Osho Times Online Magazine
A lifestyle magazine with a difference. A magazine that is about only one thing: how to be yourself. It includes feature articles, Zen Koans, the Osho Zen Tarot deck, objective art, and much more. Osho Times, awareness articles, meditation questions, Zen Tarot, vegetarian food, enlightened art, relaxed awareness
Online Magazine
A magazine from a meditators' perspectiv
e, exploring the essential questions of how to fulfil our potential. How to live a life of love and laughter? You have already read so much advice about changing yourself to suit this fashion or that fashion. How to become this, or how to become that. But where can you learn how just to be. And the original source of all tension is becoming. One is always trying to be something; no one is at ease with himself as he is. The being is not accepted, the being is denied, and something else is taken as an ideal to become. So the basic tension is always between that which you are and that which you long to become. With interviews, articles, features, an Art Gallery, insights, Haikus, your questions answered… and much more. All from the radical perspective that what is most fulfilling in life is to be oneself.