PS Entertainment (P) LTD is a shortfilm production and distribution house established to make our dreams come true by providing a platform for budding writers & directors to recreate their stories and ideas mixed with wholesome entertainment and have an universal appeal. ABOUT US
PS Entertainment (P) Ltd was born to passionate guys towards their dream of pursuing the art of filmmaking. Our goal
is to make successful movies that offer wholesome entertainment.We help achieve the vision of Directors and story Writers to create their ideas by facilitating an ideal platform and transform them in the form of visual feast to entertain our audience. PS is a team of artists, who believe cinema is a form of "art" and it has a purpose for its existence. We do believe that art becomes alive only when it explores the roots of life and ultimately it should simplify the complexities of life. FOR “PS Entertainments” film making is not only a form of “art”,we keep our lifes in making & executing the shortfilms.
“Fame isn’t that great,unless your pursuing an art.Learn from yesterday,live for today,Hope for tomorrow.The most important thing is not to stop, showing your creativity & talent.I learnt this from my “Team”, My Best Friends’ & from my “Love”.(Pradeep swaroop)
To provide entertainment to our audience & make them experience them the real quality of Shortfilms.