Generally not one to Share Advertising, promotions or other spam...
BUT this hidden gem found its way into my spam folder and it's a SENSATIONAL offer.
IF you are already am amazon prime member , OR you tale advantage of Amazon's 30 day free prime for new customers...
Untill the end of July , your eligible for 1 year FREE subscription to Door Dash's Membership the DASH PASS. ( Reg 9.99 per mth - 120$ savings right there)
ON TOP OF THÀT. Your doordash account will be credited with THREE 50% off the next three orders placed within that year.
Just for already being a prime member
Here's the link to get the deal
https://www.amazon.ca/prime/offer/doordash/prime-deal?ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=94435bf8-be5a-4120-8948-8b78ca2b59a8 #:~:text=Offer%20will%20be%20terminated%20if,more%2C%20excluding%20taxes%20and%20fees.