sephardi Jews from their expulsion from Spain through their resilience across Europe, their arrival in England, and ultimately to the establishment of Jerusalem and the State of Israel. In the face of immense adversity, this film delivers a powerful message of hope, highlighting the enduring protection and love of our Father in Heaven, even in the darkest moments of history.



Tisha B’av streaming.

This Tisha B’av stream from our library of inspiring titles with a selection of thought-provoking and powerful content sure to leave a meaningful impact.

Stream at


UNBROKEN: Experience the Tisha B’Av Film of the Year.

HOSTED by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer: 3 Incredible stories of rescue, survival and perseverance. Including
- The boy who was rescued from Gaza by Yad L'Achim
- United Hatzalah of Israel members recount their stories of October 7th

A Tisha B'Av film like no other. Never before seen footage. Three Stories of Danger, Drama, Despair, and Perseverance.

Click here to purchase a ticket:

Watch Full Video: the release of his long awaited debut album Modim Lac...

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After the release of his long awaited debut album Modim Lach, releases his first ever acapella single.

The new song titled Nachamu Nachamu Ami was composed in part by renowned composer and longtime friend Yitzy Waldner and Yechiel himself.

The song was created while the duo were working on some new material.

When the song emerged, Yechiel decided that with Rosh Chodesh Av already here, this timely message needs to be released right away, even before the music version is heard. Yechiel felt that the simple acapella arrangement and vocals would help listeners connect to the words of the song and hopefully bring some menucha (consolation) during these troubling times.

May we merit in the coming of Mashiach Bimheira Beyameinu.

Composed by Yechiel Schron & Yitzy Waldner
Choir arranged by Yitzy Waldner and Yonatan Stern
Choir performed by Yitzy Waldner, Yechiel Schron & Yonatan Stern
Mixed by Yonatan Stern
Artwork by: Shaya Schonfeld



A Life Changing Tisha B'Av Film
from Brooklyn Jewish Xperience Kings Highway
BJX Brooklyn Jewish Xperience

In the most unexpected twist of fate, a former secular individual, once part of a missionary group, emerges as a passionate disseminator of Torah, surpassing many of us in his dedication and impact.

Watch Full Video: singer Mendy J releases a new acapella single with the heavenly w...

Watch Full Video:

Renowned singer Mendy J releases a new acapella single with the heavenly words of "Shalom Aleichem" recited every Friday night.
The catchy mid-tempo ballad was composed by Yochanan Gordon and performed by Mendy J earlier this year.

By popular demand, Mendy collaborated with music producer Moishy Goldstein and Zemiros choir to release an acapella version of the hit song.

Composition: Yochanan Gordon
Lead vocalist: Mendy J
Men's choir: Zemiros
Child soloists: Levi & Yaakov Baum
Production and additional acapella: Moishy Goldstein
Recorded, mixed and mastered at: Music Studio NYC"


Thousands of people overcome the challenges of blindness and disability every day thanks to the help from CSB Care. Be part of their remarkable journey by supporting CSB Care.

Join this important campaign to allow everyone to reach their full potential.


🛑 Please donate generously

“TWiSTED Parenting” is a method developed and implemented by Avi Fishoff to guide parents of children in crisis.

Avi personally trains and guides hundreds of families from all over the world.

All parents are required to have their own Daas Torah fully involved to pasken any shailos that may arise. Avi has many hundreds of haskamos of leading Gedolim. All services are FREE of charge.

IN THE ZCHUS OF HELPING TO SUPPORT OTHERS may your family never know this pain and may you always me zocheh to GIVE and never NEED!!!

Cafe Paris is a fine dining experience. Located in the heart of Boro Park. We offer a cozy and calm atmosphere and elega...

Cafe Paris is a fine dining experience. Located in the heart of Boro Park. We offer a cozy and calm atmosphere and elegant setting. Reservations are recommended as seating can be very limited.

To book
please call: 7188532353

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Escape the ordinary and relax at our cozy kosher resort, where hearts unite. Enjoy the peace of community prayers at our...

Escape the ordinary and relax at our cozy kosher resort, where hearts unite. Enjoy the peace of community prayers at our vibrant on-site Shul surrounded by loved ones. Book now and experience the warmth of family, friends, and faith all in one place. Melour Resort


Amid great splendor and grandeur, the Siyum of ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ (the Entire Torah) was celebrated. Hundreds of talmidei chachamim fully proficient in Shas and Poskim had toiled for a full year, studying the entire Torah in all its parts. They all participated in a Yissachar-Zevulun partnership with the philanthropist Reb Shlomo Perl of Lawrence, NY. To celebrate the simcha, Mr. and Mrs. Perl were accompanied by their family and many guests from America to be part of this unique celebration in the festively adorned hall.

The Perls’ ‘partners’ in the celebration are all brilliant talmidei chachamim who studied every page of ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ in the names of Mr. and Mrs. Perl.

The renowned Mashpia Hagadol Harav Hagaon Elimelech Biderman, shlit”a, electrified the gathering with his address. He declared that the ongoing ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ projects, instituted by Harav Hagaon Avrohom Eisen, shlit”a, the Pozna Rov, is a remarkable innovation, ‘unprecedented in this generation’. The Yissachar-Zevulun agreement, under which the 'Yissachars' study ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ in the merit of the 'Zevulun' who supports their learning. Harav Chaim Kanievsky, not only prepared the list of all the sefarim to be included in the learning program, but also paskened (ruled) that the Konei Torah (Torah-learning sponsors) are ‘bona fide partners' in the learning itself – meaning that all the learning is attributed as if they learned it themselves, too!

This amazing initiative and its zechus, endorsed by the Sar Hatorah, is what encourages individuals who are blessed with the means to do so, to seek this unique Torah partnership. The zechus of the current cycle of ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ is that of Reb Shlomo Perl, sheyicheh, from America, with the entire cycle of learning named after him and his wife Mrs. Ruth Perl, shetichyeh.

Maranan v’Rabbanan

The audience stood with great excitement to welcome Maran Hagaon Hagadol Harav Moshe Sternbuch, shlit”a. He was full of great praise of the idea of the unique learning and the completing ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’.

The renowned Maggid, Harav Hagaon Baruch Rosenblum, shlit”a, delivered an inspiring drashah in praise of the lomdei Torah and konei Torah. He highlighted the words of the Chofetz Chaim in Ahavas Chesed regarding limiting giving tzedakah to one-fifth of one's wealth when giving to the poor or similar causes. However, a Yissachar-Zevulun partnership is considered as a business venture, an investment in acquiring Torah learning and, similarly therefore, there is no limit as to what one is permitted to invest in a business, even if he invests all his money!

The Admor Harav Refael Abuchatzeira, shlit”a, was warmly received and graced the event with his presence, and delivered wonderful words in praise of the lomdei Torah and konei Torah.

The Skverer Rebbe, shlit”a, sent a letter of divrei brachah to the gathering and which was read on behalf of the Rebbe by his trusted aide Rabbi Shalom Ber Fishel. The Toldos Aharon Rebbe, shlit”a, also attended the Siyum.

‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’

The guests listened to the moving words of the mesayem, Reb Shlomo Perl, who described the sequence of events of his involvement in the project:

"A year ago, in the days leading up to Shavuos, I heard about the wonderful idea and opportunity offered by the Pozna Rov. Namely, the possibility of acquiring the learning of the entire Shas through the 'Yissachar-Zevulun' arrangement. I immediately knew - 'I’m in.' Within a week, the Pozna Rov arrived at my office with a 'Yissachar-Zevulun' contract, and I was extremely happy with the investment. However, a few days later, I learned that there was also an option to purchase the learning of ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ through a similar arrangement, and which would count, like with the Shas, as if I had learned all of it myself! Moreover, as is recorded in the shtar confirmed by Maran Harav Chaim, after arichus yamim v’shanum, when I come to olam ha’emes, I will have the zechus to sit and learn in the yeshiva shel ma’alah, not only with the Sar Hatorah, but also with the Tannaim and Amoraim, the Rishonim and the Acharonim. I told the Pozna Rov, 'I want the whole Torah, not just Shas.' And indeed, the Pozna Rov arrived with a special 'Yissachar-Zevulun' document written according to the text dictated by Sar HaTorah Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, zt"l.


It’s your call!

Everybody knows Catskills Hatzalah.
Everybody knows their phone number.

And everybody knows that in case of an emergency, there is one call to make.

Here are some things many people don’t know.

Did you know that Catskills Hatzalah covers more than 1,000 square miles, larger than the entire New York City?

Did you know that Catskills Hatzalah has 21 ambulances on call for your emergency?

Did you know that Catskills Hatzalah will transfer you to the best hospital for you, even if it means driving to the city?

Did you know that Catskills Hatzalah is the only Hatzalah with a fully equipped search and rescue team?

Did you know that Catskills Hatzalah is building a 6th garage for ambulances in the Catskills?

Catskills Hatzalah is just a phone call away despite being the largest fleet and covering the largest square mileage! Whether you have a child in camp, spend the weekends in the Catskills, or live upstate year-round, you know you can always rely on Hatzalah.
Now, it’s your turn to answer Hatzalah’s call.

Help us keep your family safe! All it takes is one call to save a life.


Watch Full Highlights Video:

Thousands of participants from all over New York and New Jersey are under the tremendous impression of the kiddush Hashem they experienced yesterday, July 17, at the Zeh M’Zeh Satmar Business Expo.

For the third year running Kehal Yetev Lev D’Satmar produced the expo, which took place at the New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center, with a record number of 412 businesses exhibiting their services which ranged from marketing, plumbing and everything in between.

An estimated 6,000 people took part in the Expo.

Joel Braver, one of the leaders Yetev Lev said on Thursday, “The feedback is unbelievable. People don’t stop calling to say that besides the connections they made at the expo, they also made actual deals on the spot.”

“This is the biggest Jewish business expo in the US” Yoel Fried of FriedCo Media, one of the organizers of the event commented.

“All of these companies are owned by chassidishe businessman. Originally, we never planned to make this an annual event, but the overwhelming demand and success speaks for itself.”


Fidelity is now Sola.

A glimpse at the historic and unforgettable logo reveal event for the rebranding of the iconic Fidelity brand, now known as Sola. This exclusive event took place in front of hundreds of their top agents, dedicated employees, and esteemed partners.

Sola represents far more than a new name. It embodies the seamless integration of unmatched client-centered experience with the most advanced features in the industry. As we expand, we move closer, reinforcing our legacy and advancing forward. With Sola, we embrace cutting-edge technology and the irreplaceable warmth of human relationships that connect us all in the global marketplace.

Produced by Shlome Steinmetz and The Pivot Group.

Experience fun and laughter with your family at our amazing outdoor playground. Reserve  your spot now and start plannin...

Experience fun and laughter with your family at our amazing outdoor playground.

Reserve your spot now and start planning your family getaway! Our family-friendly atmosphere provides the perfect environment for kids to enjoy.


Melour Resort


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“JUMP INTO THE FIRE” The Frierdiker Rebbe's Heroic Stand

Watch now and join the revolution! 🔥

🔥 Must Watch! The inspiring story of the Frierdiker Rebbe’s mesiras nefesh during Soviet persecution. Facing imprisonment and death, he urged his followers to “jump into the fire” so that Jewish children would receive a Jewish education. In honor of Yud Beis Tammuz Chag Hageulah, watch this story as it has never been told before.

On Tuesday night, the 15th of Sivan, 1927, shortly after midnight, Yevsektsiya operatives, accompanied by armed police, broke into the Rebbe’s home. In the cover of darkness, the Rebbe was taken to the dreaded Spalerka prison, whose name alone instilled fear throughout the country.

Despite the brutal conditions and the constant threat of death, the Frierdiker Rebbe's emunah and determination never wavered. His miraculous release on Yud Beis Tammuz not only symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness, but also the liberation of Jewish education.

That legacy continues to this day. The Reshet Oholei Yosef Yitzchok network, which bears his holy name, continues to create a revolution of Yiddishe chinuch in Eretz Yisroel. Founded and nurtured by the Rebbe, the Reshet is a one-of-a-kind Chabad institution. In fact, it is best described as “the Rebbe’s Ministry of Education!”

Don’t miss a second of this incredible story. Watch the full video here.

Take part in the revolution today! LINK

The magbis comes at a pivotal time for Jewish people in Eretz Yisrael. In the wake of the Oct. 7th massacres, more and more families are taking on essential Jewish traditions such as Shabbos candle-lighting, kiddush and keeping kosher. However, many state funded schools have completely removed Judaism from the curriculum. This makes The Reshet absolutely critical to Jewish continuity in Eretz Yisrael.

To learn more, and take part please visit:

Enjoy quality family time at Melour Resort outdoor pool! Bond with your children while they splash around in the sun-kis...

Enjoy quality family time at Melour Resort outdoor pool! Bond with your children while they splash around in the sun-kissed waters, knowing that you're in a safe and secure environment. Our family-friendly pool is the perfect spot to create lasting summer memories.


SICHAH - The Untold Story of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's Magnum Opus


Did you know the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Chiddushim and Divrei Torah fill over 200 published volumes?

Marking the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s 30th yahrzeit, many prominent Rabbonim are joining a campaign to encourage the study of the Rebbe’s Divrei Torah, but where does one begin?

The Rebbe’s primary work, Likkutei Sichos, which he meticulously organized and edited, spans 39 volumes. It's a comprehensive work that spans the breadth and depth of Torah. Pshat, drush, halachah, lomdus, and Chassidus, are all brought together with signature clarity, ingenuity, and compelling logic. However, with nearly 30 essays on each parsha, mostly presented in Yiddish with intricate, scholarly detail, it may seem a bit overwhelming.

Presenting Selections from Likkutei Sichos: A groundbreaking initiative by Sichos in English aims to make Likkutei Sichos more accessible than ever.

In this video, you will discover the remarkable journey of Likkutei Sichos. Uncover the fascinating history behind these important seforim. Explore how Sichos in English, the premier publisher of Chassidus in the English language, expertly rendered these teachings into English, and get a sneak peek at the beautiful five-volume set that brings the Rebbe's wisdom to life. Join us as we reveal the untold story of how the Lubavitcher Rebbe's profound Divrei Torah are now accessible to English-speakers worldwide.

To learn more about this momentous project and to see what Gedolei HaTorah and Rabbonim are saying, please visit


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The words of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, ZY”A , continue to resonate throughout eternity. His revolutionary approach of illuminating even the darkest places was a culmination of thousands of years of Jewish tradition. He instilled in each of us a sacred sense of purpose, empowering us to recognize our vital role in the grand narrative of history.

He taught us that we have a dual mission to fulfill: to disseminate light, love, and Hashem awareness, both externally to the world as well as internally in the deepest recesses of our own hearts. This is our mission, to bring the promise of Moshiach to every corner of the world.

וּפָרַצְתָּ יָמָּה וָקֵדְמָה וְצָפֹנָה וָנֶגְבָּה

Spread Out
Spread Light
Spread Love
All Around The World


Thank You Hashem Presents:
Spread Light
Alex Clare | Matisyahu

TYH Music / Mendy Portnoy / Farbrengable Studios

Music Credits

Composed by The Blumstein Brothers
Arranged & Produced by Mendy Portnoy
Mixed by Yaron Safer and Mendy Portnoy
Mastered by Yaron Safer

Bass: Dani Shnaiderman
Guitars: Hanan Rubinstein
Keys: Mendy Portnoy
Backing Vocals: Mendy & Israel Portnoy
Strings: Oren Tzor

Video Credits

Video Produced by Mendy Portnoy
Director: Carlos Wigle
Production Company: SC Events

Set Design: Mimulo
Chalk Artist: Dina Meyer
Chalk Artist Assistant: Chana Jacob
Editor: Sarah Katz
Colorist: Derek Johnson

Unit Production Manager - Shy Clyman
Line Producer - Mimi Lerner
DP - Eric Richardson
Gaffer - Michael Langenberger
Best Boy Electric - Garland Berenzy
Electric - Thelonious Frumkin
Electric - Cory Dahn
Key Grip - Jonathan Alvarez
Best Boy Grip - Adam Reichardt
Grip - Francis Xavier Hernandez
1st AC - Aaron Zimmerman
1st AC - Sophie Feuer
2nd AC - Juli Alonso
Steadycam - Kyle Fasanella
Jib Team - Michael Kirsic
Jib Assist - Kofi Stewart
Cam Op - Rob Woods
Sound - Quinton Williams
Sound Assist - Elijah Guerrero
PA - Tom Coragio
PA - Matthew Enevold
PA - Menucha Abraham
Makeup - Toby Klinger

Band in Video

Drums: Tamuz Dolev
Bass: Ami Kozak
Guitar: Israel Portnoy
Piano: Mendy Portnoy

Single Artwork: Yakov Josephy

Live at 8:00 PM ET: The global   community will unite as one for a momentous event marking 30 years since   on Monday ni...

Live at 8:00 PM ET: The global community will unite as one for a momentous event marking 30 years since on Monday night, Leil Gimmel Tammuz, July 8th 8:00pm- 9:00pm.


Thank You Hashem Presents TYH Hits UpmixedIMPACTVol 1

Thank You Hashem Presents
TYH Hits Upmixed
Vol 1

Get ready for an awesome experience with Thank You Hashem Nation's new Upmix album! We've taken our most powerful and impactful songs and made them even better.

Forget about passing fads – this music is here to stay, touching your neshama and inspiring positive change. DJ Farbreng's fresh energy and unique sound take our classic anthems to a whole new level. Get ready to dance and feel uplifted!

Eight songs – a symbol of Hashem's limitless power – show how our music connects us to something bigger than ourselves. This album celebrates the impact our music has on everyone, no matter their age.

So turn it up and let the music take over! It's going to be an incredible journey that will change you forever.

Brace for IMPACT!



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