Alien Border Concept ...showed up on my desktop...I think it was written in 2009.
An alien trying to understand the border issue:
Alien ~ “What is a border?”
Human Being ~ “It’s a line designating the separation of property.”
Alien ~ “What is the purpose of separating the property?”
Human Being ~ “So that we can designate what is ‘our’ territory. So that people who try to come into our territory are thereby subject to our laws.”
Alien ~ “Whose property is this, The United States of America?”
Human Being ~ “Hmmmm, well the American people own the USA.”
Alien ~ “How did you become an American?”
Human Being ~ “I was born here.”
Alien ~ “You were born on a tiny plot of land and thus you own a massive chunk of an entire continent?”
Human Being ~ “Yeah. But people do move here from other places and become Americans, or I can move to another country and become a citizen, or marry someone from that country in order to become a citizen.”
Alien ~ “Why do you need to designate property in order to separate the human species? If you were born on planet Earth, as all of you humans are, wouldn’t that mean that you own planet Earth, according to your human logic?”
Human Being ~ “Well, it’s all set up by laws. All the humans agreed to separate into countries, states, & cities in order to be around like minded people who agree to the same rules. Our laws here are very different from, let’s say, China.”
Alien ~ “If you agree more with Chinese way of life then you will move to China, yes?”
Human Being ~ “I guess so, but I would still have to go through steps and paperwork in order to actually be a citizen in another country, and they could say ‘no’.”
Alien ~ “So all the people who were born there could say ‘no’ to you because they own China, and they get to decide who lives in their domain?”
Human Being ~ “Well the people don’t have much to do with it really, if moved there and everyone who met me liked me, the laws there could still prevent me from being accepted. They could kick me out.”
Alien ~ “Since the Americans, or the Chinese, are all like minded because of domain then the people are in charge of the laws, correct?”
Human Being ~ “Not always. And it’s different in different cultures. But mostly people really don’t agree when it comes to laws, there’s always two sides.”
Alien ~ “Then why isn’t there two countries of America so that you can abide by like minded folks being in designated areas?”
Human Beings ~ “That would be too hard to do. And in some ways we have done that with having states within the country, yet people who live in the same neighborhood argue about politics and religion and all kinds of issues.”
Alien ~ “What was the point of borders again?”
Human Being ~ …………….blank stare………
Alien ~ “So if your neighbor was fleeing from danger and he needed shelter in your land would you keep him off your land by force because of the uncertainty that he may not be a ‘like minded’ individual?”
Human Being ~ “I’d call the police so that someone else can remove him from my property because I don’t like to use force. But I don’t want people on my property. I don’t want dangerous people on my land.”
Alien ~ “How do you determine who is dangerous and who is like minded?”
Human Being ~ “You have to really get to know someone in order to tell, most of the time.”
Alien ~ “If you were fleeing from danger and ran onto someone else’s property would you be considered dangerous, different minded, and would you be removed by force?”
Human Being ~ “I don’t know. I mean I would hope somebody would realize I’m a good person and would help me. If the police came I would hope they would be coming to my aid and not arresting me for trespassing.”
Alien ~ “Why does it matter if you are a ‘good’ person if the border is based on like mindedness and agreement to laws?”
Human Being ~ “Well, not everyone agrees to every law, but if you’re born here you are forced to follow the law or be punished.”
Alien ~ “I thought if you were born here you are the law maker.”
Human Being ~ “Well the laws were here long before any of us were born, we just create new ones along the way sometimes if it seems to benefit the larger community. That’s how it is supposed to work any way. It seems a lot of laws favor those in power.”
Alien ~ “How can someone have power over someone else if all like minded individuals own the land that they share?”
Human Being ~ “There has to be a perception of law and power, people in power are those with a lot of money and those who have important government positions. It’s the same as the borders, it is for the purpose of designating who owns what, who gets what, and to keep it all in order.”
Alien ~ “What would happen without the perception of power and without the designation of territory and positions?”
Human Being ~ “There would be complete chaos. There would be disorder and fighting and bloodshed.”
Alien ~ “There were societies of human beings here before there were laws, what do you know of these communities?”
Human Being ~ “Well, here, in America, there were native Americans, meaning they were originally born here and didn’t come from other countries. They did have separation of societies by clans and tribes and mostly followed the laws of nature.”
Alien ~ “Was there disorder, fighting, and blood shed?”
Human Being ~ “There was a basic order to things but I’m sure there was blood shed with battles happening between tribes or certain war tribes murdering entire villages.”
Alien ~ “It sounds as if laws did not make a difference, as present day society is much the same for you. If the Native Americans were originally from here then they must be the true owners of the law, why did they change from following nature to oppressing man?”
Human Being ~ “Oh actually, the Europeans came over and designated the Americas as their own, and then established the societies with the laws. The first laws were established by our Founding Fathers.”
Alien ~ “So the American laws are a result of the European war tribe. Now anyone born on this part of the continent is owner of continent but bound by European war tribe law from years prior, with adjustments made by those who continue to make laws by default of being born like minded.”
Human Being ~ “Actually that’s pretty close. And it’s too late now to make any changes, it’s an established system and it’s not likely to go away.”
Alien ~ “We see you as being all one species, sharing one energy field and sharing one planet. We are entertained by your illusions of separation and designations of superiority and power. If an alien nation war tribe reigned down to take over your planet it would not give the slightest consideration to any of your societies and their laws. The alien war tribe would take over the entire world, and the resources would be used and shared among all in order to make the planet flourish in its greatest beauty. Lucky for you that, right now, no one out there in any of the universes is desiring planet Earth enough to infiltrate. However, planet Earth would have faired much better without the illusion of separation; and it is possible that you are right, it may be too late for it to ever flourish to its fullest beauty.”